This was posted 1 year 3 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

YouTube Premium Monthly: Single PKR Rs479(~A$2.54), Family PKR Rs899(~A$4.77) + More @ YouTube Pakistan (VPN Required)


Credit to @I Smell Pennies for his comprehensive/ detailed instructions (which I have borrowed for this deal)

OzBargain YouTube Premium Status Summary ( Credit to Kyou mo Kawaii )

  • Subscribing to India, Turkey, Argentina will require a payment method from the corresponding country. (i.e. You need a credit card from India to sign up for the Indian Premium price). If you are pay these prices then wear your OzBargain badge with pride.
  • Countries like Ukraine, Pakistan, Egypt, Phillipines still work with an overseas payment method, but you will need an VPN to register for it.
  • From what I've heard from others, you pay more if you sign up via Apple. (No surprises there)
  • The cheapest individial YouTube Premium with the least hassle to sign up for is most likely Pakistan (PKR479/month ≈ A$2.63). I have tested this myself 2 weeks ago.
  • They will probably keep patching more countries later on until this loophole is gone, so enjoy whilst you can.

Available Plans via Pakistan:

For price references, Youtube Premium via Australia is $10.49/mth for student plans, $16.99/mth for individual plans & $32.99/mth for family plans

You can subscribe to a monthly plan.

Plan Monthly Cost
Individual PKR Rs479 or AU$2.54
Family PKR Rs899 or AU$4.77
Student PKR Rs329 or AU$1.75

Note: If you're signing up for a family plan, best to add your Australia family members / accounts into a family group before signing up. To add family members:

  1. Connect a VPN to a server in Pakistan (Free Urban VPN works both on PC/ Mobile)

  2. Go to and if it shows currency in Pakistan Rupees, continue choosing your membership.

  3. Enter your Pakistan address (get a fake one here and proceed to pay by credit card (it will redirect you to a secure payment vendor gateway (because our bank is in Australia), which will add several cents to your Youtube Premium cost). If the payment declines, just continue to press "buy" and it will eventually redirect you to the secure payment vendor gateway. (Revolut it's recommended)

Instructions (Transferring from a different country)

Note: If you're signing up for a family plan, best to add your Australia family members / accounts into a family group before signing up. To add family members:

  1. Go to and click on your current subscription. Click “manage” then continue to cancel

  2. Once cancelled, the current subscription will continue until the end of the billing period. But you now have an option to resubscribe back to Youtube Premium

  3. Connect a VPN to a server in Pakistan

  4. Go to and if it shows currency in Pakistan Rupees, continue choosing your membership.

  5. Enter your Pakistan address (get a fake one here and proceed to pay by credit card (it will redirect you to a secure payment vendor gateway (because our bank is in Australia), which will add several cents to your Youtube Premium cost). If the payment declines, just continue to press "buy" and it will eventually redirect you to the secure payment vendor gateway.


Q: Will I get banned by Google?
A: There’s always a chance, however only a tiny number of people (<5) have actually gotten suspended by Google (see linked previous post in OP). Proceed at your own risk.

ISP Notes (Thanks to @I Smell Pennies)

Please note the process can be easy for some people, harder for others, or may not work at all.

  • There is no need for aggression in instances where you are unable to subscribe. Share your experience so everyone can chip in and help out. There are plenty of examples where hacks shared on this platform do not work for some people, but may work for others:

    • Modem reset for faster internet,
    • Cash back program purchase tracking,
    • Price matching an unobtainable deal or price error,
    • Targeted bargains, and
    • Limited quantity items quickly or instant (bot) sellout.
  • Similarly we know there are cash back users who follow every single step for cash back (turn off ad blocker, have no items in cart, do not click other links, etc.) on their purchases and it does not work, its probably best to move on.There are many users who successfully use this hack and enjoy paying half the price of the Australian membership. Unfortunately there are also many users who have been unable to sign up. After all it is intended for people who reside in these respective countries. If it does not work, I am not affiliated with any of the entities listed below or linked to and cannot guarantee any outcome. I can only read comments on this platform and others to share them with you. Your patience is appreciated. Please do not take it personally.

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closed Comments

        • Nope, except for the main account everything seems to remain how it was

          • @jrjr: That can't be right, you sure about that?

            • @PR0r: Yes, it wil change to Pakistan. But you can work around it by creating another gmail and set it to your primary location on Play ;)

  • Thanks OP for the updates and info!

