• expired

5G Home Internet 6 Month Promo: 50Mbps $55/Month, 100Mbps $60/Month @ Vodafone | 50Mbps $50/Month, 100Mbps $55/Month @ TPG


Kinda an obligatory post again ! given the recent price hikes coming for NBN, These plans definately gonna be very helpful to counter the expensive (and may be crappy service too on NBN). Discounts not as massive as last years probably due to price hikes in internet etc. Vodafone is cheaper if you only looking to stay for 6 months or have already a post paid service with vodafone. TPG might be cheaper if looking to stay for longer term. Both services use same vodafone/tpg network, so check your local area speeds before connection to see your average expected speeds and not be disappointed by speeds after connection)

1st month Free on both vodafone and TPG 5G home internet. All options listed have UNLIMITED DATA INTERNET.
In both cases a modem return fee of $17/month for (36 - no. of connected months) apply, However it is waived, if you return your modem within 30 days of plan cancellation. Pretty sure both will supply you with Sagemcom F@ST 5866T 5G Modem (which will be yours free as well after staying connected on same plan for 3 years)


50Mbps (download speeds) - $55 per month for 6 months (then after 6 months it would be $65/month)
100Mbps (download speeds) - $60 per month for 6 months (then after 6 months it would be $70/month)
PLUS Cashback offers - (i might be wrong but i think you might need to stay connected for 90 days to get cashback, IDK their terms are not so easy to understand)
$45 Topcashback | $30 Cashrewards | $27 Shopback
Overall 6 month cost (assuming you return modem after 6 months)
50Mbps- $275 (- the cashback you get between $27-$45) 100 Mbps plan- $300 ( - the cashback you get between $27-$45)
Modem returning might be easier with Vodafone as can be retured in store directly.
Discount ends - 28 November 2023


Apply coupon code 5GBF10 at the checkout to get the reduced pricing
50Mbps (download speeds) - $49.99 per month for 6 months (then after 6 months it would be $59.99/month)
100Mbps (download speeds) - $54.99 per month for 6 months (then after 6 months it would be $64.99/month)
NO Cashback offers
Overall 6 month cost (assuming you return modem after 6 months)
50Mbps- $249.95 | 100 Mbps plan- $274.95 ( or $41.66/month | $45.83/month for 6 months given 1st month was free)
Discount ends - 5 December 2023

Techy types should be aware that 5G Home Broadband uses CG-NAT. Carrier-grade NAT (Network Address Translation) is a type of network that assigns services with a private IP address, instead of a dynamic public IP address. Our network will then translate that private address into a public address. This means that the following items (which depend on internal NAT) will not work on 5G Home Broadband:

  • Port forwarding
  • Hosting web, email or file servers internally
  • Smart Home systems (e.g. accessing security camera footage remotely, home automation and printers)
  • Remote Access (i.e. accessing your home computer or devices from another location)

Carrier-Grade NAT can give you a strict NAT with some online games.

Referral Links

Referral: random (7)

Referrer gets $100, up to $1000 a month.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2023

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closed Comments

  • +3

    I got 8 people in the house using 5G TPG 100Mbps. Happy with the performance, 1080p streaming and gaming with no issues

    • How’s the ping with gaming? Also how’s the packet loss?

      • +1

        expect between 20 - 45 ms (may be around on higher end). Only way you can know your pings is by doing a speed/network test yourself in your area (get a prepaid vodafone/Kogan 5G sim or IDK may be even TPG sells it too ?? )

        like may be $10 max for 1 month on special easily.

        Otherwise ofcourse you can just return modem and close account within 1st month too (as 1st month is free)

        • I signed up last week and recieved the Sagemcom modem. Speeds are great however ping has consistently been 20-50ms sometimes above 80ms on the odd test.
          NBN was 13-20ms.
          In real world usage I havent noticed much of a difference however im not a professional gamer.
          From reading online anything under 50ms is considered good anyone else know if this is the case?

          • @Bargainated: From my experience with cellular (though it’s 4G, not 5G) is that I can get decent ping (under 50ms) however I get a lot of packet loss which causes that feeling of teleportation in a game. One moment you’re here the next you’re elsewhere slightly. Not ideal for FPS (first person shooter) games. Other types of games might be more forgiving with packet losses.

            In terms of latency, 50ms isn’t bad but also depends on the type of game. Ideally you would want like 10ms for FPS games but I’d personally be comfortable between 10-50ms.

