New lowest price on the Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Gaming OC PRO 8GB V3 LHR Graphics Card for only $568.82 delivered to your doorstep via Amazon.
This is the best price for this item since forever on Amazon.
Enjoy while it lasts nerds!
New lowest price on the Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Gaming OC PRO 8GB V3 LHR Graphics Card for only $568.82 delivered to your doorstep via Amazon.
This is the best price for this item since forever on Amazon.
Enjoy while it lasts nerds!
That's an AMD 6800 and it's used. Two PC parts I never buy used is the CPU & a GPU, especially ones that were used for mining
Comes with 12m warranty.
3060 Ti is pretty weak.
Damn, I remember paying $1300 for one back in the COVID days. Great card. Playing all the latest games on max settings but I play 1080p60. YMMV if you go higher.
on recent eBay sales you could get Asus 3070 for this price if not less (I posted those)
Also, aren’t Gigabyte 30xx cards the ones with the cracking PCBs near the pins?
RTX 3060Ti GDDR6X updated. $539 with code HGTSAVE
The above Gigabyte Gaming Pro Rev 3 RTX 3060 Ti is slower then the updated GDDR6X revision.
$540 to $490 is the normal price for a while now. Making this no deal. A bad one really.
Nice find, and still free shipping.
Got a 3060ti for $650 back in March 2022. Can't believe it hasn't dropped further.
!! Prices are sure to drop once crypto bubble bursts !
Not if the AI bubble swoops in to save team greedy green!
Weren't these like $450 a few months back. The superior 6700xt was like $500
Got 3070ti ‘refurb’ from Harris Tech for 20c less than this recently. Pretty much new, and has warranty.
Terrible price for this obsolete dinosaur card which doesn't even match an RTX 2080 Super (which go for sub $300 on fbm/ocau)
If you can only pay $570 for a graphics card, if at all possible, please just wait for 2 months. When Nvidia is about to release its 40 series super refresh cards, you'll be able to pick up a 4070 for that price, or close to it.
If you must buy now, then an ex mining RX6800 can save you $110 and would be more powerful.
Dinosaur? Lmao.
Dramatic man.
Prices are unlikely to go down in the foreseeable future. AMD's software devs are clearly incompetent and can't write software worth a damn and because of that Nvidia now has almost complete market share in desktop gpus. Lack of competition = no pressure to reduce prices. Intel is unlikely to help the situation as they've also been diversity hiring and their software devs are now just as incompetent as AMD's, so this is not likely to get better any time soon.
Jeez, a little dramatc lol.
If you're happy to play 1080p60 like I am, I'm still maxing out settings on PC games without issue on mine. I wouldn't say it's obsolete given the most used card is the GTX1650, according to this year's Steam Survey. Also worth noting that the 6800 is rubbish for content creation. The AMD encoder hasn't been updated in years. NVenc is superior in every way.
Great price on the RX6800 but you're gambling with it being ex-mining. No guarantees on it, even with a 12 month warranty which according to some posts on Whirlpool, have been hard to follow through on. Quite a few reported that their RX 6800xt from a previous sale had oxidisation on them
wait whut, there are cheaper 3060 ti cards than this