This was posted 1 year 4 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired
  • targeted

[PC] Diablo IV Standard Edition $59.95, Digital Delux Edition $79.95, Ultimate Edition $89.95 @


Logged on this morning and noticed this deal, it said "An offer just for you!"

Almost 45% off

Standard edition$59.95
Digital Deluxe edition $79.95
Ultimate edition $89.95

Guess whoever played during the free play days would get it: I only played like half an hour.

I don't think I would buy it but someone may want to give it a try.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    I'm playing Diablo Immortal. It's free and it's fun. I love it for campaign mode and trying out all the heroes.

    • +1

      How much is it pay to win or did all the Metacritic users over exaggerate?

      • +3

        Why does one feel the need to pay2win when you can beat the campaign game without it? One can easily choose to ignore the monetised aspect of the game. I have thoroughly enjoyed various Blizz games such as DI and HS without spending a dime.

        • Good to know. I might give it a go.

          • +6

            @EitherWayUp: Diablo is all about the endgame - and with Immortal it's 100% pay to win, which is why everyone hates it.

            Although it does have a campaign that is decent and you can fully play through it for free, multiple times with each class even. Just don't get too invested in your loot/items/trying to get "more powerful" - that's where the money comes into it.

            • +7

              @jk82: It doesn't have to be about the end-game. I enjoy playing DI to finish the campaigns on public transport, then that's it. I have no desire to out-pvp the whales and rather spend the money on kfc tendies. It's all up to the desire of the individual.

        • +2

          This is a good point, but I personally still find it very obnoxious when dipping into the game's menu confronts me with a silly amount of ads for things to buy.

          I just don't like it. I'm playing games to have fun and relax.

  • +6

    This is what the RRP should be. It's a good game (since season 2), but it's not worth the full price. Especially the weird overpricing for PC versus Console pricing.

  • +1

    Not sure if targeted either but I got the deal on my account. Still a tad expensive imo, I've had more fun playing roguelites that cost less than $10 than this tedious choir of a game.

    • I didn't mind the campaign. It's the end game where it becomes a massive slog.

    • Can you recommend a few roguelites?

      • I've been playing "yet another zombies survivor" lately but if you havent already tried these:-

        Rogue Genesia (prob my personal favorite)
        Holocure (it's free)
        Disfigure (also free)
        Nomad survival (free from fanatics right now)
        Spell defender (no longer developer supported but tons of fun and cheap)
        Star survivor (space themed and allows a lot of customizability of your ship. I enjoyed this one but for some its more bullet hell than heaven).
        Scarlet tower (pretty bog standard but I like how fast paced is).
        Brotato (never really got into this one but a lot of others like it).
        Halls of torment (I negged this on steam ONLY because of boss difficulty/mechanics but a lot of others like it)

        Prob missed a few others too..

        • +1

          OOH WoW! I am so not the target audience for this genre i guess, I have not even heard about a single game you listed.

        • Fatal Zone isnt too bad either… Early Access on steam

  • +1

    Can confirm it must be targeted, not showing in my account (didn't play the free weekend) - not a bad deal; still quite a lot of negative feedback, was never worth $109.95, but might be decent for $59.95!

    • +1

      Sunk a couple hours during the free weekend (and betas). Did NOT get targeted either. I suspect they knew I still wouldn't buy it even at $60..

  • They are starting to pander to the community in terms of maxroll uber uniques and the game is much quicker and easier to level up. Ball lightning socerers are all over the place as they aren't nerfing characters. $59 for the base game and season 2 content is a pretty good deal.

  • +10

    They must be absolutely bleeding players if they offered a free weekend then cut the asking price by almost half.

  • +5

    I bought the game on launch and never enjoyed it.. it's passable with friends but solo is just boring.
    I'm still on act 2… That's how bad it was for me.

  • +7

    Let's face it you're never going to relive those awesome D2 memories. You tried with D3 and it didn't scratch the itch. You probably had more fun with POE despite that terrible skill-tree. D4 is somehow worse than D3.

