- Glyph Interface
- Nothing OS 2.0
- 50 MP Dual Camera
- 6.7” LTPO AMOLED Display
- 4700 mAh Battery
- Water Resistant
- 5G Unlocked Android Smartphone
Nothing more to say!
Nothing more to say!
Handing over you apple account to some random. What could possibly go wrong with that?
Not exactly a random.
what do y know about the company other than their promo material?
Worse is handing over to Apple which tracks everything & must comply with the Patriot Act & pass info to so many US agencies (FBI, CIA….)
If you think none of the companies you’re using are handing over your stuff to gov agencies when asked, you’re kidding yourself.
What don't you want the CIA to know?
this is genius, can't hack it if its not even protected :smart:
Professor Messer: and to protect your data from arainbow table crack, they store your detail in plain text. No hash, no rainbow table crack. Hackers hate it when you use this one simple trick.
Yes. They can't. WhatsApp and Signal use the Signal protocol which is open source and has been audited multiple times. I don't trust Telegram as their encryption algorithm was proprietary last I checked.
Imagine thinking Meta/FB is a trustworthy organisation, lol.
Have you ever read WhatsApp's privacy policy, especially the infamous privacy policy change circa February 2021?
Do you know that the EU fined Meta $6 million USD in 2023 for GDPR breaches relating to metadata collection?
WhatsApp in particular collects far more user data than any other messaging app on the market:
@Miami Mall Alien: I don't trust Meta/WhatsApp. Doesn't mean that the messages aren't encrypted. And there is a difference between message content and metadata. If you value your privacy, the only trustworthy messaging app is Signal.
@immortanwayne: If it's free… something something product something.
The intent is clearly there to spy on users, as has been shown time and time again by a steady scope creep in data collection and Meta's entire corporate history, and the motive is provided by what I mentioned below, "national security" agreements with the intelligence community that Silicon Valley is gagged from disclosing to the public and threatened with legal ruination if they fail to comply.
Ever heard of Edward Snowden or the NSA's Tailored Access Operations?
If they can penetrate air-gapped networks and use 4 previously-unheard of zero-day exploits for something like Stuxnet, then we have no idea what kind of aces they've got up their sleeve to break encryption cyphers or penetrate any supposedly "secure" platform.
Arguing that smartphones and their OSes have any privacy to begin with is asinine anyway, since they're built from the ground-up to be 24/7 surveillance devices.
@Miami Mall Alien: What do you suggest then? That we forsake all technology and go live in the jungle? I never claimed that our phones are completely secure or that the government isn't spying on us 24/7. I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I'm simply countering your assertion that Signal can read whatever messages you send, which is not true. Their encryption algorithm is open-source and is being continuously audited for weaknesses. Also, the Signal Foundation is a non-profit.
I have better things to do than argue with you here about government surveillance.
What do you suggest then? That we forsake all technology and go live in the jungle?
I never said I was offering some magical solution to the problem of secure communication here, lol.
I'm just trying to counter this baseless misconception that A) for-profit corporations give a sh*t about users' privacy and B) even so-called "secure" messaging apps aren't that secure at all.
If you want to have a decent chance at exchanging secure communication over public IP networks, use what terrorists and cybercriminals use on the Dark Web, encrypted IRC over a VPN with self-hosted servers.
Their encryption algorithm is open-source and is being continuously audited for weaknesses.
In a vacuum, that would mean something.
In world where the Signal protocol's development is being heavily guided by Google, Microsoft and Meta/FB, who are its biggest users and therefore stakeholders, it means little as these corporations have an inherently anti-privacy/pro-surveillance philosophy that dates back to their founding and they have an intrinsic need to have as much control as possible over the protocols/technologies they're using for their own purposes as well as to please their alphabet overlords.
@Miami Mall Alien: The "if it's free you're the product" is not always true. There are fantastic, incredibly powerful FOSS products around. Linux, Blender, etc.
@BargainBogan99: Threema's protocol is closed source/proprietary.
While it's probably better than most free messaging apps, they're headquartered in Switzerland so they're not immune from having to comply with the warrantless SIGINT dragnet that pervades most EU member states.
Also, 7 major vulnerabilities/exploits were discovered in Threema in January of this year. Though now fixed, it still highlights that Threema is no more or less secure against compromise just by virtue of being paid software.
they're headquartered in Switzerland so they're not immune from having to comply with the warrantless SIGINT dragnet that pervades most EU member states.
Are you telling us Switzerland is part of the EU?
Serious question. Can they? I thought that was what the crackberry was known for. End to end encryption. Its what sold people on getting crackberrys.
Then came the whatsapp and others tooting the same horn of end to end encryption.
Of course they can, ffs.
All of the creators/developers of these messaging apps are in Five Eyes/ECHELON partner nations, mostly in the US.
They're all beholden to backdoor agreements with the NSA and other intelligence agencies as the entire Western world's telco industry has been in bed with the intelligence community since the 1970s. These "national security" agreements include the provision to have security protocols/encryption methods that can be reversed by G-Man's alphabet soup agencies.
What G-Man can't do through the public sector, they outsource to the private sector where it becomes unaccountable to the public.
