So the basket case, house of cards, Ponzi scheme that is the Australian economy that is already in a per-capita recession has just been hit with its 13th interest rate hike - I'm sure this will be in economics text books in a decade or so from now about how over-leveraged borrowers took on way too much debt in a time when the cash rate was effectively zero and got caught in the biggest debt trap anyone who is alive today has ever seen.
HOWEVER - OzBargain is full of savvy individuals, with financially literacy - those of you with home loans I'm sure didn't borrow anywhere near to your max and have a large amount of financial armour to shield them in what is turning into a situation that will be very dire for many Australians.
But I ask the question, are you stressed about your home loan debt repayments/ debt levels?
I'll try to keep 'context' in the polls - let's keep this for PPOR - not investors.
The interest rates are the highest they have been in 12 years, essentially my entire adult life the cash rate has been lower…..I wonder if I'm not the only one….
Update - I'll add an extra layer for those trying to 'buy their own home' as 'somehow' prices are still rising but borrowing power is dropping.
That’s my secret, cap. I’m always stressed.