Victorian Energy Upgrades

Has anybody used one of the accredited installers and can recommend one of them? (south/south east suburbs)

I'm trying to get some of the basic stuff installed, exhaust fans seals etc but I've tried to email/call a few of the companies without any luck, a few said there are people in my area that will eventually knock my door but I am thankfully (usually) off the main street so usually don't get pestered, however on this occasion I would prefer it haha.


  • +9

    Maybe you can take some of mine.

    I seem to be on the indian call centre list for:
    1) solar panels
    2) energy plan change
    3) exhaust fan seals
    4) light bulbs

    I'm on the chinese call centre list for:
    1) "embassy calls"
    2) chinese police have a warrant for my arrest calls

    • ha, yeah you and me both. ditto to all. Plus eBay account take over calls, amazon invoices and health insurance. mthr fckrs

    • Yes feels very weird that I’m looking to contact these when so many people get pestered by them haha but I really could do with the upgrade

  • +1

    Why would you want any of it? It's all just junk that gets charged on the government tab at $100 a pop. I've had 3 people come by this year and I just wave them on.

    • +1

      Yes, lets save the government money so they can spend it elsewhere, wherever that may be.
      In all seriousness tho, isn't some of it worthwhile to reduce electricity consumption through better insulation? The exhaust fans and door seals 'sound' like they could be of use.

    • I’d like it because my house isn’t very energy efficient and I can feel external air coming from outside.

      I pay taxes so if the government are offering it for free and it improves my energy efficiency while lowering my bills I’m all for it.

      • what i suggest you do is get a thermal camera (my library has one) and see where the cold spots in your house are

      • +1

        I see it less as a I have a right to it and more of a I'm worth more than this trash type scenerio. It really is junk. They use $2 store components and hire backpackers to put it in. You end up with lightbulbs that aren't bright enough to see by, weatherstrips that fall off, powerboards that randomly turn your TV off.

        It would be so much better if they just gave you a big discount on quality goods, like heatpump dryers or HWS.

        • They do.. if you qualify for the rebates

          • @87percent: I had the light bulbs done - you are so right - bare minimum illumination

  • +1

    Unless you get x amount done, they won't do it. I had a knock on my door and they had to do x amount for it to be classified. I think it was 2 or 3 things needed to be done.

    Plus, they would have to a dedicated trip just for you, its not economical and don't get their ROI. If they are in the area and do every 2nd house, then it becomes worth it, but not for 1 person.

    Also, things light Exhaust Fan Seals only apply to certain models. I couldn't get it done in my house because I have a heat lamp, light and exhaust fan all in one.

    If you are that worried about it and want to be more energy efficient, do a DIY and just pay the small $$$ for the stuff. You'll get the ROI yourself and avoid the crap of having to try to organise a 3rd party.

  • +1

    I have the free Powerpal gizmo connected to my meter to allow me to monitor my usage. The Powerpal people messaged me and offered the service.

    I got 5 evaporative cooling vent covers installed, and one door sealed. They only do front or back door, not both, but give you the left over sealing tape which is enough for the second door.

    Had plenty of calls about the light bulbs, but I have slowly replaced most of mine when LEDs come on special. The bulbs they offer are way too dim for me. I need bright light.

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