I'm just curious, is neighbourhood watch still a thing these days? Is it time we remove these signs from the streets, some of them look like they were from the 80s.
Is Neighbourhood Watch Still a Thing?

Last edited 29/10/2023 - 17:51 by 1 other user
OPs google search is faulty
If the signs deter one crime, even if Neighbourhood Watch hasn't existed for decades, then they pay for themselves.
some of them look like they were from the 80s
someI didn't realise there were multiple designs. What 2023 design would tickle your fancy? Are you planning on committing a crime and the current signs are making you uneasy?
One with AI robots and lasers on it!!
My neighbours watch me while I'm in my yard. Does that count?
I watch my neighbours when they’re in their pool, does that count?
Address please.
I volunteer as neighbourhood pool watch for Stacy’s mom. She has it goin on.
I also hear that Stacy's dad is pretty rad.
only if u carry boiling hot water
I understood this reference
Neighbourhood Watch a Kettle Boil
officer i was only my way to make tea for the neigbours
from the 80s
The one on my parents place is so faded from uv it’s just a white square at the letterbox now.
FFSaké … aside from me, everyone else here appear to be reddit regulars so why replicate a thread?
The only good thing on reddit these days is r/falloutnewvegas
I’m watching, but none of my neighbours know it
So it's pretty much a dead thing now..
Most of the neighbourhood goss has moved to FB groups if your 'burb has one.
It used to have periodic meetings organised by the cops. E.g. https://www.police.nsw.gov.au/safety_and_prevention/policing…
their guidelines are dated 2022, so somebody is technically in charge, but I think they have simply changed priorities to let the old program fade away.Yep I remember it from the 80s. My parents were involved on the periphery and they'd have meetings at the local school. I recall that the group purchased a "communal engraver" which they'd lend out to each family for a few days and the idea was that you'd engrave your valuables with it (drivers licence number IIRC?) I still see the signs from time to time but I think it's been largely let go.
Crime was a bit different then - anecdotally most people were concerned about burglaries and car theft as it was pre-immobiliser days and most houses didn't have alarms back then. Families all knew each other back then too, so the neighbourhood watch scheme just worked.
Neighbourhood watch is now done in Facebook groups.
"There's 3 males walking down Smith St now eyeing off cars"
"Someones's dog is continually barking in Baker Cr, something must be going on there"
"Saw a blue car driving slowly 3 hours ago on OzBargain Dr, probably casing houses"
"Anyone know where I can find a JP?"
I still see some houses with 'safety house' triangles…
What did a google search find?