Seeking Assistance: Apple Gift Card Tampered

I'm reaching out to this community in hopes of finding some guidance or shared experiences regarding an issue I'm currently facing with Apple gift cards.

Here's the situation: I purchased a three $200 Apple gift cards from Woolworths, and I wished I read some post before this. All of the gift cards has been tampered with.

I've been in touch with a Senior Advisor at Apple Support, who suggested that the retailer should resolve the issue. Conversely, Woolworths insists that it's an Apple issue. They've also mentioned that they are merely the merchant and cannot offer further assistance post-purchase. I have been going back and fourth too many times and I'm out of pocket for $600.

To complicate matters, Woolworths refused a refund, stating that the funds go towards Apple, and have noted that other customers with similar problems were able to get resolutions directly from Apple but Apple insisted that I contact Woolworths.

How did you guys resolve it? Any advice or insights into how to navigate this situation would be immensely appreciated.


  • Tampered, did you try to load the balance into your Apple account and it didn't work?

  • I had this issue at Coles a week ago, they were aware of the issue and refunded the money and purchased a new Apple gift card.

    • Did you refund it at the store? The store manager refused to do a refund for me.

      • Have you spoken to anyone else at Woolworths other than the store manager?

        For example, have you contacted the Woolworths customer team (1300 767 969)? I find they have been helpful in the past if I had issues with instore staff not adhering to Woolworths company policy, and there have been a couple of instances where the team have contacted the store and instructed them on how to resolve the issue. I will note I have never had a problem with a tampered gift card, so I am not sure how that team would handle your issue.

        • I have spoken to 3 different people at the Woolworths store. I have contacted the Woolworths Gift Card department and they will get back to me in 2-3 business days. So fingers crossed.

      • Hi, yes was returned at the store.

        • You are very lucky. The Woolworths store is being very firm with no refunds.

  • Can you see when the transactions were made vs when you actually bought the gift card? Were the transactions on the gift cards before or after?

    • I can't see the balance of the gift card as there is no activation card. There is only a serial number on the outside that I can refer to. The serial number on the outside does not match with the card inside.

      • The serial number on the outside does not match with the card inside.

        That's weird. It might be worth telling woolies to check all their cards for matching serial numbers then! If they're switching the cards out, the ones you've picked up probably aren't going to be the only ones.

        • Woolies can't do anything either. They are being tampered out of store then placed back in.

          • @tinks828: All I'm saying is that if the problem is occurring at the Woolies end (and you show them that this is the case). they might be willing to take responsibility for it and give you a refund.

            • @bobbified: I could try that. I have been to the service desk 5 times already. They are probably sick of me. But might be worth a try!

              • +1

                @tinks828: I hate to say this, but sometimes being a nuisance is the only way to get things done!

              • @tinks828: Contact customer support instead perhaps. They may have more experience with this scenario or at least log it and get back to you

                • @Dollar General: Yeah, I've been trying everything. I've been on the phone with Apple for almost 3 hours and they still can't get it fixed. I have contacted the Woolworths Gift Card department and they will get back to me in 2-3 business days. So I'm hoping to get this fixed.

                  • @tinks828: Agree with others here that you should contact Woolies, don't understand how they can deny responsibility for selling tampered gift cards.

  • +4

    Seems like gift cards are gonna have to go the way of porn mags and sealed in plastic covers

  • It can really depend on the store/area you bought them from. One store I know had the first customer return only a few hours after being put on the shelf and have been refunding the few customers who had purchased within their store. Most of the stores in that area had the cards pulled from the shelf very quickly after the problem was picked up. Other stores are holding firm on no refunds as this is in line with their policy on gift cards. The cars arrived already tampered with into the stores so they are directing them back to the issuer.

    Good luck!

    • Yeah, this store is holding very firm with their no refunds policy and has been redirecting me to Apple for post-purchase support. They insist that they can't do refunds because the money is payed to Apple rather than Woolworths. I've been on the phone with Apple for almost 3 hours and getting no where.

  • +1

    "Gift cards. The gifts that just keep taking"

  • Did the card look "normal' when you purchased? or look like being ripe off from the outside?

    • Completely normal. Nothing out of the ordinary. Someone else experienced the same thing.

      • -1

        Is the common weak point Woolies as in possible tampering by staff or those in the train delivering them to store?
        I mean it may seem small but there might be thousands of ppl in the same boat out there.Ergo big enough issue to call it 'cybercrime' Then that can drag specific govt depts in. Not sure Woolies gives a crap, until the finger gets pointed somewhere via proof.

  • What the hell! I bought from Jb and never happened. I better check the latest ones I bought a few days ago (still from Jb but it’s worrying it has been done in Woolies) Sad for you op. Did you use credit card? Contact your credit card and see what they say

  • Does anyone know if there is anyway to check the balance of an Apple GiftCard without redeeming it? Thanks in advance.

    • You can find the link here.

      You will need to sign in to an Apple account before you can check the balance of an Apple gift card.

      • It says that this only works with Apple gift cards from the US?

  • +1


  • Apple gift cards have special seals with laser engravings etc? What kind of seal did they use after tampering with the cards? What card was inside? Any pics?

    • Apple gift cards have special seals with laser engravings etc?

      Huh? What are you on about?