@Miami Mall Alien: I'm guessing you can't read code to verify Signal yourself?
I'd be skeptical too but what has you so 100% convinced military grade encryption can be cracked with current tech?
Although I'd rate it highly unlikely, I'm open to the fact that the above may be true – but where can I verify it with certainty, like open source code? I'd like to have your conviction.
Also to be sure, it's not an absolute law that when a product is free you're the product. Or when you pay you're not the product (looking at you Nord).
Signal's funding is 100% supported by the nonprofit Signal Foundation (and now MobileCoin payments), not ad revenue.
@ozilicious: "Military grade"
The Military for the longest time stopped people from adopting larger key sizes in encryption specifically so they could crack it.
I'd be skeptical too but what has you so 100% convinced military grade encryption can be cracked with current tech?
Because I've done the reading that you haven't?
The entire concept of social media, of which messaging apps are merely an extension, is just an outsourcing of the "Information Awareness Office" concept from the intelligence community to the private sector. The idea of having one, centralised database of every single person in a given country with to up-to-minute dated information covering every aspect of their life imaginable.
The intelligence community realised long ago that gaining public consensus to lawfully authorise such government-orchestrated surveillance programs would be much harder than simply spinning up some barely-concealed, private sector front companies who could do that dirty work for them and hide behind the curtain of limited liability/corporate personhood/for-profit enterprise.
Facebook was founded thanks to seed money from the CIA front company, In-Q-Tel and their early board/key VC investors had obvious government/intelligence connections: Breyer, Thiel, Gilman Louie, and Sean Parker all worked for the CIA or CIA consulting companies.
Just one of many, many social media companies that have received some form of funding from US Intelligence through various means.
They've used this same template to thoroughly compromise all of the big-name Silicon Valley corporations since day one and you don't simply walk away from those connections whenever you please because you've finally made the Fortune 500 list and no longer need your angel investors to keep the company afloat.
The disclosure of "Twitter Files" since Elon's takeover of Twitter again show the extremely intimate relationship between social media and intelligence agencies.
Let's also not forget the story of AN0M in our own backyard, the FBI-run "encrypted" messaging honeypot that was used by the AFP to prosecute countless members of OMCs here in Australia as well as hundreds of organised crime members abroad.
The entire concept of inventing a "killer app" new technology and socially engineering humanity into becoming dependant on it so that they can be monitored by the government is the story of ARPANet (DARPA's creation) becoming the Internet that we know today.
All of the most significant technology invented in the 20th century that : A) modern society can't function without and B) we take for granted, is largely thanks to the military-industrial complex and comes with the catch that the prying eye of Big Brother always gets to keep tabs on the people who use it and to steer the evolvement of that technology in the direction that suits their interests.
Seriously, you need to do more reading on this topic if you think anyone using any Western-produced technology today has any intrinsic right to privacy whatsoever. A good place to start would be all of Edward Snowden's disclosures about PRISM, XKeyscore, Tailored Access Operations, etc but even that is just scratching the surface and most of that dates back to at least 10 years ago and has been well-and-truly superseded now by even more insanely Orwellian surveillance capabilities available to Western intelligence agencies.
@Miami Mall Alien: Wow cheers for the links, I'll take a look.
I can see we're likely missing each other because we're using the same words yet ascribe different concepts to them.
I love how there were so many videos by everyone about how this was the end of iMessage or whatever. I guess everyone forgot to post a follow up video of the catastrophe.
Only the corrupt want to protect their messages (but not on social media). Nothing Phone (2) is Value for money - much better than iPhones ;)
I have this phone. I would say get the Pixel 8 pro even if you have to pay extra couple hundred $. The hype die pretty quickly once you use it for a week
Agree. I jumped on the 1 and got rid of it within 3 weeks. Buggy OS, screen lag, some android apps missing functions on the phone. All hype, no style, no substance.
Well these comments made me feel better, I was previously considering this phone if there was a price drop, but then went for the P8P deal at HN.
I've had my Nothing Phone 1 for about a year now and haven't had those issues — it's been a mostly positive experience so far. I have heard plenty of stories similar to yours though, so maybe it's a 50/50 quality control issue or something like that.
Can't speak on the NP2 as I haven't tried it, but the NP1 isn't a particularly premium/high-end phone, apart from the build quality which is really nice. Kinda regret "upgrading" from a OnePlus 7 Pro to it!
My thought is that for $1k you'd probably be better off getting something more well-known and regarded.
I was an advocate for them. I had the NP1, ear 1, NP2. Now I only have the NP2 left to get rid of.
The software side is okay. But it's nothing when compared to pixel phones. Pixel phones are also well built, and, at the same time, better camera, better software features, and better yet, about same price.
@trantonz: More resources = better product.
Shame for Nothing. Great vision, pretty decent execution with limited resources.
They need to be bought out by a bigger brand so they can unlock access and efficiencies to bigger supply chain and have more development support.
Same for Pixel 8. It has a far better battery life than Pixel 8 pro and S23FE.
No one should buy anything based on hype only.
This phone would be a perfect choice at around $750.
You paid for nothing but expected something more?
