A great price for an entry level receiver. Click and collect only.
Specs are here - http://www.pioneer.com.au/au/products/VSX-521/print.html
Edit: Looks like the link has been taken down. Congrats to everyone who scored one.
A great price for an entry level receiver. Click and collect only.
Specs are here - http://www.pioneer.com.au/au/products/VSX-521/print.html
Edit: Looks like the link has been taken down. Congrats to everyone who scored one.
Can I use this as 4 channel: L + R + centre + sub?
Yep, I've done this with this model previously.
Does it have settings to achieve this properly, or do you need to fiddle the fader and balance controls?
What about high pass filter etc?
I cannot believe this price…WHAT!!?!
bought it for $239 a few months ago
Holy crap.. 100 bux!? This could be just what I'm looking for. Don't have huge requirements, just a decent amp to power some satellites from my old Z5500 set (and maybe the sub if i can mod it to be stand-alone)
HDMI audio return, check
3D, check
CEC, check
umm i wouldnt recommend running z5500 speakers through that…i believe this is a 100w per channel and z5500 speakers are 12w. theyre almost certainly going to blow
These are great units. I own the slim model (VSX-300) and use it for my PC/PS3.
Only DSE store in my neck of the woods is Chadstone …. Amazing price — paid $180 when they were on special before on the Pioneer site… Very nice unit…. At this price they are probably selling below cost to clear them out…..
Can anyone recommend a set of speakers for this AV receiver? The price seems very compelling but how much do the speakers cost, and from where?
Hey Cluster,
I bought this for my VSX - http://shop.pioneer.com.au/shop-online/home-entertainment/sp…
$188 delivered…
Got it delivered with 2-3 days…
Check out Jmaxproducts on ebay. He sells bookshelf speakers which are good value, under $100 a pair for some of them. From a guy who gets them manufactured to specifications in South Australia, im using his speakers and theyre pretty good
Just bought… Op I owe you a beer!
Just bought… Op I owe you a SLAB
Awesome price :) Thanks OP!
what is the point of having these then?
Forget anything anyone has ever said about stupid questions
Whoa! Cheap, cheerful and ticks all the boxes for my day-to-day listening pleasure. Very nice work OP!
Great Price for a great unit! I'm not sure it will fit where I need it though. Plus, I don't really need it…
Can't see any stock available.
Wow that's ridiculously cheap. And it's a good amp too. IMO this is bargain of the year.
bargain of the year lol.
I've had one for almost a year now, very happy with it. Crazy good price.
This unit is more that great for its price! true bargain! (got mine for 249)
Damn was just on the phone to DSE in Ballarat and had it locked in. Then bloke said the manager had just sold it on the phone 5 seconds before me.
More like then bloke realised it was a good deal and bought it for himself/mates
Yeah good point
You should have tried Wendouree too, just got the last one ;)
Yeah thats the one i tried. Damn you hehe
I guess he was telling the truth on the phone then!
Yep, good get mate, well done. Pity they only had one left. As soon as he hesitated on the phone I thought oh no, someone else has snapped it up.
Pretty much gone now I think - can anyone see any stock remaining?
Couple stores that had them available said they were floor models, but who cares when they are only $99. Thanks OP.
Mostly display models
I very rarely buy anything like this without hours / days of research and considered thought…not today it seems…cheers OP :)
Awesome price…don't actually need it, but MY GOD I'm sorely tempted to buy it coz it's so damn cheap…
In NSW there's still stock in Maitland and Lismore. But the cost of fuel and time outweighs the bargain.
Also in Ballina.
OT - I had an English aunt visit and she pronounced it "Baleeena"… coolstorybro?
I was amped when I saw how cheap this was then realised no where near me has stock :(
I see what you did there
Ozbargained hard…
None around where I am - CBD Melbourne…
Looks like its all sold out in melbourne, clearly they've been having plenty of calls about it this morning.
I see "low stock" remaining in Frankston, Mentone and Cranbourne.
They said Sunshine & Cranbourne had one left around 3 minutes ago if you guys wanna give it a go..
I called bourke st, northland, vic gardens, chadstone and prahran all had no stock remaining. Didn't try the far out suburbs but looks like any low stock ones are just incorrect inventory lists or ex-display that they can't find.
Thank you just what I was after.
Great deal.
Hmmm, This an upgrade for me?
Currently got a VSX-D912…… from like 10 years ago.
How does this compare to the vsx522 which I picked up from jb just LAST NIGHT -.-
All these are entry level AMPs they are pretty much the same thing.
521 is last years model, the 522 has fewer analog connections, no BT but does have a front usb port. Otherwise unchanged. The 522 is essentially a downgrade from the 521
It's the earlier version but it has component in and less composite-in connections.
I bought the VSX-522 for $253 about 2 weeks ago from JB in the Saturday Sunday sale.
Would it be possible for you post a copy of your receipt, they may be willing to pricematch.
WHY!! would it post twice.
No more at Adelaide City store.
