Not the cheapest but a good deal nonetheless.
Deluxe version for $14.98
Bundle with Survivor $69.69
Not the cheapest but a good deal nonetheless.
Deluxe version for $14.98
Bundle with Survivor $69.69
Not the cheapest but a good deal nonetheless.
I think they're asking about what the historic cheapest price was, not saying that this isn't the cheapest.
Wasn't the cheapest free
What's cheaper than free?
Not really a good deal when most ozbargainers already got it for free
I’m not “most OzBargainers”. I didnt get it free and I’ve been waiting for a deal on this for over 4 months. It is a deal now.
Care to share the post when it was free?
FYI also available on game pass/EA play
FYI Dead Space was just added too.
Great game. Did they end up fixing the frame rate issue on PC?
Nope. Riddled with that classic UE4 shader compilation stutter. If you're sensitive to constant immersion breaking FPS drops don't bother with either Star Wars Jedi games on PC.
Steam Deck compat?
Yea runs ok probably averaging around 40-45 fps except Kashyyyk the fps drop and stutters are terrible
Kind of crappy that the bundles doesn't discount if you already own the first one.
It did for me, I bought Fallen Order for $12.48 only to realize that there's a bundle price with Survivor. Paid another $58.46 to get Survivor as a bundle.
Jimmy fallen order was fun, but so many unskippable cutscenes
Wasn't the cheapest free