• expired

[NSW, SA, QLD] Join "Origin Go" Variable Rate Energy Plan, Get $150 Electricity Credit after 15/1/2024 @ Origin Energy


I'm already with Origin and have solar. I was looking to move my gas as well, and I stumbled on this offer. I'm not sure when this offer expires.

It is for online applications only. It states "$150 electricity credit applied after 15 Jan 2024 if this plan is still active." The rates are pretty good. No lock-in contract.

Even though the FiT is low, because you only need to stay on this plan for a short time, it is still worthwhile. Comparing to their best solar plan, you lose out out on (0.16-0.07) cents/kwh (difference between standard and boosted FiT) * 14 kwh (Boost limited to first 14kwh) * 60 (only need to stay until 15th Jan) = * 14 kwh * 60 = $75. So you're better off overall collecting $150 credit. Moreover, you also get lower supply and usage charges than the solar plan.

Takes about 2 minutes to apply. Just remember to move again after 15th Jan.

Referral Links

Origin Business: random (35)

$200 credit each for referrer and referee.

Origin Residential: random (576)

$50 credit each for referrer and referee.

Related Stores

Origin Energy
Origin Energy

closed Comments

  • -1
    • New customers only*

    They've cottoned on to the above and have also moved the payout to mid Jan.

    • That sucks - I wasn't a new customer!

      • I can't see any mention of New customer only. I only see Offer available to residential electricity cumstomers.

    • +1

      Worked for me.
      I applied as an existing customer and the $150 credit was confirmed.
      Need to stay on this plan until 15th Jan 2024.
      The "New customer only" exclusion appears to only apply to the Family & Friends offer.

      • Are you currently with origin? And then moving to this deal?
        Doubt that will work… let’s see… I’m currently with origin as well, under rewards deal…

        • +1

          I'm existing customer too, the $150 credit works for me after switching plan.

          • @O O: Have you got the credit?

            • +1

              @thomalfa: Yes, a confirmation the credit will be applied after 15 Jan 24.

              • @O O: Can I ask how you got the confirmation? I've got the email with all the plan details and welcome pack, but no confirmation of $150. New to them now, but have been with origin in the past.


                • @cheaplee: I received a confirmation email with subject title: Details of your electricity agreement.

                  • @O O: Interesting. Just checked my email again. Same subject, all the documents - no mention of $150 credit I can see.

                    • @cheaplee: As I can tell, you must be using the Family and Friends portal. I have pointed out the credit is not for returning customers, as well as by others, like fig and bauser99.

                      • @O O: Ok thanks, that must be it. Thought I saw someone mention they had been a customer in the past and I had equated a new sign up as new customer, not returning customer.

                        • +1

                          @cheaplee: FWIW I called origin and the man said the credit should be applied and he also equated a new sign up as new customer. He sent me a separate email confirming I'm eligible for the credit.

                          We see how it pans out in January.

              • @O O: I've changed to this deal too but didn't receive an email for credit $150 would be given. Hope all goes alright, otherwise the mate origin deal is better

  • +3

    A slightly better rate through One Big Switch's Origin Advantage Variable ePlus plan.

    • The OP rates were better for my address.

      • Ahh, not for all location. I'm on Ausgrid, the rate is

        Advantage Variable ePlus

        Daily Supply $1.0126
        Peak $0.602
        Shoulder $0.3175
        Off-peak $0.1833

        Go Variable

        Daily Supply $1.0476
        Peak $0.6229
        Shoulder $0.3285
        Off-peak $0.1896

  • so just hold the plan for 2 months? is the credit then applied for month 3?

    • Only condition is credit is non-refundable (i.e. you need to spend it within Origin)

      In my case, I'll be in this plan for two months, then switch to an Origin solar plan later. The credit should keep me going until winter.

  • any idea when this promo ends?

  • +3

    This works with their reduced tariff for friends and family. Can confirm as I signed up a couple of days ago.