    I tried Pakistan for the family plan, but kept getting stuck at the adding a card step with a generic failure error, that I suspect is similar/the same to India blocking foreign cards.

    Swapped Urban to Ukraine, and it instantly worked there.

    OzB FTW.

  • Are they cracking down on YT Argentina Family Plan for new subscribers or existing or both? Because I still use it and I get slugged ARS 699 (which back in Dec 2022 was $6.16 + % 0.18 transaction fee, and is now $3.12 + 0.09 transaction fee).

    I'm using a CBA debit card (I should've used a card with no fees, like Ubank etc, but too late and not worth to change it).

    • I think it is if you card expires and you need to enter a new one… then you run into issues. Or if you are a new subscriber…

  • Wow! This actually works.
    Thank you!

  • Currently have a regular YouTube premium subscription. Am I ok to simply cancel it and sign back up with this?

    • I had a Philippines subscription that wasn't due for another few weeks and cancelled and signed up okay.

      • So you have to wait for it to expire ?

  • Followed but got error code "Correct this card info or try a different card. [OR_MIVEM_02]" Anyone?

    edit: my bad, typo in card's expiration date, all good now. Thanks OP!

  • what bank cards are using for this to work??

  • I can never get this to work.
    Could it be because I'm using express vpn?
    I would hate to go back to no membership YouTube after using premium.

    • Probably yes. I tried many different countries with ExpressVPN and none worked. Ended up using Urban vpn plugin with Firefox and Ukraine with no problems.

      • LEGEND !!!! This worked for me.

  • For those who don't want to associate an address with their payment method you can use Ukraine, when I did it it didn't require an address and cost $4.20~ AUD

  • Thanks, this worked like a charm. I went with the additional instructions of turning off the VPN to save the card.

  • @Daveuser,
    I'll give Urban vpn a try hope it works for me.


  • I have used Ukraine just now for You Tube Music. Cost $3.24 month No address needed and used Revolut for payment. Really easy.

  • +3

    I used Firefox with Urban VPN connected to Pakistan (Free). MOP via Wise, Pakistan address using a PO Box via OP link provided here. Like some others, after entering Cr/Card and Address, I disconnected VPN prior to hitting the submit (not sure if actually req). Worked a treat.

    Thanks OP.

    • Couldn't save the card but disconnecting from the VPN allowed me to save the card and make the purchase! Thanks for the tip!

    • This worked. Thanks mate.

    • I should have noted that Kudo's go to hohoisme for the idea in more detail.

  • I have subscribed to youtube premium through India since 2019 and today I got an email from Google stating that my payment method has failed. My credit card is not expiring for another 2.5 years. So it looks like it is now enforcing people to update the credit card details even before it expires.

    • Same I have been going via India - looks like the new CEO ultimate goal is sucking as much money from people as possible

  • Is there any giftcard we can purchase from India to pay for the subscription?

    • Did you find a local vendor in India for this? I believe Flipkart and Amazon can do this online but looking for a local supermarket or 7/11 type which is easier for older relatives not up on the play.

  • Should we move back to Argentina, I would assume that the exchange rate for the Argentine Peso will increase dramatically?

  • I am getting this error for Pakistan, I have created a new payment profile on google and still getting this error


    • +2

      Did you follow these steps and in particular….the disconnecting VPN before saving Cr/Card part at sign up?

      • Worked like a charm

  • +1

    Thanks OP. My Turkish yearly expired yesterday and the single ad I saw was unbearable and these instructions worked perfectly to renew via Pakistan.

    • haha same for me. after saw the first ads i knew my time was up.

      On to Pakistan now :)

      • +1

        I assume you didn't get the same 'error' as I do?

        I have a renew which still shows TRY

        But the plans below shows PKR :(

  • +1

    Argentina is cheaper but can’t get it to accept my card

    I tried turkey no longer works

    I tried India, which I like for its annual options comes out much cheaper doesn’t work

    Pakistan is the only one that worked.

    • How did you change the location? Or did you create a new account?

      • You don’t need to change location or create a new account, using vpn and we’re youtube automatically changes your location

        • Do you have to wait for your old subscription (different country) to expire?

  • Pakistan was working fine for me before:
    Your payment for YouTube Premium didn't go through. We'll keep trying, but we recommend updating your payment method so you don't lose access to members-only benefits in 3 days.

