• long running

$15 Nando's Voucher on Your Birthday Month (Requires Prior Purchase Within 6 Months) @ Nando's (PERi Perks Membership Required)


Did not realize this was not posted before but saw this in my app as its my birthday next week. The website says free meal on your birthday but my app is only telling me $15 credit which is still good enough for at least a wrap but with inflation who knows how long that will last for. Free to sign up for those who haven't and along with the birthday voucher they usually have a few free sides from time to time.

Mod Updated Title as Per Terms:

one (1) AUD$15.00 Nando’s voucher (Birthday Voucher) during the month of their birthday, where the Member has transacted within 6 months prior to the start of their birthday month, verified their Account and entered their date of birth within their Member profile in the Account (Eligible Members). Eligible Members will be sent an email with a barcode for the Birthday Voucher on the 1st day of their birthday month (e.g. if an Eligible Member’s birthday is the 6th or the 29th of September they will be sent the email with the Birthday Voucher on the 1st of September and will have 30 days to redeem the Birthday Voucher). The barcode will be valid for 30 days from the date the email is sent and cannot be redeemed outside of this period, regardless of any circumstances beyond the Eligible Member's control (including public holidays or restaurant closures). A verified Card or App and photo identification must be presented by the Eligible Member to confirm their identity and birth date registered on their Account. Nando's takes no responsibility for incorrectly entered birth dates. If a Member registers and joins the Program in the month of their birthday, no Birthday Voucher will be provided, the Member must wait until the following year to become an Eligible Member and receive the Birthday Voucher, if they are considered an Eligible Member at that time

Check out all the latest Birthday Deals & Freebies

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Nando's Australia
Nando's Australia


  • happy birthday op! wish you would be able to redeem all those birthday voucher and freebies

  • +6

    it's all listed in here

    • Thanks didn't know about this either.

  • +1

    I think you need to at least complete one purchase the month before to be eligible for the b'day voucher.

    • +1

      I think so too

    • +6

      6 months before*

    • Yeah that put a stop to me having a birthday a lmore than once a year. It was for the best as I gained about 5kg.

    • I just redeemed my $15 last week but I haven't been to a Nandos in over a year.

      • Interesting to know, my birthday is coming up next month and was planning to make a small purchase this month to get the $15!

        • Like chips or more like dipping sauce?

  • +6

    HBD OP! 🎉🌬️🎂
    WYATB n GBU! 🙏

    Members are entitled to receive the following, which are subject to the further individual terms and conditions of each offer listed in the App or the offer email sent to the Member:
    one (1) AUD$15.00 Nando’s voucher (Birthday Voucher) during the month of their birthday, where the Member has transacted within 6 months prior to the start of their birthday month, verified their Account and entered their date of birth within their Member profile in the Account (Eligible Members). Eligible Members will be sent an email with a barcode for the Birthday Voucher on the 1st day of their birthday month (e.g. if an Eligible Member’s birthday is the 6th or the 29th of September they will be sent the email with the Birthday Voucher on the 1st of September and will have 30 days to redeem the Birthday Voucher). The barcode will be valid for 30 days from the date the email is sent and cannot be redeemed outside of this period, regardless of any circumstances beyond the Eligible Member's control (including public holidays or restaurant closures). A verified Card or App and photo identification must be presented by the Eligible Member to confirm their identity and birth date registered on their Account. Nando's takes no responsibility for incorrectly entered birth dates. If a Member registers and joins the Program in the month of their birthday, no Birthday Voucher will be provided, the Member must wait until the following year to become an Eligible Member and receive the Birthday Voucher, if they are considered an Eligible Member at that time

    When you put in DOB, becareful of the date format, apparently they use MM/DD/YYYY (at least on the mobile browser) when you input it manually.

