Great price for this popular baby car seat.
Suits 0-4 yrs, compact and extended rear facing.
Pebble Grey colour available for same price:…
Offer ends 29/10/23
Britax Safe N Sound Graphene Convertible Car Seat Kohl $349 + Delivery ($0 C&C/ First Time Order) @ Baby Bunting

Last edited 17/11/2023 - 21:25 by 3 other users
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Damn that's a good price, remember I paid $449 3 years ago
I paid $549 last year. Smh.
Thanks OP, grabbed one. Was looking for the ifix one, unfortunately that one is not on sale.
Wow Ty, would of just assumed they had ifix
As is isofix? Surely they all have it these days? I have this model and it’s got it, and it’s listed in the specs.
Unless I’m misunderstanding and ifix is some new fandangle Apple version.
The model linked most certainly has isofix (I have 2).
Ifix looks to be a Britax new convertible model, you guessed right.……
Got this at a last sale and have this in the car currently and can confirm it has isofix.
Yep it has it - under "Features": 'ISOFIX COMPATIBLE
ISOFLEX™ connectors allow for installation to vehicles with ISOFIX low anchorages. ISOFIX use ensures an easier installation, correct fit and a safer journey every time.'
Dang… Need a baby first for this.
Buy now plan later. The ozbargain way
Can protect groceries too in the interim. Get it!
Don't forget cashback! Currently 6% on Cashrewards…
Do car seats really "expire"? Or is it for safety reasons to get the most recent product with the latest safety upgrade? People tell me not to buy second hand… Genuinely interested to know why.
If it helps save babby’s life in a crash I wouldn’t risk second hand or expired.
Ford raptor mom
Usually because you can't verify if it's been in a crash and therefore is compromised.
Because if they've been in a crash they're not meant to be used and should be replaced. And yes they expire after 10 years. Definitely worth getting new. Also this seat is the number one favourite among baby seats for being the most compact and best performing and I've never seen it this low. Bought ours for $450 and $520 both on different sales.
The expiry is a hedge that the plastics (including polystyrene) will have perished to some degree and thus not be as structurally sound.
Second hand is fine if you trust the people that it hasn't been in a crash. Britax offer a free replacement if the seat is in a crash, so little reason for the seller to lie, but some people still would regardless.
They do ‘expire’. I think around 6-7 years or whatever from manufactured date (should be stamped into the seat). The plastic can lose its integrity after a period. Your kid would have outgrown this well before then.
These seats are comfortable. They also come with other ranges like the bamboo fabric which is supposed to be more comfortable and breathable. A good thing for Australian Summer.
And remember to replace the seats after an accident. My insurer included replacement costs when I had mine.
Wow very good price, haven't seen it that low for the past year.
Next baby is still cooking. Do I get this now and store for 7 months or wait for a deal closer?
Get it now.
I probably will. The Graphene+ for $400 is tempting as well. Having them sleep well is worth every dollar on long trips.
Why the Graphene+ over this one?
@Junglegreen: Only difference is Graphene plus has a different cover - a thermoregulating memory foam cover.
Actually, current bub will be almost 3 when new bub finishes in a capsule, assuming she is in a capsule for 6 months. I'm probably best getting a 0-8 yrs Infasecure seat for current bub (in a year's time) and handing down the current Graphene to new bub.
That's what I am thinking too! In the same boat.
You can do layby at baby bunting so your warranty will only start once you pick up the item.
Great idea but the layby is for 3 months max. Still helps I guess.
I got all my baby seats second hand for around $100 each.
Very good quality - hardly used seats to be had secondhand + reuse and save the world :)
I'm happy you're happy.
Can anyone suggest a good booster seat for older children?
We are using the Britax maxi guard pro in our car but need something for the parents in law car. Maxi guard is too expensive for a low usage booster.My local ALDI store was clearing the Infasecure boosters for $69. Same model as this one here:
Harnessed boosters are generally safer than seat belt boosters if used correctly.
Here’s a couple of cheaper options:……Thanks. I had been looking for harnessed (not just convertible) but there are not many around.
I will have to check the reviews about tightening and loosening the straps - some seats are really hard especially for grand parents. I don't know why more manufacturers use a button like the Britax maxi guard. So much easier.
I just installed a Britax - Safe N Sound Hi Liner V17 SG Booster Seat Grey (constantly on special at Baby Kingdom) to replace a Graphene that my 4-year-old outgrew. Can be used with seatbelt or harness (sold separately). I noticed there's also a Safe N Sound range at Kmart which is a cut-down version of the Britax products but consistently well-reviewed on Kmart's site.
