Seem cheap for online store like GOG, not from those Game KEY store
Sorry wrong price saw the USD price.
$44.97 on Steam
Seem cheap for online store like GOG, not from those Game KEY store
Sorry wrong price saw the USD price.
$44.97 on Steam
Can confirm, is 44.99
Sorry saw the wrong price
not a deal, it is $44.99 at gog same as elsewhere currently.
epic games has a 33% further discount, and 10% epic rewards credited for future purchase.
Is phantom liberty worth it?
Alot of reviews saying its better than base game. Im waiting for it to get down to $30 (expansion) and purchase then.
For dlcs like this, is it the longer you w8 the cheaper it gets or generally more like a U shape trend?
Good price there (after discount). I would buy it on GOG for that price, but not on Epic. (because DRM-free option)
It's DRM free on Epic (and Steam) too, you're not required to use the launcher once downloaded.
Use a VPN on GOG and purchase in different region, think Ukraine? Was quite good.
I could be mistaken by the region but it is def cheaper this way. Turkey is not cheap on gog.
paid $33 at launch for it this way
Same, though i didn't play it for a while, it was worth it later on.
Yep just did this - paid $22 for the expansion
Ultimate edition releases on 5th of December. Includes the DLC expansion Phantom Liberty which is very good.
$56.27 for the Cyberpunk + Phantom Liberty Bundle(
is it going to be less than this price I wonder?
I would hold off until the Ultimate edition release (base game + expansion)
$56.27 for the Cyberpunk + Phantom Liberty Bundle(
is it going to be less than this price do you know?
$44.97 on Steam
What's the cheapest price on standalone expansion Phantom Liberty?
I think you forgot to set AU$ at GOG, $ 28.94 must be US$