Only $20 for 32GB or $29 for a whopping 64GB, delivered.
There are even SEVEN great colours to choose from!
This portable wonder even features USB 3.0, making data transfers faster!
USB3.0 Flash Drives 32GB $20 and 64GB $29 Delivered from CUDO
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Thanks foobar for title edit
Do read the discussion in this Spreet deal — same brand "onQue", and many doubt whether it's really USB 3.
After my last dealing with cudo (those 32gb micro sd cards). I'm really tempted just to mark this down.
what is wrong with them?
just gogole onque usb no such thing
and onque digital is a photography place in sydney
Are you sure dude? more specifically:
"This portable wonder even features USB 3.0, making data transfers faster!"
But cheap USB drives are usually slow enough that the USB 3 doesn't make any difference, right?
For those who can't be bothered:
54MB/s Read, 30MB/s WriteMakes them pretty decent for the price, though I'd personally prefer a trusted brand name only because I've had yumcha's like this fail on me in the past but at these prices who cares I guess…
that's pretty good for that price.. can someone who buys one confirm with h2testw?
would you say they fail… right Onque? Yeahhhhhhhhhhh
Have a look across the chart for the red columns.…
noting just half of 'the best' exceeded 50MB/s W/R; they're the ones that aren't utter trash.So evidently quite early days for the 60 — 625MB/s standard. (No, 30MB/s doesn't rate.)
True USB 3 key storage remains prohibitively costly, closer to 1.25 - 0.75 per GB in 2012.
so it is good or not???
i need a usb drive of big volume (no less than 8gb)francesca ,where is your "weekly" deal????
any promo code to get further discount?
Anyone received theirs yet?
Works fine to me received mine all okay
Although many might find it obvious, should indicate that it is a usb drive in the title.