    • +1

      Went back to D3 on the switch and its quite decent to pick and play on the couch with all the commitment of the PC. Text a little small but that is a systematic problem on most ports to this device.

    • +2

      I dunno, I didn't like D2 that much - I played it at the time as there were no other dungeon crawlers around that I had access to. I loved D3 though and played that multiple times over the course of it's life. D4 kinda scratches that D3 itch but I think I'd rather just go back and make another D3 character

  • This or D2?

  • I was obsessed with this for a month after it came out. I have 3 different lvl 50+ characters in my account. And then I just got sick of playing it lol. It got too repetitive for me. And yeah it was way overpriced when it came out!

    I love Diablo and I even was in the Alpha testing for this game. I also enjoyed Diablo Immortal on my iPad mini for months :)

  • Nope, don’t have this discount and I played during trial too.

    • Just checked it again and indeed I have this deal. Buying it now!

      • how did you end up with the deal, check and recheck it showed up or?

        • You have to use desktop BattleNet client and check notifications bell. It will be right there.

          • @Krepokrip: mm yep lil bell is blanko, 2 accounts one has d3 from 10 years ago, one has demo d4, both have no notifications on the bell

  • Got this deal, only played the free weekend for an hour or so. Picked it up for this price.

  • +1

    Bugger I'd grab it for this price

  • Thanks for the headup, I got the offer but didnt play the free weekend or even opened battlenet since the beta. Price is now fair but still unsure if I will purchase, alot of other games to catch up on atm.

    • ill buy it off ya?

  • +1

    Really shows the current state of the game lmao

  • +1

    Far from perfect, but season 2 is pretty fun. Getting to 100 is no longer a chore, but a reasonable journey that doesn’t stall like it did initially.

    It's not a forever game, but you will get enough value out of this even if you just play though once.

    Personally ill probably play a character a season, park it and come back every 3 months or so to see what has changed

  • Bought for this price. Refused to until it came down to a realistic price. This should have been the launch price.

  • +7

    I can't believe we've been conditioned to the point that we now consider $60 for a game to be a "bargain".

  • I'll see it on Steam when it's 80% off

  • +2

    Waiting for steam version to drop
    Where my steam deck homies at

    • +1

      It's out on steam?

      • drop in price i meant.
        currently still 109.95

      • mate, it's been there for a while

  • +1

    Woul'dnt play this shit even if they paid me $59.95

  • +1

    Don't let anyone dissuade you if you wanna try.

    3x level 100 characters and just rolled a sorc for season 2, took me a week to get to 52 with barely any commitment.

  • Damn, played a couple of hours on the F2P weekend and didn't get targeted.

  • This is about the price I paid for the Xbox version recently by using a $25 gift card from using Bing throughout the year.
    I'm really enjoying the game so far! Still very early on, but I'm finding much more impressive than Diablo 3

    • Since you could use the gift card for anything else, I'd argue the actual price you paid was $59.95 + $25 = $84.95.

      Or: $59.95 + having to use Bing for a year, which sounds demanding :)

      • +1

        Yeah, but I've been hoarding MS rewards points for ages. I buy most games physical, and this gives me a reason other than Forza to play Xbox.

        Also, Google isn't much better than Bing nowadays, so not that much of a chore anymore. Enshittification marches onwards

  • Why targetted? I would have bought it at that price but haven't got the offer.

  • +1

    unfortunately not seeing it, but i would probably bite at this price, not the stupid $110 theyre asking for RRP.

  • I'd buy it for $60.

    Played the free weekend, but no offer for me :( Full RRP is moronic.

  • Thanks, I just got it been waiting for decent price drop. Didn't play beta or free weekend first time playing.

  • guess no one can buy and gift it for this price, didnt get targeted

  • If anyone has this offer and will gift it to my account, I'll reimburse you :)

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