Good product, great deal.
None in Sydney CBD. The guy I spoke to sounded a bit peeved… lots of people calling about the deal!
I ordered one before it is all gone at one DSE. But then received a phone call from them, claiming that all these receivers are come in a package, and they don't sell it separately. So they just said sorry and cancelled my order like that. And now i can not get one anywhere :( Not happy Jan!
Just got a call from DSE Hobart saying they're calling people to let them know it's floor stock and confirm they still want.
Got the same call (from DSE Hobart), was assured everything is there and it was in good nick.. wonder how many floor models they needed?? - Still, I have one ready to pick up now :)
Yeh I was thinking the same… surely you only need 1 floor model :confused:
Glen Waverley had 2 and both were floor models
I picked one up for two months ago from shop.pioneer - brilliant Computer AMP!
Awesome find OP!!!
Melb, Prahran and Vic Gardens have no stock. Guy said maybe Pakenham and Northland as still having stock (10:20AM).
Northland only has one available in a speaker package. $899 for the pack. He wouldn't just sell the amp.
can't see any store with stock in Syd
I have the VSX300 so don't really need this but checked anyway!
Victoria South East Stock
2 Pakenham
1 Cranbourne
1 Bayside
There's still stock in Elizabeth SA.
Hmm… local store said they should have one in stock, but couldn't locate it right now or that it might be display stock. They promised to get back to me. Now I am just wondering if it indeed is a display unit, whether it's worth the price at all. And if I end up getting it, where would I get a bargain on speakers!?
Not really a bargain as they're just cheapies… BUT for anyone on a tight budget these would do the trick to get you started: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/HOME-THEATRE-SPEAKER-KIT-4-SATELL… and then you could add this Subwoofer: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Kenwood-Powered-Subwoofer-Home-Th…
$159 (+ Postage) for the Speakers and $139 (inc. Postage) for the Sub. Add the $99 Pioneer Amp and you'll have a very decent little starter setup for around $400 total! Bargain for sure… but don't expect it to blow your windows out or reproduce your Dads vinyl copy of 'Dark Side of the Moon' the way it should sound.
Well, went to see it in store by myself. They did have one, but it was a display unit, with a small ding on the top and light scratches on the front. They also said it's probably a computer error that it's being sold by itself, as it is supposed to be a part of a home theatre package. Anyway, they were ready to sell, but I decided not to get it. So, if anyone's keen for a display unit, there's one in Shepparton (VIC) Dicks!
None at North Sydney… argh…
Half an hour back got the last one in Pakenham VIC
Mate bought one of thses from Dicks a couple of weeeks ago . A limitation I came across is that the on screen display only works through analogue (not hdmi) and the on screen display is very basic . But for $99 its a bargain .
Does it have hdmi swithching?/pass through or what ever it is called when you can run video through it?
anyone know what im on about? lol
Yes…. it does the switching thing…. or Yes…you know what he's on about?
Yes on both counts.
Anyone find stock in nsw?
Thanks so much OP! Got the last one from north sydney. the DSE guy said there was like 50 callers in 15mins, he was glad to get rid of it, so he can update system with "no stock" :O)
Well..I understand everyone actually ordered this AMP. Has anyone picked up?
yep, just did…sitting right next to me :)
just Chatswood store trying to pull themselves off this deal. They are in trouble if they try again!
Looking at the specs the 'rated' power is 65W + 65W so that would be getting closer to reality but even that's still with a THD of 1% and only at 1KHz and at 6Ohms so being very realistic here I'd say the pure RMS power output at 8Ohms across all frequencies would be down near the 25-30W per channel mark.
Absolutely no problems there though because most modern Amps are measured this way so 65W + 65W is comparable plus if you've ever heard a pure 30W (& I'm talking pure Class-A amplification here) you would know that it's a HELL of a lot of power.
In other words the power output of this Pioneer Amp will be plenty enough to make your movies sound awesome and crank tunes at a party & annoy the neighbours so no worries there. It definitely isn't the Amp you'd buy if you were expecting perfection though.
I got the last one in Rhodes in Sydney.
Rang my local store in Perth at 9am - their opening time - and was told they had already sold it 1st thing this morning to someone that was obviously waiting for them at the store.
None at tuggerah NSW.
Just picked up the last one in my area. Thanks op
stupid comment for not stating what store
None in Brisbane.. not surprised tho
All Perth CBD stores are out of stock
I'm guessing my click and collect order from 7.40 this morning is going to be rejected then! Damn!
Isn't that stock level already taking into account the click and collects?
Just got the call about not being able to separate from the speaker pack, so order was cancelled…saves me an ear bashing from the missus, although that VSX-S300 deal looks good too :P
have you bought it yet? i am considering it too……
Am still umming and ahhing after finding out "the signals input from the analog (composite) video inputs of this unit will not be output from the HDMI out", which likely won't work for me with my current setup.
After some quick research, the VSX-S300 deal looks great though ;)
Wow. Crazy price