How many years of OS updates?
Apparently, the Nothing Phone (2) will be eligible for three years of major Android updates and four years of security updates.
Kinda makes the Pixel 8 Pro a bit more attractive too.
should receive Android 16 (current 13) as its final major update, & it will continue to receive security patches until 2027. Much better value than iPhone 14
Nothing is selling in Australia now?
Thanks I thought it will be like OnePlus, never officially selling in au
Yeah, nah.
I bought a OP5 from Carl when they did the soft-launch.
They didn't really support the product much - I would avoid
Agree but had a decent run with mine, thankfully no QC issues
Also got one in the soft launch. Loved the OP5
Agree with the lack of support but had not issues with it.
And got a great trade in price last year and got A73
Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 chipset
Nothing Phone (2) doesn't even compare to Pixel 8 Pro or Samsung S23 Ultra for the same price, Both pixel and S23u were sub $1k in the past week from JB.
Samsung S23 Ultra 256gb $948 if you managed to price match HN, otherwise $1087
I would wait for those to come around again.
It's telling they don't even list the SOC/processor in the specs…
Right at the top of the page:
Yeah just like Google. They didn't even bother explaining when they revealed weak-ass G3.
3 means the number of years they are behind the competition.
Looks like Nothing special…
Good one.
US version seems to be cheaper?
Any differences compared to AU and US version? Only power plug ?
Band support on AU carriers may not be optimised with a phone built for another region.
OnePlus Nothing equals nothing.
Isn’t it one? Which, as we all know, is an awful lot of nothings
Thanks to Oppo it doesn't.
My current phone has USB 3.0 and DP out, ain't gonna sacrifice that …
Would be my number 1 choice if I was in the market. That OS is sexy AF and I like underdog companies.
way too expensive. This should be priced at $700 max. Nothing more than that. And being a new comer to the industry they have the audacity to ship the phone without a charger. Pretty soon Nothing would in fact become 'NOTHING'.
Is this better than the Pixel 8 Pro HN deal a month ago?
Not worth it, hype is hype.
exactly, the nothing phone costs like every other phone and those have a wider support network
nothing makes me want this nothing phone, especially at a thousand buckos.
What this company going to be worth in a couple of years?
Nothing's market share in the Indian smartphone market grew from 0.1% in Q3 2022 to 2.1% in Q2 2023 (could reach 5% by Q4 2023) - indicative of company's growing popularity. It will grow faster when enters new markets, such as China & Europe
Nothing's success is likely due to company's focus on young, tech-savvy consumers, innovative products,…
Have the NP2, best phone I've had yet. Wife has a pixel and unlike everyone else here (apparently) wouldn't choose hers over mine any day of the week. Each to their own I guess, but the NP is for people who don't want a boring phone.
Phones like this only have one advantage and that is price. You don’t get it right, you are out.
I thought the main selling point of these phones is that they use fair wages and.. stuff. A mate told me about it last week. That would be why it has a high price, low specs and isn't iDroid.
Lol they burned time & resources implementing imessage for Android and then Apple opened it up themselves.
They sold it to Apple?
They can't sell to apple what is already theirs.
Nothing was using mac minis for this service.
$999 what a joke
Now this phone is a good deal! I can vouch for the phone's overall premium build quality, security and great performance for a tactile phone.
its the phone about nothing. Whats the deal with this nothing phone?, its called nothing, but your definitely going to do something with it.
For all the negative naysayers out there that's complaining about this phone's price. Tell me what other phone out there has a 12GB RAM, 256GB storage and SD 8+ Gen1 that is around $1000(Half the iPhone's price). Exactly, nothing.
Asus Rog 6
256gb, 12gb ram, SD8+ Gen1, Better Screen, Better OS, Headphone Jack, 6000MaH battery….I can go on.
512gb, 16gb ram
$799/$999 atm
Man I love the aesthetic of this phone. I already have an Xperia 10V, but in a few years when I upgrade, I'll look at one of these ROG phones. Matches my GPU :D
better support, repairability, accessories, backed by a big brand that has a decent reputation in contrast to the other major manufacturers in the android scene.
You guys proved me wrong, well done. There are better phones out there than the nothing phone, and the price for this phone is nothing extraordinary but yes I would choose the Asus ROG 6 or Motorola Edge 30 Ultra over the nothing Phone.
dude's still living in 2021
Just get a pixel and put grapheneOS on it if you need to hide your crimes from the govt so badly.
Honestly i just get major drug dealer or kiddle fiddler vibes from anyone who is so ultra concerned with the govt reading their messages
I'd prefer no one reads my msgs, but them being read is the least of my concerns.
thanks for sharing op! really wanted to pick this up but seems like they've got a long way until its really good. perhaps its early days and theyre still iterating although you would think that most of the features would be a baseline measure that they would get correct.
Was going to buy one.
But just how many comparison website and youtube are then out there?
Versus rates Samsung way over Apple.
Seriously at $500 I pull the trigger.
Android (profanity) sucks
Nothing’s iMessage app was a security catastrophe, taken down in 24 hours
Nothing promised end-to-end encryption, then stored texts publicly in plain text.