• expired

Switch to Red Energy before 31 October 2012 & Receive a $75 Credit VIC, NSW


Switch to Red Energy between the 22 September 2012 and 31 October 2012 & Receive a $75^ Credit with Red Energy’s Show Saver*. (2 year contract)
You get:
•10% discount off your entire electricity bill when you pay on time
•10% discount on your entire gas bill when you pay on time (Vic only)
•A Red Rewards book filled with over $500 value on a huge range of dining and entertainment discounts, groceries, movies and benefits for the whole family.

Offer Valid for new VIC and NSW residential customers only.

Plus if you know someone who is an existing customer of Red Energy you both can get a Referral Credit of a $50 Coles Myer Gift Card if you know their name and customer number. If you don't know anyone who is a customer of Red Energy please PM me for my customer number.

I recently switched to Red as they were heaps cheaper than my previous provider for electricity. Plus the little red rewards book is made by the same people who make the Entertainment book so it has many of the same offers. Also they don't charge more to pay by Mastercard or Visa. I set up a direct debit with my credit card so I always will get my pay on time discount AND still get my points from my credit card.

Terms and Conditions
* Red Show Saver offer is available on a 2 year contract to all new residential customers in VIC and NSW. Early Termination Fees apply if you terminate the contract after the cooling off period, but before the expiry of your fixed term.

Provision and use of the Red Rewards book is subject to terms and conditions. For full terms of the Show Saver offer click http://www.redenergy.com.au/ilovered/campaignLead/theRedShow… or by calling 131 806.
Pay on Time discounts are not available to any Red Energy customers who choose to participate in a Red Energy solar plan.

^ The credit refers to the equivalent price of a General Admission Gate Sales Family ticket to the Royal Melbourne Show valued at $75.

"Early Termination Fee" means, in respect of Eligible Customers who terminate their Fixed Term Agreement:
in respect of electricity:
within the first 12 months of the Fixed Term: $95; or
within the second 12 months of the Fixed Term: $45; or
in respect of gas, at any time during the Fixed Term: $20

Referral Links

$25 or 1500 Points: random (170)

Referrer & referee will each receive $25 gift card or 1500 Qantas Points.

Related Stores

Red Energy
Red Energy

closed Comments

  • +2

    Switch to Red Energy

    The news is always saying we should be switching to Green Energy though ???

    • +1

      Send me a PM to get a referral code to use when signing up in order to get a $50 gift card :)

  • Awesome, was thinking of signing up with them tomorrow without this offer.

    Note: The difference with this and the living energy offer is the $95 contract break vs the $40 dollar contract break. Although the bonus $75 more than makes up this difference.

    Willing to try the extra referral bonus if anyone wants to refer me. PM me with the details.

    • Please PM me I am customer but I can't seem to PM you.

      • just enable contact from others, just pm'ed you

  • +1

    "Early Termination Fee" means, in respect of Eligible Customers who terminate their Fixed Term Agreement:
    in respect of electricity:
    within the first 12 months of the Fixed Term: $95; or
    within the second 12 months of the Fixed Term: $45; or
    in respect of gas, at any time during the Fixed Term: $20

  • -2

    dodo will give you 20% off for electricity when you pay on time (12months contract) so extra 10% is cheaper than $75!

    • +1

      not necessarily - you would need to compare the electricity rates per kWh and then it depends on consumption

    • Only off usage charges, not on supply charge

      • dodo is showing 68c supply charge for me though vs 99c? Although the dodo offer of 20% discount is only for first year? Red has been offering the 10% forever? For me the cost comes within $10 of each other but if the discount is only for the first year then…

  • +1

    What about the per kwh & GJ rates? % discount doesnt mean much without knowing the rates.

    And why is this better than AGL's $175 credit offer?

    • Yes, that the problem with all these types of offers - you have to compare the rates. Go here to get the rate for your area http://www.redenergy.com.au/page.html?get-quote

    • -3

      don't be lazy, you could have figured this out for everyone.

      red energy's first rate alone 20.13 vs agl's 24.926.

      You could have searched this yourself easily. It took me all of 2 minutes.

      The difference was redenergy was $34.78 cheaper based on my last bill w/o the discount applied. Don't forget to take into account the different discount rates.

      • +1

        It depends on where you live. Not same for everyone.

  • thinking of signing up.. anyone for referral bonus? PM me

  • "No price change on electricity rates until 1st Jan 2013."

    In Other Words- price will rise in Jan.

    • +1

      I believe most electricity coys will up their prices again on the 7th October. Something to do with an infrastructure charge.

  • +6

    This Government website is pretty good showing the best deal for your suburb.


    Red Energy or Dodo usually comes up trumphs.

