17% off this Macbook for all three colours. Sale price at other stores is $1299. Match at JB and use 15% off gift cards to get a cheaper price.
16/11 update: price dropped $1 to $1246.
17% off this Macbook for all three colours. Sale price at other stores is $1299. Match at JB and use 15% off gift cards to get a cheaper price.
16/11 update: price dropped $1 to $1246.
It’s not even 17% off. Someone I know bought this for $1350 with free Airpods back in Jan 2021.
Edit: All I mean is that this laptop has no business being this expensive 4 years later.
Have you heard of inflation
the thing I do to my car tires?
Is that the thing that's going to lift me out of poverty.
Effective 9.1% off Ultimate Home/Celebration GC at Big W (Pay $100, Get $110)
Price match for Officeworks at $1199 (Space Grey), down to $1139, use the Ultimate Card Bonus, down to $1036, stack OnePass trial (get $28 worth of Flybuys points), down to $1008.
Still not the best, but 33% off RRP is not bad.
What are you referring to price match?
@prawnhead: Space Grey: https://www.google.com/shopping/product/5728086523426733923/
Go to the eBay store listing for $1249 - they have their own business website for $1199 delivered Australia-wide. Model number is listed clearly on the page for Officeworks matching.
You can't find it on Google since it looks like they changed their product stub on the url recently.
@tekisei: sorry mate, still confused. Do you mean officeworks eBay store has this laptop for $1249? and who advertised for $1199?
@prawnhead: Scroll down to the list of eBay sellers on the Google Shopping page. One of them sells this model for $1249+shipping on eBay. That same seller has a business with an ABN and a business website (literally listed on their eBay product description). Go to the business website to find this model selling for $1199 delivered.
Show that business webpage to Officeworks for them to beat it by 5%. Officeworks will not price match anything without having the correct model number listed on the webpage to be price matched. The business webpage has the correct model number.
This laptop was released exactly 3 years ago in Nov 2020.
2023-2020 = 3.
All these Apples should be 70% off to be any value at all and have a name change to Lemons, given what happened to me and so many others. Here is just a samplle…
Apple hit with lawsuit claiming M1 MacBook screens are 'defective'
Mike Peterson Apple Insider | Sep 15, 2021
Apple Community: MacBook Pro 13″, macOS 13.4 Posted on Aug 19, 2023 1:06 AM
M2 MacBook Pro screen crack for no apparent reason
…I closed it properly, I did not damage it I’m any ways, it didn’t move the whole night…This had a already happened with over 3600 users and discussions have taken place in “MacBook air M1 screen crack for no apparent reason”, same has happened with me but now I’m M2 and MacBook Pro.
Forbes 14/11/2023: "A new display fault that has been dubbed "Dustgate" is plaguing several MacBook Pro models, repair specialists say."
"This, repair specialists say, is what causes the purple lines fault that can be difficult and expensive to repair. "
"Panesar says he’s repairing at least four affected MacBooks a week and he’s had over 50 in the last year"
MacBook Air (13-inch, 2017) with 8gb ram,
MacBook Air 2023 M3 still 8gb ram.. ..
so i have no complain for this price
The 8gb ram is a joke. Apple lol world class lol
And before anyone says 8gb is enough
I want to run vms
Then spend more money for more RAM for your VMs.
8GB is enough for some people
Fk the air, even the 2023 Pro has 8GB RAM lol.
I tried, but I couldn't feel anything.
You obviously didnt read this, or dont want to understand - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/14563870/redir
Feel free to buy it.
8gb Ram 256gb ssd ??? You gotta be kidding
Whats a faster laptop with better battery life for same price?
better battery life than the M1 Air?
M3 Air ;)
How great would a battery this old be . I assume these are years old stock ?
Not necessarily, although mine from early 2021 is still very good. Doesn’t last as long as it once did, but still better than my thinkpad
Considering they’re still actually producing this garbage, i doubt it’s that old.
I got a Lenovo with 40gb ram, i5 and it's about 6 hours battery and 1tb
Cost 1500
How many chrome tabs can you open?
And is it hot if you use on your lap?
Some AMD lenovo yoga on a deal + 65w powerbank
This is the old clamshell shape whose design has not changed much since 2008AD
Until this thing goes below $1k, this price never a good deal.
How so?
Considering general use cases for laptops under $1k, I think <$1k would be a great price for this laptop.
OP's idea to price-match with gift cards that can only be purchased 6 days in the future on the other hand… no guarantee that the price will stay the same.
It will stay the same. The Macbook sale ends 29th Nov.
I know people are critical about the price not changing for four years, but what exactly has the competition done in the last four years to force Apple to change it?
For a lot of people it's probably still the best laptop for the price
Yeah, gotta love that approach. Saying whatever - like it's 4 years old (straight not true) or that it's too expensive, while it's better value than most of the brand new laptops of other manufacturers.
And, of course, the 8GB RAM lament, potentially coming from Windows users who hasn't even tried a macbook before. Because, you know, everyone has to be video editing, crunching gigabytes of databases and whatnot; because to them having a good quality laptop for an office suite and a web browser is unholy.
May as well baselessly complain it's ARM and in Surface (or PDAs in 2000) it used to be not quite up to scratch.
Would doing web development with 8GB of RAM be enough?
Not a chance, unless you're only building a super-simple website (static HTML pages + CSS). If you're doing modern web dev you'll be running multiple Docker containers or VMs, so you'll need 16GB RAM at the minimum.
I wouldn't recommend the original M1 MBA to anyone in 2023 unless it was on sale for sub-$1000. It is significantly compromised in a few ways, including the meagre 8GB of RAM and 720p webcam — and yes, I realise Apple is still selling the latest M3 models with only 8GB of RAM for the entry level models. I hope they switch to 12GB of RAM as the minimum base spec at some point.
I don't need VMs or containers. Vscode node a browser and that's it. As long as I have terminal I'm Gucci
In that case you should be fine with the base M1 MBA, yes.
Terrible value. Only 8GB of ram.
8gb ram is actually dogshit. Had one of these for a few weeks, couldnt even handle some basic photoshop with a browser open in the background. Waste of the m1 processor.
17% off a 4 year old laptop. Apple is amazing!!!