Did you do much research? My lad is 5 and still in a Britax graphene baby seat. Need to upgrade to a more suitable seat soon. Looking for suggestions.
Not really. Stuck with Britax because the Graphene was OK, and my wife's car has another model of Britax. Thought I was getting a good deal from Baby Kingdom so jumped on it. But their apparent discount price doesn't seem to ever change. I am using the seatbelt rather than a harness and my 4-year-old seems to like the chair. He gives the anti-submarining passthrough for the seatbelt a funny voice and has it "talk" to me whenever I fasten the seatbelt :)
I'm keen on another Maxi Guard Pro, has anyone seen good deals on those? Britax is so easy to install.
Btw the Britax Graphene is a high quality seat and easy to use. We have LOTS of Infasecure but only one Graphene and the Britax is much nicer to use. Also one of the most compact seats if not the most compact seat on the market. Supposedly also works on airline seats.
Can confirm, we have taken it on the plane and used it.
The main downside is it gets in the way of the tray table, so you cant use the tray table with the car seat! Was very frustrating.
Also calling up to be allowed to take it on the plane in painful. Wait times can be horrendous!
And having to lug it around the airport with you.
Also some airlines specify which row it has to be on, and if you dont get the correct row they won't let you take it.
But for the toddler sleeping on the plane it was great!
baby brewing as well, my mates keep telling me to get a capsule instead? this seems to have good reviews though
Early on, a capsule is handy to go from car > pram and back if you go out shopping or whatever. However, that only last about 6 months or so (depending on the size of your baby). After that, you will need to buy a car seat. So you could end up spending double, but it is handy and you don't wake bub.
We have a capsule for my Wife's car only and it is handy, we use that as the family car most of the time. But for my car, I have a regular seat (0 to 4) and getting bub in + out can disturb them, so it can be annoying having an unsettled little one whilst shopping etc.
Something to keep in mind is that they don''t recommend leaving a baby in a capsule too long (nothing more than 2 hours apparently).
Thanks, might have to just do a gumtree/fb marketplace for capsule given it is very very limited time use.
Better if you know someone, if it's been in an accident it shouldn't be used again and if you don't know the seller there's risk of that. I'd hope nobody would sell used car seats that had been in accidents though…
We are in the same position, probably going to hire the capsule from here -
yeah it is worth a try, just check the expiry date on it as well. They all have a stamp on when they "expire". More is in the above comments about this.
@tightm8 i just went down this path and got a Mico 12 capsule, at least it can last up to 12 mths depending on bub size- and maxi cosi have a free accident replacement deal - I bought second hand so you can never really be sure, and I’ve always only bought new car seats, but buying this saved me at least 50% and I hope that if it was in an accident at least their deal to replace would likely have been used by anyone with half a conscience.
It’s good because it pops in and out and attaches to our pram system.
But yes, now means I need to buy another seat (looking at this one).
We hired a capsule for 6 months instead of buying one.
Currently got a capsule and picked up two bases, one for my wifes car and one for mine. Helps quite a bit being able to switch the capsule back n forth between cars whenever we need wtihout having to refix all the straps.
We found ours on FB Marketplace with a decent amount of life left in it (expiry) and in great condition otherwise.
Also, remember that most baby stuff, you can expect to reflip on marketplace anyway.
Any recommendations for capsules? i assume you have to have the same brand as the stroller?
We're using a Maxi Cosi Mico. Pretty good and the baby konks out most of the time whenever we place him in it. Straight forward enough to use, though a bit on the heavier side, especially once loaded with the bub. Would recommend you and your partner head to baby bunting and try lifting all the capsules (loaded with something 3-5 ish kg's) to get a real feel for them all.
When we tried at the store, the maxi's were generally more intuitive to use then the rest.
The capsule and stroller don't have to match! Some capsule brands also sell adaptors to fit other pram types. We have a baby jogger pram, and when we got the capsule, the seller also had the corresponding adaptors so saved us making an extra purchase.
@Gnilgorf: Also suggest the Mico 12, look on Facebook there’s a group called child restraints australia. And be mindful of things like head flop / chin to chest which some capsules are worse than others.
Hire the capsule and make sure it's compatible with your pram
This is the best idea - pick your pram, hire a capsule which works with it.
Cheaper and easier.
Trying to decide between this and the Maxi Cosi Pria GCell - anyone know if this is better or the Maxi Cosi one?
At this price, this one is better. All comes down to which one your baby likes though!
The pria is almost double the price.
If you want to spend more check the Britax b-compaq
I have this. Easy to install and use, but I haven't crashed my car yet to test out how good the protection is.