    • Hope this isn't something just kicked in i.e. Pakistan now being monitored for local payments!. Mine was fine on the 18th and auto payment processed.

  • +2

    Thanks. I just packed up and relocated from Turkey to Pakistan.

  • Anyone being charge CZK

  • just setup
    use Edge browser + UrbanVPN plugin
    switch to Pakistan
    used fake addy, had to get postcode
    used CBA smart cc
    all done in a few mins

  • worked a treat, this how i did, 2-5mins. After my turkey premium ended today.
    1. log in youtube account
    2. On mobile device URBAN VPN + google chrome browser
    3. Switch to pakistan server
    4. go to (if it show currency as PKR Rs479) then subscribe else just keep refreshing
    5. add fake address and card details
    6. DONE

    • Do you have to download the app?

    • Worked perfectly thanks :)

  • Why does the site not work every time I turn Pakistan VPN on?

    Errors out every time I go to

    Works fine when I turn the vpn off?

  • I had success with Ukraine and an ING card through desktop PC / Chrome. Thanks OP.

  • Worked with Ukraine. No address is required.

    Those on Google Families setup. Make sure everyone's address and their payment profile address is the same as the family manager.

  • It's not showing the family membership for me. Only individual and student are shown. What should I do to access family membership option?
    (My current membership (individual) will end mid-Jan)

  • India membership is still working.
    once finished your membership just join again If next month couldn't renew I will go with pakistan

  • Thanks just signed up to Pakistand using firefox, urban VPN and my normal Mastercard. all worked first go. I was previosuly Turkey but they upped the price for me

  • Would this method work with Google One? And does the family member who is subscribing to YouTube premium or Google One have to be the manager?

  • thank you. just subscribed using an existing google account for an individual plan. i wish there were an annual plan in Pakistan just like in Turkey. buy one and forget about it for a year.

    • +1

      Annual plans in the few countries that offer them are only for the first year from what I read. In turn even if we could stay in Turkey would not have been able to renew for another year. Would have had to subscribe to monthly regardless.

  • I've been detailing the potential phase-out of this method here. YouTube Premium no longer shows in app, no background play when phone is locked.

    • Which country are you subscribed to?

      • UAH 149.00/mo for family

        • That’s a currency….not a country :-)

          • @Borg: Ya, but I can't remember the country lol

        • 149 Ukrainian Hryvnia = AU$5.82 :-)

  • Just signed up to this after my Turkey one expired, it worked 1st go :) THANK YOU OP.
    Is there a way to pay in advance or pay for a whole year in advance?

    • +2

      No. Monthly sub only.

  • Does this method work with Google One? If not, where's everyone getting their annual plan from

  • Has anyones youtube reverted pricing due to the payments only being monthly?
    Wondering if we are all going to get banned soon haha

  • Hey guys, has anyone else received this email?

    It looks like there’s a problem with your family group. It may take some time before you can use it again.

    For now, you can no longer access Google products and services that need a family group to work. Learn more

    If your family manager purchased any family subscription, you can keep using it until the next billing cycle starts.

    It's a good idea to ask the family manager about this email. If you want to create or join a new family group, you can leave this family group at any time.

    Leave family group

  • Tried Ukraine with Proton VPN + a Revolut virtual card but couldn't get it to work (kept spamming buy but no joy). Switched to my regular ING Visa Debit and it worked right away.

  • Wow this worked like a breeze! I went with Ukraine, using NordVPN + Firefox! Went for the single sub and i checked my statement, i was charged 0.39AUD! Lets see how it works when its time to renew hahah hopefully it stays the same currency hahah!

  • 2nd month payment for PKR declined with following message. ‘The bank of your payment card has blocked the transaction’. Anyone else have issues?

    • Actually changed card over and it went through fine - maybe HSBC blocking for some reason

  • I completed this yesterday through Ukraine - I had to disable VPN for payment step and then it went through okay.
    Have setup a new google account for this - bit of a pain losing all the history and channels I subscribe too, but no ads will be worth it hopefully.

  • Youtube cancelled my subs now after several months. They hammered me lol.

    Can't justify paying Aus $ pricing.

