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Home Gym Inspiration Encore $99.83 Clearance in Target - Possibly Only Local Store


Saw in my local (Shepparton, VIC) Target on Clearance sale an Inspiration Encore Home Gym for $99.83. Seems quite similar to the one in BigW for $299. As it says on the box, only has a 35kg stack of weights, but promises to offer 70kg resistance. No idea of the quality really, but seems to be made by York Fitness, which I thought is at least an ok brand. Not sure if the clearance is in all Target stores, but they said that they have about 30 of them in stock at Shepparton Target.

I think this is the manual of the home gym: http://www.yorkfitness.com.au/uploaded/pdf_28450005Inspirati…

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closed Comments

  • wow, best price ever, my used one cost $200

  • +2

    Sweet jesus! Did you see the assembly instructions? :O Thank god for my gym membership.

    • -5

      Is the kinda person that wants to use one of these gonna have the IQ to put it together? :-) Good find though.

      • -6

        Hey hey hey! Easy there, you may hurt the sentiments of some Zyzz fans (aka retarded gym monkeys)… then again, maybe not. After all, they can't really read so you're okay. :P

        It is a good find. Especially useful for folks who may have time/accessibility constraints to go to a proper gym. No sure how one is supposed to bring this home tho (150Kg isn't it?)

        • +1

          "No sure how one is supposed to bring this home tho (150Kg isn't it?)"

          Where did you see that? Maybe you are confused with the maximum allowable weight of the user (150Kg)?

        • +1

          150kg is the maximum user weight. It came in three boxes, the biggest of which says 36-50kg, but is quite long and would probably not fit in a sedan.

        • Thanks jakentta. I must've had a small aneurysm after seeing the assembly instructions. :)

        • +2

          why u diss zyzz brah? u mad?

        • Hi can anyone give me the approx dimension of the boxes . going to pick one up tomorrow . just wondering on the length . whether it would fit in an SUV after folding the back seats down.. cheerz

        • +1

          The main box is about 205cm long, 50cm wide and 20cm high. Weighs 47kg, I noticed now. The other two boxes are just the weight plates, so small but heavy.

        • Thanks at 205cm I'll struggle to get that in my SUV .. better find a ute or van .. lol

        • -1

          Just jealous cos he looks shit.

    • +2

      I remember feeling like I've accomplished something great when I managed to assemble my first home gym.

  • Has anyone tried any other states?

  • +1

    Never skimp on gym equipment quality! Can't stress this enough

    • +1

      I think you have

  • None at Adelaide and Newton.
    Still a good find if you can get one.

  • i reckon this is the last stock that wont sell

  • 70kg is ok for cardio fitness, but not if your wanting to bulk up. I got one from Amart All Sports that you can add extra weight stacks to increase the load, also had a leg press

  • Hi all,
    I just joined o.b today(Awesome site btw).
    Found 2 of these gyms at West field Marion in Adelaide,i went down grabbed one.
    There was still 1 available as of wed afternoon.
    The big box didnt fit into a VT sedan so we shredded the box in the loading bay @ target and got it all in no worries.
    Build quality looks ok instructions weren't too bad except the parts didnt have labels etc(nuts n bolts did) but easily sorted out.

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