      • I wouldn't be using 5G on any of the 3 of networks for gaming, I find the latency on all terrible, compared with a fixed wire service, which is to be expected.
        Given you can get NBN plans for $6 to $10 a month more for the same speeds on the NBN, I don't see the point if you are doing this purely to save money as the savings are minimal for a lower-performing service.
        If you aren't a gamer, however, then this might make sense :)

  • Vodafone you can walk out with a modem and then take your modem back in store and they'll sort it all out in a few minutes. Definitely worth it over having to get it shipped and shipping it back.

    • if only staying for 6 months then ofcourse Vodafone should be a no brainer over TPG (due to cashbacks).
      I personally have not returned mine as I am still on old old 2021 Vodafone Plan (and on old Nokia Fastmile modem), Havent needed to change or look back (so I couldnt share my experience on returning modem)

  • They are currently out of stock of 5g units. I ordered mine 2 weeks ago.

    • Didnt know that thanks for informing, will likely mean some delay in getting modem (and the internet connected).

      Also if you ordered 2 weeks ago at not BF sale price, then ask them to cancel order and reorder at this new promo price (unless they can mannually apply this one)

    • Nokia or Sagemcom?

      • They only send sagecom now, pretty sure since like 2022 I think ??

        No more nokia by them.

        • Whats the difference between the two? I signed up to TPG last week and recieved the Sagemcom no issues except higher ping compared to nbn.

          • @Bargainated: Nokia one they used to sell had no wifi 6, 4 gigabit ethernet port

            Sagecom has wifi 6 and 3 ethernet ports ( 1 x 2.5G ethernet then two gigabit Ethernet)

            And the manufacturer is different that's about all i think differences for low techies like me

            • @USER DC: Ahh ok thanks. Sagemcom probably the better bet with Wifi 6 I suppose. For what its worth, I did read that Sagemcom is a French company but made in China.

              • @Bargainated:

                read that Sagemcom is a French company but made in China.

                And Nokia is a Finnish company but made in China lol.

                • @pennypincher98: Apple is an American company but made in China (and India now), but isn't everything? Keeps costs down, such is life :)

  • -1

    So this is wireless? I am with TPG home internet at the moment

    • Wireless as in you dont need to place it near your Home NBN port. (it can be placed anywhere in house, you still need wires to power it on)
      But best to look for a best spot near window in home for best downloads and uploads speeds, and keep modem there.

      I am with TPG home internet

      ??? you mean TPG NBN or TPG 5G ?

    • Runs off the mobile network and has WiFi to connect to the devices in your home, and connects to your home power supply.

  • -1

    I'm with TPG NBN and have been with them for years. Trialled 5g about 10 months ago, was told I was ideally located with so many towers in short line of sight.

    I had terrible results so spent hours with helpdesk and call backs from engineers that never came. 2 days later I sent the modem back. It was a horrible experience.

    • Hence why I said may wanna test your local area speed on vodafone/tpg network beforehand. (cheapest would be like vodafone prepaid or kogan 5G I think)

    • I had the same issue, ended up leaving them because if it. I was having multiple dropouts all day. They ended up charging me for both the 5G and NBN connection one month. Trying to get the issue sorted out and explain what was happening was an absolute nightmare as they must run it as 2 seperate centres.

    • They don't send technicians to your house for 5G coverage issues with your modem, no network does, that's odd.

  • Was getting 4G speeds of over 400Mb/s 4 years ago, dunno why 5G was implemented to be throttled to 50 or 100Mb/s. 100Mb/s was HFC speed 15 years ago. And it was stable! Awesome progress!

    • 4G and 5G speeds are shared across all users connected to each cell, if they don't restrict the speeds for unlimited data plans, then speeds can come to a grinding halt during peak hours for mobile and 4G/5G home internet services.
      Hence why Telstra don't shape the speed on their home 5G, BUT they do limit it to 1TB per month of data at full speed.
      I get your point, however :)

  • I am waiting for a Black Friday deal like last year ie half price for 6 months. I wonder if they will repeat 🤔

    • This is indeed Black friday sale, if they were to drop any further they'd have already done so (in past they always start deal early on like Monday or something and then end on Friday) FOR VODAFONE

      TPG I am not too sure I have not followed them much (but probably same i think or may be just have a longer expiry date)

  • What's the deal with moving?
    Does it fallback to 4g/3g(is that still even a thing)?
    I'm working on a truck to camper van conversion that's in a fixed 5g coverage spot (Syd) for the next few months, but will then def be moving, whether to a new fixed spot or on the road I'm not sure yet (not a matter of IF hit the road, but when).

  • Very happy with TPG.

  • +1

    It's show as NOT available for me, neighbours within 50m of me IS, but the place 1 door closer to me not available NOT #facepalm. (Inner West Sydney, next to Enmore).

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