This was posted 1 year 3 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

YouTube Premium Monthly: Single PKR Rs479(~A$2.54), Family PKR Rs899(~A$4.77) + More @ YouTube Pakistan (VPN Required)


Credit to @I Smell Pennies for his comprehensive/ detailed instructions (which I have borrowed for this deal)

OzBargain YouTube Premium Status Summary ( Credit to Kyou mo Kawaii )

  • Subscribing to India, Turkey, Argentina will require a payment method from the corresponding country. (i.e. You need a credit card from India to sign up for the Indian Premium price). If you are pay these prices then wear your OzBargain badge with pride.
  • Countries like Ukraine, Pakistan, Egypt, Phillipines still work with an overseas payment method, but you will need an VPN to register for it.
  • From what I've heard from others, you pay more if you sign up via Apple. (No surprises there)
  • The cheapest individial YouTube Premium with the least hassle to sign up for is most likely Pakistan (PKR479/month ≈ A$2.63). I have tested this myself 2 weeks ago.
  • They will probably keep patching more countries later on until this loophole is gone, so enjoy whilst you can.

Available Plans via Pakistan:

For price references, Youtube Premium via Australia is $10.49/mth for student plans, $16.99/mth for individual plans & $32.99/mth for family plans

You can subscribe to a monthly plan.

Plan Monthly Cost
Individual PKR Rs479 or AU$2.54
Family PKR Rs899 or AU$4.77
Student PKR Rs329 or AU$1.75

Note: If you're signing up for a family plan, best to add your Australia family members / accounts into a family group before signing up. To add family members:

  1. Connect a VPN to a server in Pakistan (Free Urban VPN works both on PC/ Mobile)

  2. Go to and if it shows currency in Pakistan Rupees, continue choosing your membership.

  3. Enter your Pakistan address (get a fake one here and proceed to pay by credit card (it will redirect you to a secure payment vendor gateway (because our bank is in Australia), which will add several cents to your Youtube Premium cost). If the payment declines, just continue to press "buy" and it will eventually redirect you to the secure payment vendor gateway. (Revolut it's recommended)

Instructions (Transferring from a different country)

Note: If you're signing up for a family plan, best to add your Australia family members / accounts into a family group before signing up. To add family members:

  1. Go to and click on your current subscription. Click “manage” then continue to cancel

  2. Once cancelled, the current subscription will continue until the end of the billing period. But you now have an option to resubscribe back to Youtube Premium

  3. Connect a VPN to a server in Pakistan

  4. Go to and if it shows currency in Pakistan Rupees, continue choosing your membership.

  5. Enter your Pakistan address (get a fake one here and proceed to pay by credit card (it will redirect you to a secure payment vendor gateway (because our bank is in Australia), which will add several cents to your Youtube Premium cost). If the payment declines, just continue to press "buy" and it will eventually redirect you to the secure payment vendor gateway.


Q: Will I get banned by Google?
A: There’s always a chance, however only a tiny number of people (<5) have actually gotten suspended by Google (see linked previous post in OP). Proceed at your own risk.

ISP Notes (Thanks to @I Smell Pennies)

Please note the process can be easy for some people, harder for others, or may not work at all.

  • There is no need for aggression in instances where you are unable to subscribe. Share your experience so everyone can chip in and help out. There are plenty of examples where hacks shared on this platform do not work for some people, but may work for others:

    • Modem reset for faster internet,
    • Cash back program purchase tracking,
    • Price matching an unobtainable deal or price error,
    • Targeted bargains, and
    • Limited quantity items quickly or instant (bot) sellout.
  • Similarly we know there are cash back users who follow every single step for cash back (turn off ad blocker, have no items in cart, do not click other links, etc.) on their purchases and it does not work, its probably best to move on.There are many users who successfully use this hack and enjoy paying half the price of the Australian membership. Unfortunately there are also many users who have been unable to sign up. After all it is intended for people who reside in these respective countries. If it does not work, I am not affiliated with any of the entities listed below or linked to and cannot guarantee any outcome. I can only read comments on this platform and others to share them with you. Your patience is appreciated. Please do not take it personally.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Turkey is still cheapeest?

    I got charged $1.60 the other day

    • +2

      They are cracking up for Turkey plans, hence the previous popular deal it's expired.

      • +31

        When you mean cracking up, do you mean cracking down?

        • +2


        • +79

          It always cracks me down when people get common sayings wrong

          • +1

            @KelpRunner: They are not necessarily common sayings if English is not your first language. Just keep that in mind.

            • +10

              @Save 50 Cent: Well that was a Debbie downer.

              • +4

                @Daabido: Thanks.. googled and learnt a new saying which I can’t wait to use 😃

              • @Daabido: Debbie upper no?!

            • @Save 50 Cent: They are still common sayings, you just might not be familiar with them if English is your second language.

        • cracking up the prices!

      • +3

        As in they are closing peoples accounts??

      • Lucky got a year plan until October next year. See if they cancel it before or lucky. Probably change a few times until then.

      • +3

        They are cracking up for Turkey plans

        What's so funny about us getting the cheapest prices? :P

      • I'm about to be charged again. Are prices going up or are subs being cancelled?

        • They already got a Price increase since 1st of November and I have read somewhere (Sorry I can't remember where) that are cracking down on subscriptions that are not made with local card. If someone still has Oldubil card or other Turkish card they should be fine.

          • @Scrooge McDeal: Ah I just double checked my emails. My individual sub is going up to 57.99 TRY / month ≈ $3.07. It doesn't take affect until December. I'll keep an eye on the fluctuating currencies.

