Edit 8th November: Product arrived next day.. That was good. What wasn't/isn't good is that the unit does not come with a 30 Amp Anderrson (Powerpole) to 50 Amp Anderson cable/Adapter. without one you can't plug in you solar input. These are REALLY hard to find online. I found one for just under $60 but delivey time is too far for my need at the weekend. I'm having to try and make the cable, which isn't so easy if you don't have the right tools, i.e. Powerpole crimper. Some may get by with crimping with other tools or by soldering, but the connector pins are pretty tight using 12 AWG cable. I tried and failed.
I have now ordered a crimper and will try again to make one in time for camping,
Edit - I think it is a 58ah battery from the picture of label on back. I did assume higher with a 1500w battery, but I only need to run a camping fridge so good enough for me.
My first time buying a powerstation like this but think it's a great deal and have pulled the trigger on one.
Reviews of VoltX seem ok and I see there have been deals from this ebayer posted previously.
Available on Amazon for $701.61 after applying a 39% off coupon (through a third party seller)
But, having trouble finding any reviews on it. 1400+ wh seems unrealistic