    • +3

      Thanks for mentioning this - I think this is the deal you are referring to?


    • Pls advise how can we combine both friends/family offer plus $150 credit. Do we have to call or request thru chat

      • +3

        I clicked on the link for the previous deal: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/791503

        It gave me slightly lower rates and included the $150 offer

        • Yes you are right. Slightly cheaper electricity rates. I still find Globird cheaper for gas.

          • +1

            @Utsav23: AGL is slightly higher but has a $75 credit for new accounts. works out cheaper even with slightly higher tariff. There was a $100 digital gift card on top of you went through Westpac rewards but I am not sure if that promo has expired.

        • Looks like A stone hits 2 birds

        • +2

          It looks like if you sign up under the Friends & Family deal the $150 is for new Origin customers only

  • is this difference from the everyday reward plan? origin is so complicated…

    • Everyday reward has higher rates for me… Does anyone know if the points are worth it?

      • 1 point per dollar…. 2000 points is $10

        Why would that be worth it?

  • Signed up today. Still available

  • signed up today,


  • Just signed up, still available, and can be used with the friends and family plan someone posted above, gave me a slightly lower rate. Moved from Globird as they're increasing price from 1/1/2024, don't know how long the moving process will take but I thought I should get the 150$ credit before it expires.

    • How long did your transfer take out of interest?

      I just moved to Origin now from Globird in SA, the $150 got extended but not payable until March now.

      • I'm in SA too. For electricity they transferred me almost immediately. I signed up on the 3rd, but they can't find my NMI so they emailed me and ask me to call them to provide NMI, which I didn't do until the 14th of Dec. After the call they said they will start billing on the 15th (next day) for electricity. Two days later I received email from Globird for my final electricity bill, $130 something in credit, which if I want a refund I would have to call them, lol.
        Gas however will only start billing Feb 2024, don't know why.
        I hope it helps.

        • Thanks!

          Yeah electricity should only be a few days if the retailer has their act together but for gas you still need to wait until the next meter read. Sometimes you will find they come read the meter earlier though.

          Good to hear that origin are still transferring electricity quickly.

          • @hamza23: My transfer to Origin went through in under 24 hours.

  • +3

    No credit yet, check back in tomorrow

  • +2

    Where to see the credit ?

    • +1

      You have to open an online account with Origin. Once logged in, you can see the credit in the dashboard.

  • Same here still no $150 in my account as of the 16/1
    No changes to my account & I received the confirmation regarding the $150 in my welcome email.

  • +3

    I got this back from support "So the credit should be applied and visible on your next bill issued after the 15th of January! If you do not see it on your account by then, reach out to let us know and we'll investigate further!"

    • +1

      but I don't want to wait until my next bill, I want to switch over asap.

      • same. switched out and assuming it will appear on final bill statement once issued.

        • +1

          got this reponse today

          "We have been advised these credits will appear on customers account by the end of this week or early next week."

        • checked the app today and the amount owing is $150 less than what the bill was issued for. don't actually see a credit issued but it seem like it has been

    • got my bill today (18/1) for the period 17 Oct 2023 to 16 Jan 2024.

      no credit.

  • got my credit applied today

  • mine was applied on my last bill, it was 370.98 with the original $100 credit, however my direct debit was only $220.98 for the quarter

  • Got my credit applied couple of days ago. Thanks OP.

  • Received my first bill after leaving on 16 Jan and no credit applied.
    Called them and waiting for a call - back.

  • Hi guys. I haven't received the sign up bonus. I switched to AGL on Jan 16th or so. The product team kept delaying to apply the bonus. Now I got an email from Origin stating that they will not be crediting the sign up bonus as the account is closed. I have taken all the snapshots before signing up for the electricity account. My current bill is $190+ and Origin want me to clear the due. Do you guys think it's a good idea to lodge a complaint with Ombudsman? Someone pls respond ;)

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