            • @sween64: I had also received a similar email. Took no action and today my premium services have been disabled. Been trying to review the payment option but it keeps saying that "Youtube premium is not available in your country". I had created an account for Turkey. Any pointers what to do now?

              • @Rocky007: Move to Pakistan as without a physical Turkey Cr/Card there is no known method. Being there, tried to renew without success.

                • @Borg: Would you pls be kind enough to guide me? How to move to Pak? Can I use my existing account or will have to create a new one?

                  • @Rocky007: Just read the OP as that is what this thread is about.
                    OR follow these Suggested Steps. You can grab fake address as per OP noted Here

              • @Rocky007: My account is still showing that I will be charged TRY 57.99/mo and is due on the 23rd.

      • I might switch to family membership if it stays at the same price

    • Will be increased to $2.7 I reckon

    • I'm still on A$3.66 in indian rupees for family

      • How did you get spotify family in India ? I’m getting stuck at the payment page

    • +2

      The Argentine Peso has dropped a heap in the last week. My sub last month was around $6 AUD, just dropped under $3 AUD.

  • -3

    why does the end of your copy/pasted post talk about cash back ?
    At least proof read the copy/paste material before posting :)

    • +3

      It's an example that ISP gave of to why some deals work for some and not for others.

  • It shows US 7.19/month.. I am using Surfshark VPN. even Turkey, India and Argentina are still same. show US dollars. Anyone knows how to fix this?

    • +1

      Use Firefox browser and Urban VPN. That should work. Also make sure to clear any cookies you have on your browser.

      • Thanks - that worked when my previous attempts didn't.

    • I'm having the same issue :(

    • Check your VPN, if you pick pakistan after a while it switches to a different country (for me it was switching to Singapore)

    • Are you using a desktop or mobile device to sign up?

  • +1

    Youtube has ads?

    • +2


    • More ads are coming to push for premium

  • +12

    Looks like I will be trading in my Ukrainian passport for a Pakistani one

  • I am using Macquarie Bank debit card for YouTube India without any issues.

    • Do you get Bollywood music recommendations?

    • Same, praying they don't close this….

    • I am using Citi bank visa debit and woks great without any extra chargers.

      • Citi bank will be changed to NAB. I am assuming card won't work then. That's why I changed to Macquarie. Tried HSBC but didn't work. Kept failing every month

  • +4

    Are they actually canceling people's turkish subscriptions ? I'm on Premium Individual turkish subscription and FEAR FOR MY LIFE

    • Yep! I got done

      • Was it an email you got? what did they say?

        • +5

          Constant emails and notifications saying my payment method was wrong or something along those lines. I couldn't see an issue as the card I used had money still. Now I realised I think it's their way of cracking down. Not banned or anything I just lost premium.

    • you will receive an email and a warning that your payment method is not working anymore and you need to update it. always ignore it and they will give up and take the payment and go ahead.

      i've been on it for 3 years now, and they even got tired of sending me the email, so they are taking the money silently and i still have my premium for the whole family :)


  • +6

    Let’s GOOOOOO 🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰

  • +7

    $17 and $32 per month really is outrageous. It doesn’t deliver anywhere near that kind of value for me.

    • -2

      $32/6 = $5 and change - It's great value to me and my family compared to any of the streaming platforms (netflix, stan, disney etc) + don't need to keep Spotify premium

      • +5

        YouTube music is rubbish though; it’s okay for streaming the occasional dj mix or live set without ads but its library and discovery features are terrible. If they’d maintained Play Music’s featureset it’d be much better.

        As it is I maintain a separate Apple Music subscription so thirty bucks is a huge ask.

  • +2
    • i

    • Pakistan Government Army would prefer you watch thisone

  • +2

    I'm still chugging along with a AU$3.47 India family plan using an ING card.

    • -2

      Do you want it gone? Cause shouting it from rooftops of ozbargain will do that. Look at Turki

    • +1

      Same here :)

    • How did you get past the payment method ??some kind of virtual credit card?

  • +3

    Urban VPN + Firefox + Revolut virtual card worked for me a few weeks ago. Chrome didn't.

  • +4

    If your focus is just to get rid of ads then use Youtube Revenced Extended for Android Phone and StartTube for Android TV/Firestick. No idea about iphone or other devices. Google for more info.

  • Is there an annual plan?

  • +1

    Thanks OP! I signed up to Ukraine last month without realising Pakistan was cheaper.

    I cancelled Ukraine and will migrate to Pakistan next month when my current subscription expires.

  • +13

    for those getting OR_CCREU_06. you can do a work around by:

    turning vpn on>go to youtube premium site> enter card details page but DON'T 'save card'> disconnect vpn> now save card

    (found the fix on another post, but no idea if commenter is the OP of the fix so Idk if i should credit)

    • Thank You!

    • What a legend!

    • This did the trick! Absolute legend!!

    • When adding the card one has to select country from Dropdown. I selected Turkey. Not sure if it is meant to be there or Australia. It failed for me. What did you guys choose?

    • thanks mate, worked great and thanks for added the error code.

    • Thanks bro, you're a genius!

  • +5


  • +2

    On this blessed day, we are all Pakistani.

    • +7

      You must be fun at the parties.

      • -6

        Nah i'm a realist. I won't do any thing these days which risks my important accounts. I already lost an account in the past due to a stupid mistake because it was flagged as potential fraud.

        • Don’t use important accounts for these shenanigans. Simple!

    • -6

      let me guess : you're a guy but you sit down to urinate, don't you?

      • +1

        This is why you're unemployed

        Have you tried developing yourself

      • -1

        So the 50% of German men who always sit down to pee plus 20% who mostly do are wrong?

  • Hi all, noob question does this include YouTube music? Because that’s all I really want

  • will an Indian credit card work to pay for this subscription?

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