I bought a laptop at Officeworks one week ago. It was in the black Friday early access list. Now the price reduces by $100. What can I do?
Laptop Price Drop at Officeworks after I Bought

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Or something
JB has a 14 day price guarantee (If the price drops within 14 days for are refunded the difference) so maybe Officeworks has something similar.
Have you reached out to them and asked?I will check with them today. Thanks for your information.
Don't think officeworks offers this but worth a try.
I have just called them. I actually lost my receipts but they found it in the system and sent it to my email. They have 30 days price guarantee and will refund me the difference. @Mattycee thanks heaps
Great result. They don't seem to promote that on their website.
@MS Paint: Former Officeworks employee there is no 30 day price guarantee but if customer ask about refunding the price difference then employees just use the 30 day standard change of mind policy to return the item and resell at the lower price which refunds the difference.
@AgentXKnight: Do they price match amazon? Website indicates they do, but I don't want to ask unless im sure. Thanks.
@Some Human: For Amazon price matching if it sold from Amazon Au and is same product and in stock Officeworks generally price matches it. Also when I worked their years ago specifically had a button on the point of sales screen to click on for most common stores they price match.
The only problem with price matching Amazon is third party sellers some store employees and manager refused to match due to some third party seller not selling same the products ie Amazon US having US version with US power adapters or I believe some issues on Amazon with counterfeit sd cards and other issues with dodgy third party sellers with lack of business details.
Did your method of Payment offer Price Protection?
I bought it in-store by gift cards and some from cash
I like the way SuperCheapAuto does their price drop protection. :+)
It’s a win win for sure. Keeps customer happy and ensures ongoing business.
be bothered
Man some of the posters around here will go to crazy lengths for $10 let alone $100
What would you do if you bought it a week ago and it went up in price by $100?
There is no 30 day price guarantee but if customer ask about refunding the price difference then employees just use the 30 day standard change of mind policy to return the item and resell at the higher price which pay backs the difference.
Even If i have opened my iPhone already?
Hi - just a word of warning when buying from Officeworks. I bought a MacBook Pro less than 2 weeks ago for $2399. They don’t have price guarantee but do allow change of mind returns. HOWEVER, their change of mind does not allow you to even open their box (which Apple and JB Hifi do). So even though I was happy to just get a refund of the difference instead of going through the trouble of return/repurchase, it is not an option for Officeworks. Bottom line - price match and get it at JB or Apple (if within 10% of rrp). Didn’t realise such a big difference in return policies. Hope this helps - will not be making any of the bigger/electronic purchases from OW.
yes they do have such condition. and now i stuck with my macbook air with 300 price difference. the 1300 phone lady says. once opened box, up to the store manager to do the refund and repurchase.
Any one pls be aware !!