  • it shows Qatar when I choose Pakistan in Urban VPN

    • Same. Was working before

      edit: Hola comes up as UK

      edit 2: Ok managed to get one. It looks shady as hell and is littered with ads though. Wonder if my card is gonna get skimmed. It's on the play store and it's called "Pakistan VPN - Get Pakistan IP"

      They have 6 servers. 1 for Nepal and 5 for Pakistan. The Pakistani ones are:

      1. PK03.GIAMPING.COM
      2. PK04.GIAMPING.COM
      3. PK02.GIAMPING.COM
      4. PK01.GIAMPING.COM
      5. VPN670500089.OPENGW.NET:995

      I used the first two but the currency came up as AED. The third one (PK02) worked for me.

      But warning - the app really feels shady and you need to view ads, sometimes of 30 seconds long (some can be skipped after 5 secs) before the app gives you the "reward" of getting access to your Pakistan server. Uninstalled the app as soon as I was done!

      Note that unlike UrbanVPN, it did not require me to turn off the VPN after entering card details due to some kind of error that people mentioned.

      And I got a Pakistan Address by googling Pakistan Address Generator.

  • I just tried PKR on the urban VPN but keeps showing QAR in the payments. Seems like the server locates in Qatar rather than Pakistan. And tried Philippines but the country can not be verified by Youtube. Finally worked with Ukraine. Around $4/month. Much better than AU membership fee though. Thanks a lot for this sharing.

  • Is there a chart/spreadsheet/Google sheet for the latest YT prices around the world?

  • When I choose the family plan, it then gets stuck. The page remains in semi-dark state and doesn't continue! Any similar experience?! Happens with both Pakistan and Ukraine VPN severs.

    • Update: used Firefox and it solved the issue.

  • Question: as we subscribe for monthly plan (familiy or individual), for the next month billing, do we need to do anything? or just let the recurring billing occur each month? Just want to make sure there is no issue and Youtube won't charge me in AUD next month!

    • +1

      Nothing needs doing. It will carry on billing with the same currency that you paid your first month in.

  • even disconnect vpn before clicking the save card button doesn't work for me on pc.
    So I tried phone browser + urban vpn app, this works fine

    • Pakistan worked for me - but used Urban VPN app + YT App

      • How do you connect to Pakistan, it not in my urban vpn list

  • Thanks OP! Worked for me this morning after my annual Turkish premium lapsed.

  • Ukraine seems like the best way to go once my turkey deal ended. Couldnt get through the verify country part with turkey prices and pakistan pricing.
    All good with UAH which works out to be $4 a month. Sure beats $12 a month.

  • This still works, thanks!

    • Yes as this OP is "Long Running" and not expired. :-)

    • +1

      But apparently you're associated… We should all be scared, shouldn't we?

      I didn't do it. I swear. It was him!

  • On the family plan it keeps saying you're not in the same country as the person who invited you. What does that mean and how do you change it?

  • I got the message "We couldn't verify your country. Please visit the Help Centre for more information"

    Use a few different VPN still got the same message. Anyone has a fix for it?

    • Same here. Not sure if the "associated" guy has reported the loophole. Hopefully there's still a cheap way to get premium.

      • Guess we're too late for the party. I managed to get through to payment page with VPN to Ukraine though. Not as cheap as the deal here but surely better than Australia price.

        As per reddit, google has blocked the virtual IP a
        ddress from many VPN providers, that probably why the error.

  • I had a nightmare of a time trying to get this to work. I was transferring country and tried different countries, different cards, different browsers but no luck. Then found a comment on Reddit suggesting to not pay through web but only add payment then use the app to subscribe. So these are the steps that finally worked for me:
    1. Urban vpn + Firefox connecting to Ukraine
    2. Go to YouTube on web browser (PC) and subscribe
    3. If you get transaction declined that's fine, it would have created your payment profile with the card you used.
    4. Go to and you will see the card. Edit it to add a fake Ukraine address.
    5. Make sure you have urban vpn on the phone connected to Ukraine. Go to YouTube app (android) and subscribe.

    Note: you might already have a payment profile with google. I'd delete /close it first just to be sure before attempting. You can do this in the settings page on the portal

    Good luck!

    • Just to clarify, when you say "finally worked", this is nothing to do with getting YouTube Pakistan to work right? It looks like you're talking about YouTube Ukraine.

      • Yes it finally worked with Ukraine but previous attempts with Ukraine and Pakistan failed.

    • Mate! you're a legend. This still works. I tried multiple times on the iphone with no luck, used the android and worked first time.

  • Barely managed by going incognito Firefox with Urban Pakistan. Loaded forever but only one that worked

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