Energy/Gas Companies - AussieBillCompare?


Posting this here because ultimately I am asking for to find a bargain.

I received a phone call from AussieBillCompare just a moment ago, telling me about potential energy discounts I could get for my area. I was pessimistic at first because I thought it was a typical telemarketer advertising crap but it actually caught my attention, because I have been intending to look for a better deal for electricity/gas and the guy seemed fairly genuine. I just don't know enough about it so I'm trying to look around and hoping I get some help off you guys here.


  1. Has anyone heard of AussieBillCompare? Received a phone call from them? Used them? As I only found out about them over the phone, I'm a bit concerned about the company's legitimacy. He said he'll call back on Tues - I said I wanted to do a bit of research myself
  2. What factors should be considered when changing energy/gas companies? Contract, cancellation fee? It sounds like an internet/mobile phone contract all over again.
  3. Does anyone know whether energy/gas companies are able to "pricematch" (match competitors rates and discounts)? Has anyone ever tried?

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