Please perform this test and get back to us so I can decide whether to buy or not :)
Hi all, Would it be besg to get a harnessed booster for a 3 year old and then use the current babyseat for the new baby? Saves buying a new seat here? Thanks!
Similar age gap here and we got a Maxi Guard Pro for our oldest and handed down our Graphene to the new baby.
Awesome, thanks for letting me know :)
We did the exact same thing…
But now, however, have number 3 on the way and have to decide if there is another 4+ booster seat that is good for our son and repeat the hand down of the maxi guard and graphene process 😆Haha, positive news is congrats on number 3!!
Congrats on #3! Let me know what you decide, we're hoping for a third soon and will be in the same boat 🧐
Great price, about what I paid for ours all the way back in early 2020 through an eBay deal.
Thanks got one!
Thanks OP. Bought one.
Im in the market for one and wondering, is it worth buying this or getting one that suitable for 0-8 year old? Just trying to save money and avoid having to buy another one after 4 years old
4 years is a long time. Buy 0-4 first, then look at 4 plus. Things change a lot in 4 years. Both my wife and I have different cars to what we first had with our daughter, so that has changed the new seats we have bought for our now 4-year-old daughter.
Also, depends on the size of the bub. If they are small, then at 4, they would still be in the seat. My daughter was 4 in August and she is still in her 0-4 seat.
Safety will change as well and so could laws, so just do 0-4 first and then buy 4 plus later on to get the latest and greatest.
This is a good answer. I was stressing about this and came to the same realisation that I'll get about 6 years use of it if I have 2 kids.
The back length of this model, and most Britax, are longer than other makes. Longer back length means the kid fits in it longer.
Does baby bunting ever have extra codes during click frenzy?
Worth waiting or will they sell out.Currently am using a hand me down infrasecure and don’t love it for our 1.5 year old. Hopefully another baby on the way soon too.
A little more saving and I’ll bite!
ShopBack 15% cashback capped at $20….
you can sign up to their rewards club for an extra $10 off - takes 24 hours to process tho. just realised while typing that the cashback will be over by then. decisions, decisions….
Coupon/voucher would make the ShopBack invalid. I’m hoping for a clickfrenzy code tonight haha
$329 delivered with Shopback is an unbelievable price. Why though? Graphene is the best selling one which still sells.. is another new version round the corner and they want to clear stock?
Isn't the B-Compaq better than Graphene due to the cheese plate making it less hot for bubs? Why is Graphene more popular at normal price, if this was the regular price I would have understood why Graphene is more popular than the B-Compaq.
From what I understand, it's the newer and better seat, yes. But it's more expensive and not necessarily worth the extra to all people. Particularly because Graphene is on sale frequently.
B-compaq is basically the newer version of the graphene (same compact size). It has a few more features but is usually $100 more. I think graphene being around for longer means it has also had time to build up a good reputation.
We got a 0 to 8 year one for a little bit more. Same brand.
It's awesome and save money over time.
Grouse deal on this model. We have two, very happy with them.
Bunting doesn't sell Graphene Tex.. too bad? It's supposed to be better than Plus as it has spill proof material.
PS: what am I doing in life? Commenting on car seat posts when I have no need to buy one…
You're quite right, the Tex is exclusive to non-BB stores like Baby Kingdom and Plus is exclusive to BB (allowing them to avoid price matching issues). Technically the Tex and Plus are side-grades, spill resist vs better cooling, depends which one you value more.
Can't help with 2nd part I'm afraid…
Ahh.. to avoid price match.. makes so much sense. They should do a Tex+ :)
Which colour are you guys getting?
Kohl should hide stains better since its darker. Things like food, drink, boogers, pee and poop.
I think stains would show less on lighter colours. Most baby stains would probably come from the mouth and be white 🤮 from milk. Pee and poo are hopefully captured by a nappy and clothing. Food colours depends on the food. A dark colour will contrast that more than grey in my opinion.
Black looks better but dark colours absorb heat much more. When your car is in the sun you want the seat to stay as cool as possible so the baby is more comfortable, even if it is only a few degrees.
Similar reason to why white cars are much cooler than dark cars.
I think stains would show less on lighter colours too.
I got one of these from Baby Buntings eBay store for $296 delivered a few months ago.
Really? When was this? You should have published it as a deal!
It was a deal on here.
Can you share the link? I can’t find any deal for the Graphene for $296.
Anybody have a $10 off new customer code theyd like to share? :)
You can just sign up and get it, I don't know if there are codes to share?
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That's really cheap and was the top performer when I bought it several years ago.