      The physical cards I bought last year are only sealed with an one-time use dotted paper strip. You pull back the paper strip, you can't put it back again, i.e. the seal is broken / tampered with.

      • +1

        My question is exactly that. How were the OP’s cards tampered without breaking these seals?

        • Wish op would answer this.

          Also want to know which woolies they went to.

      • +1

        This is exactly what happened. They do it by cutting open the seam at the bottom of the packet and then glueing it shut again, this way the seals won't be damaged.

        • That is very clever, but also going to a lot of trouble by the scammers.

  • Hang on! Woolworths might be sending the money to Apple but surely, they can do a chargeback type of thing to Apple?

    I've seen Woolies staff strip whole cards from the display & dump them in a box, because they've been tampered with.

  • Woolies and Apple is still pointing the blame at each other. Contacted both customer support but no results yet. Not looking to good to be honest.

    • +1

      Which Woolies did all this transpire at?

  • +1

    Coles HQ is aware of the issue and have communicated with Apple - was in the store ops comms and they have an assigned Snr Category Manager for gift cards assigned along with Apple merchandisers checking stores.

    Maybe ask up the chain, Woolies should have an equivalent

    • How would I go with asking up the chain? Don't think Woolworths is aware of this issue as of yet.

      • +1

        Could always try post on their social media pages e.g. Facebook

        • +2

          I was going to suggest this. I had an issue with Sydney tools at one point. 3 separate visits to the store didnt work - one post on their facebook and i had a very apologetic area manager contact me and get the issue sorted within hours

  • +1

    Was at Woolies Camberwell yesterday when Apple rep was removing the gift cards off shelf. She showed me pictures of how they were tampered with. Luckily I went at the right time and she gave me what I needed, and told me to open them up to match off the serial numbers before paying for it.

    As for Woolies or Coles selling faulty cards - they are required to rectify under consumer law etc

  • Any updates OP?

    • +1

      No updates yet. Management team from Apple was unable to help and referred me back to Woolies. Contacted Woolies Gift Card Department and they said they are escalating your enquiry to a third-party who are currently investigating.

      • +1

        Any updates @tinks828?

  • Same thing happened to me. Exact same situation except at Coles.

    One big giveaway that they were tampered with was the outside of the card said (c) Apple 2023, while the inside said (c) Apple 2022 and the print quality was noticeably different.

    Went to Coles today but said I had to contact Coles customer service, sent pictures and receipts. Will update on what ends up happening.

  • I have had a very similar debacle today.
    Purchased 4 apple gift cards. 2 of them were able to be redeemed without issues.

    The other 2 seemed to have only had a 14 digit PIN (as opposed to a 16 digit PIN). On closer inspection it appears the last two digits have been very carefully erased/scratched away. I was not able to get any help from the store who directed me to call apple. Apple apparently are investigating my 2 cards and will get back to me in 72 hours.

    Apart from the lucky few who were able to get refunds - has anyone else had a favourable outcome? Or any outcome?

    I can see this issue is rampant worldwide based on discussion boards but no one seems to say how everything ends up for them.

    Would really like to know… if I’m now $600 poorer 🙏

    • Had the same experience as you @docdocgoose. This happened yesterday, 5 x $200 gift cards bought from Woolworths Abbotsford in Victoria, and all of them have two digits missing (all looks like those were "scratched out"), however the inside card and outside card match serial number. There is otherwise absolutely no sign of any tempering.

      Very fortunately Apple (via was able to confirm the cards were not yet redeemed. After providing various details and various proof of purchase, they were able to help determine the "missing digits" and helped me redeemed the cards immediately. That credit has now been used but it was certainly touch and go there for a moment. Buying gift cards should not really be that stressful or high risk! Good luck to you…

      May be need to open the cards at check out prior to paying just to make sure they look ok from now on!

      EDIT: Apple's support said that this might be due to a "misprint"… hmm…

      • The same thing happened to me tonight at Metro! A few of the cards worked but the others didn’t… I spoke with apple and they have a team investigating it.

      • +1

        I was able to come to the same outcome. I purchased my apple gift cards from Rosebery Metro.

        Apple was able to “locate” the missing digits of the PIN via the serial number. They put a temporary block on the cards so they couldn’t be redeemed (by those I suspect who do have the correct PIN details). Now redeemed.

        It was a bit of a slow and painful process and yes so much stress!

        Just putting the outcome here for any other victims of what seems to be a very widespread operation to give a little peace of mind. I suspect it’d be a totally different outcome if the cards had been quickly redeemed before I rang apple!

        Best of luck everyone.

  • +1

    Hey, posting my experience. Bought one tampered today.

    I was refunded.
    I was able to produce receipt and able to proof to staff that Giftcard were tampered by taking un-opened ones from shelve.

    My understanding is: Since the goods/services that you purchase from the retailer is defective, by law you as the consumer is protected. If staff tell you that it is a scam and ask you to call the scam line, IT IS NOT. You can even argue that the retailer is the one scamming you.

    Illustration of the tampered giftcard
    The bottom most picture of the seal came from the actual tampered giftcard.

  • Bought one tampered today, as I am aware of this I open and try redeem it in coles at the service desk
    they were willing to refund me and grab one from their new batch

    The tampered one looks very neat, can not even tell it's been opened

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