Another week, another Tegel deal
Credit to my Australia Post dude :)
Another week, another Tegel deal
Credit to my Australia Post dude :)
Had it once before and didn't have any issues with it, but they are super greasy imo (lot of oil comes out of the breadding when I airfry) so maybe you're sensitive to the oil they have on them?
They were disgusting a gooey mess, I was going to throw them out but gave them another go and weren't too bad if cooked, cut open underneath and above, flipped, cooked and drained for about 3 times the recommended (80 minutes for me) in the the air fryer to get all that literal slime junk out of them. Wouldn't buy again, not sure what they're injecting them with to add weight..
If they are a gooey mess then you haven't fried them long enough. Use an airfryer and they are delicious and crispy - 20 minutes on 190-200 'C
@CptnObvious: 80 minutes I had to fry them for. The package now states 45 min but previously I'm pretty sure it was 25..
@CptnObvious: I get these now "Steggles Chicken Pieces Flaming Wing Nibbles Spicy 1kg" , ever since the Cole's honey soy chicken ones quietly disappeared.
They take about 15-20 minutes in the air fryer and aren't injected with goo, they're not too spicy either. Tried frozen habanero ones that were overwhelming, think they stopped stocking them too..
How long did you cook it for? Some of the larger pieces take a really long time. I can usually cook some frozen chips in my air fryer in 12 minutes but these take over 40 minutes at the same temperature.
First time I had these I undercooked them, having been used to usually just tossing in frozen chicken schnitzels for 15-20 minutes. Around the 40-45 minute mark sounds about right, and they came out tasting sooo much better as a result.
No, but the non-wings/drumstick type are large and uneven so they're prone to being undercooked. 40mins at specified heat with a lot of turning, and microwaving at the end if they're still undercooked. I only buy the wings now.
Yeah. I did. Never been such sick in my life. Pretty sure it wasnt undercooked.
should always probe chicken
Same. That's where the instant read inkbird comes into play.
I thought it was just me! Yep, took a week to recover!
You can get sick from pretty much any undercooked chicken. Campylobacter and salmonella. Have had these with no problems but we do make sure they are completely cooked.
Which ones don't have bones/good for burgers?
Both Nashville and Louisiana have bones.
Tegel Take Outs Louisiana Style Chicken Burgers, as one would imagine, do not contain bones.
The Tegel Take Outs Tenders option could also make a decent burger.
48 minutes 160 degree. Add another 10 degree if your airfryer larger than 5.2 L . Flip every 15 minutes
lol even deep frying takes longer than 10 mins
this product has already been partially deep fried once (maybe around 3 minutes) for the crumbing and batter to stick to the chicken. so its kinda like 50% cooked already.
@mrvaluepack: I wouldn't say it was 50% cooked already, much less than that. I defrost them first and then 25-30 in the air fryer and they are done
The packaging says 45-50 minutes in an airfryer
From memory the packaging says 20 mins in airfryer at 200degs, and never had a prob with that duration.
I think convection oven stated 25 mins.
@fookos: You can see the back of the packaging in the link above.…
Yeah 10 mins max.
If want to induce diarrhoea to clear your guts out.
10 mins at 200 C in air fryer. air fryer will take around 5 mins to reach max temperature.
I’m a food safety supervisor and please don’t ever cook again
I defrost them first so that it doesn't take as long in the air fryer….prob 25-30 minutes for me and they are cooked through
What your temperature?
I don't do it that high. prob 165 in the air fryer for 15 minutes each side? Like I said, I defrost first, so they aren't frozen going into the airfryer and that cuts down the cooking time
my tummy cant handle them for some reason i have only one but comes out bad the other end but they are soo good in the air fryer
i think it might be the oil
Gotta love these aussie made and designed and manufactured
I didn't even realise New Zealand became part of Australia. When did this happen?
Flag checks out
New Zealand people have to learn to speak English first.
New Zealand has always belonged to Australia. They just don't know it.
which style tastes more like KFC popcorn chicken?
Oh baby
I have no idea why OzB has such a rodney for tegels. They're mid, definitely not goated with the sauce
Wasn’t really good when I tried it from coles deal. Pieces are very uneven in size so they don’t cook the same way. If you’re using this for family meal some will have gigantic pieces while others will be left with tiny wing nibbles 😬.
Omg not again, now I have to buy more.
They are ok, especially at $7 a bag. Clearly it's not KFC or RR fried chicken, but I reckon they are ok for the price
Air fry is the only good way to cook them
Yep agreed, oven in fan mode is the go.
They are worth $7 max,was around $3 last year as I can recall,the part of chicken are not good,most are drumsticks and it's uncooked.I dont think who stupid enough buy these at full price guess thats why they are on sale every week.
Steggles Chicken Pieces Flaming Wing Nibbles Spicy are way better that Id pay $11 when special,less heat time and much juicier.
And I do feel they have more coats and less fresh compare to steggles,and yes just checked they only have 64% of chicken which steggles have 81%
I think the quality is average, last time i got a bag full wings aswell
Better getting the chicken marinated packs from the fridge zone
Free chicken with your salt
Chicken (66%),
Someone's salty
Never heard of them, not sure why so many upvotes
You should see some if the fake bargains posted by Reps.
So because you haven’t heard of them, no one else must have heard of them.
That's correct.
Is Tegel like a knock off Steggels
Thanks for the tip OP. I have run out and need to stock up, and was waiting for the next half price sale.
I forgot which one is the "spicy" one? Nvm.. the one the says hot lol
It was okay last time. On the greasier side but hit the chicken spot.
Not that greasy or oily, at least compared to KFC. I rate above KFC because they are crunchier, and can be enjoyed straight hot out of the air fryer (compared to chicken going cold by the time you get home from picking up KFC).
got this from coles when they had the same sale on. Got super sick straight after eating it. anyone else?