• expired

Britax Safe N Sound Graphene Convertible Car Seat Kohl $349 + Delivery ($0 C&C/ First Time Order) @ Baby Bunting

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Great price for this popular baby car seat.
Suits 0-4 yrs, compact and extended rear facing.
Pebble Grey colour available for same price: https://www.babybunting.com.au/product/britax-safe-n-sound-g…
Offer ends 29/10/23

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Baby Bunting

closed Comments

    • Hi probably too late but I have loyalty rewards that you can use if you want.

      • Thank you so much for the offer but I already purchased :) have a great day!!

  • Also thoughts on this one which is 0-4 years, versus the half price Mother’s Choice seat that is 0-8 years for $414?

  • +1

    Thanks for this deal I just picked up the graphene +, ended up being free delivery too when I logged in (they subtracted the $9.95 fee).

  • +1

    Great deal. Ordered it for $310 - got $10 coupon on signup, got $10 coupon for baby’s bday which is next month (was able to apply both coupons to single order) plus ~$19 (5.6%) from Shopback cashback.

    • oh wasnt aware of $10 for baby's birthday. how long did it take them to send you November birthday voucher after entering the birthday of the baby?

      • I entered the baby’s birthday while creating new account. Got both the new signup and bday coupons the next day. They say on the website that they will send it after 24 hours.

        • For some odd reason. Didn’t get anything for birthday. Anyways not and for $339 + cashback.

  • Britax Safe N Sound Graphene+ Convertible Car Seat Grey Opal also for 400

  • Halp! I no absolutely nothing about this topic and we have a bub due in 6 months. Should i buy this? Does this also convert into a capsule thing or do i need to get a seperate capsule seat for the first 6 months and then get this? Is there not one that does capsules and this?

    • +3

      Capsules are a seperate thing. Not really necessary in my opinion, but some people swear by them, and may be worth getting one especially if you are going to have multiple kids. Otherwise, you can also hire them, given they are likely to be used for only a short time.

      This is a great seat, and one of the most popular compact 0-4 extended rear facing (safest) options. The other is Infasecure Attain (and variants), or the newer Maxi-Cosi Pria (smart tether looks like a pretty awesome feature!).

      If you have a bigger car and arent going to have 3 across, and dont need a compact seat, then there are a lot of other options (eg. larger version of 0-4 seats, or even 0-8 seats). But this seems to be a pretty solid all-around recommendation. Graphene -> Maxi Guard Pro seems to be a popular option.

      Good luck! :)

    • +1

      You don't need a capsule, this will be fine. Capsules are completely different and is more a convenience thing.

  • +3

    Does anyone want my rewards money for this? I
    have $20 off on my account.
    Your purchase would go on my account (and would give me $20 that would expire and another month or two) but if youre not planning on making too many more big purchases at BB then it wouldnt make a difference but save you now. I don't plan on making any more BB purchases :S
    Its going to expire for me soon anyway. Just PM me. I'll comment here again if its been claimed.

  • Deal is not expired

    • +1

      Speaking to the sales lady at baby bunting. She said they have loads of stock. They are reducing the price so that they sell all stock before they bring in an updated graphene model. It appears sale has been extended by 2 days (till Sunday)

  • Any installation videos for the Britax Graphene?
    Don’t seem to find any on YouTube.

  • Thank you, just ordered one. We have our first baby girl due in March next year, hopefully she likes the seat!

    • +2

      Good luck. We have our 3rd due in march too. Im aiming for 29 feb, but my husband says thats cruel 😆

  • I wish I had known about this style. It saves a lot of space and makes it easier to take care of the baby. It's too late for me to swap now :(

    • Which one do you have instead?

  • Back at this price again for Black Friday sales at BB

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