I saw a very confusing half page Ad today in The Age offering 1500$ & 500$ Voucher (???) towards LED lights. It was on Page 5 in The AGE from the 03/10.
They pretty much say that you can get downlights worth 1500$ as part of the carbon tax incentive. The downlights they offer are high priced … around 59$ per light. But looks like you can get them free when you get approved. Lots of fine print.
The ad is not really easy to understand and in the fine print they mention a website http://www.actibagroup.org (and the website is as confusing as the ad :-).
Does anyone know about this offer? Is it legitimate?
Intrigued by offer, but I agree the website is very confusing and doesn't explain what it's about!
Googling Actiba, gives me this site:
Further Google work gives me this government site link:
The gov't site link does not give me confidence in whatever this Actiba scheme is…