    Cheapest item to buy: Perinaise Dip ($1.95)
    What I normally buy being covered by $15: 1/2 chook (Gluten Free)

    Protip: take advantage of profitable BOOST SIMs and you’re laffin 🤭

    • Month 1: Invest $1.95 (Pita Bread) on Account 1
      Month 2: Free 1/2 chook + Invest $1.95 (Dip) on Account 2
      Month 3: Free 1/2 chook + Invest $1.95 (Dip) on Account 3

      Month n: Free 1/2 chook + Invest $1.95 (Dip) on Account n

      Extra: Multiple the number of accounts as needed. Cheers!

      • Slightly incorrect if you going down that road:

        Month 1: Invest $1.95 (Pita Bread) on Account 1
        Month 2: Free 1/2 chook + Free Regular (Peri)/Chips + Invest $1.95 (Dip) on Account 2

        • +1

          Free Regular (Peri)/Chips

          That's a nice plus :)

  • Nandos got too expensive for the size of chickens they were dishing out. Haven't had a free (birthday) nandos in ages.

  • Thanks, OP. Signed up.

    And, Happy Birthday 😊

  • +1

    I should probably setup 12 birthdays with all those Boost mobiles. Then I get nandos every month for free

    • +3

      Sry to hear that you only have 12 bdays…

      • +1

        It's tiring, aging 12x faster than normies.

        • Well us higher existences deserve to risk it for greater rewards in the name of battling corpgreed inflation

  • This has been ongoing for a long time. Don't forget to also sign up for the same offer with their competitor Capachio (which is just Nando's frqanchisees revolting). Also free donut from Krispy Kreme and Daniel's donuts and bubble tea from Chatime. Not sure if Gloria Jean still does theirs.

    • What is this "Capachio"? I have never heard of it and Google doesn't know anything of it either?

      • +2

        Was wondering the same thing, but I think he is trying to say Capricho?

        • Yes, that's the one. I kept thinking beef carpachio in my head.

    • Boost Juice, Baskin Robbins, Muffin Break… they don't need a purchase prior to the birthday too!

    • -1

      Gloria Jeans - are they still around?

  • You have to make a purchace prior to bday month to qualify

  • +2

    Stopped going ever since they went cashless and closed many of their stores. Prices are through the roof now too.

    • -4

      Don't remember the last time I paid for something in cash.

      • +1

        What about yesterday when Optus had their outages?

    • Yeah they had family deal for 25 now it's gone to 35

    • All food prices have gone through the roof unless you've been living in a cave.

  • +3

    Did somebody say Nando’s on your birthday?
    I don’t care. I loooooove it!

    • +3

      Wrong room mate. 🤣

    • +1

      Shut up and take my money!

      • Haha 🤣

  • I wonder what the best value birthday deal is? I guess this would be close but needs 6 months advance notice and a purchase. Maybe Mad Mex with a free burrito?
    Maybe some sort of algorithm and graph to calculate all this would be good..

    • +1

      I used to have a Hog's Breath card that gave me a free steak. Me and a mate who had his birthday in the same week used to go there only that one time in the whole year to have lunch together. Hence why they've closed down. Nandos' comes to a good close second in terms of value. I'm sure there are some better value ones out there but few come with just a straight up freebie without having to purchase something extra. Myer's gives a $10 voucher but only if you've shopped there in the past year.

  • Didn't get one last month. And I did purchase something few weeks before

    • Did you register your birthday in the app?

      • Yeap. I had it last time. But somehow got nothing this year. I was expecting for the email too

        • They didn't give me anything earlier this year then I got an email to say their system missed sending out the vouchers. So could be a lag until they do their next manual audit

    • +1

      Make sure you email contact them and if you have hard proof you purchased within the last 6months which they can see too from your acc’s activity, they’ll send you a $15 bday voucher in the form of GIFT CARD in your email. I would assume this will have the same expiry as under ACL, so up to 3yrs? I have 2, but haven’t used it myself so not sure how long its validity lasts for.

  • +1

    $11.95 just for chips.

  • I have a free reg side with purchase voucher on my account. I used to get the quarter chicken and get free chips with this voucher, but it used to be $6.95 for the chicken and now its $9.95

  • At least the voucher is the same.

    Red rooster reduced there bday voucher based on membership.

  • Just redeemed my $15 off using the app today, havent been to Nando’s in years

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