    • is there one for NSW?

        • Just to note that site is not a gov site and makes commission on which provider you pick. However seems legit and does seem unbiased.

    • +1

      Thanks heaps for that link!

      Rang up RedEnergy (already with them) and they won't budge on the rate charges, apparently only new customers can lock in the cheaper rate.

      I did however get 12% off for paying on time - was previously only 7%, so I'm happy with that! :)

  • +2

    This is my experience might not correlate with anyone else's but I absolutely hate these guys due to their first impression with me, they buzzed my apartment and acted like they were a government department doing some kind of initiative to see whether if I was billed the right rate (i was a bit ignorant at the time since I have never thought about my energy supplier or have every been approached by a door to door sales persons) and asked to see my bill, no formal introduction saying that they were in fact from Red Energy and was trying to sell me a product aka DOOR to DOOR SALESPERSON.

    So naive as I was I let her in and showed her my bill she said I was billed incorrectly and I should switch and she showed me their rates. (Yeah I wonder also why this didn't send off alarm bells.)

    Unfortunately they convinced me to switch and after she left I did some research and realised the rates of my original provider are infact consistent with all the other providers including Red Energy as the rates are regulated and that she tricked me by just adding THEIR 10% discounts into the calculation to show that in fact I was being charged the incorrect rate I found this highly misleading and absolutely disgusted so I and called up a couple of guys ended up with Origin Energy and they were more than helpful to beat their discount which was before the rate increase this year, the discount was 16% (including duel gas, ontime, DD) vs their 10% and 1 year contract Vs their 2 years. I can't find the gas discount but they did not have the option to switch to gas.

    • +3

      Kanga… They did not work for Red Energy..

      They are casual employees of a subscription company and work on commission.

      The people who knock on your door and say they want to sign you up with Telstra, Optus, AGL, Energy Aust… are all the same… they do not work for those companies.

      Most of these agents will say anything to get you to sign… ie: they lie.

      99% of the population assume the same way you have. :-(

      • Wow thanks for clearing that up, I was so pissed when I signed up on the spot, I'm just glad there is a 10 day cooling off period for these types of approach. Lesson was learnt that day.
        But these subscription companies need to seriously get a kick up their arse.

  • I am in NSW, I am currently with DoDO (electicity 15% discount contract end in 2 month) and AGL (gas 10% discount without contract) From day one (Ten month ago) Dodo is the cheapest rate. But since Aug. this year, ALL company offer the same rate (only the service rate per day are different, so your can compare their discount rate % (eg. 10%, 15%…) and service rate (eg. 68 cents/day etc and contract term (1yr, 2yr…) That is why Dodo increase my discount from 10% to 15% in Aug. I have solar in my house but get nothing from gov. long story… Dodo do not offer anything for people like me any payment. But AGL , Origin and other company offer ( 8 cent/kw , 6 cent/kw …)
    So I check with them. AGL can offer me 10% discount and buyback my solar 8 cent/kw with 3 year contract but NO $175 because that $175 rebate not for client with solar !. I check with Origin on the phone. They match Dodo and give me 16% electicity (12% + 2% Dual fuel + 1% pay on time + 1% Direct debit)
    and 14% gas (13% + 1% direct debit). and $100=$50 + $50 rebate to my gas and elec account form my one year contract with them. I can get 6 or 7 cent/kw with origin from my solar. That is my story. What I want to said is compare, but the rate are the same in NSW since AUG.

  • Damn I just switched to this guys as of today (but organised it a couple of days prior to the 22nd…oh well

  • PM me if anyone wants a referral bonus

  • +1

    I can confirm that the gift card referral works in conjunction with this offer.

    • Did you have to transfer both gas and elec or will either one work?

      • You can transfer electricity (Vic or NSW) OR gas and electricity (in Vic only). You can't transfer only gas.

      • I transferred elec. I might transfer gas somewhere else… (using http://yourchoice.vic.gov.au to help decide).

  • Anyone have there customer number on hand?

  • Just pmed you

  • I'm thinking of joining - can someone provide a referral customer number please?

    • Geetee: send me a private message or enable private messaging under My Account.

    • Geetee please feel free to send me a private message.

  • Can you please send me a PM as well


    • PM sent :)

  • Can someone please PM over a referral code too.


    • PM sent :)

  • Hello can someone please PM me a referral code, many thanks

  • Can someone please PM their customer number so we both get a $50 gift card

    • PM SEnt

      • Thanks, ended up calling my current supplier who offered me 12% discount off every bill

        • Cool. As long as it works out as good as this…
          I was offered 14% discount from Simply Energy. It turned out to be more expensive than Red :p

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