Sign up for free and just shop with Telechoice as normal.
- Cashback on Telechoice Offers Pre-paid, Sim-only, Phone on plans
- Cashback only applies to the 1st month 100%
What mobile network does TeleChoice use?
TeleChoice uses parts of Telstra's 5G, 4G and 3G mobile networks. The service provides 5G coverage reaching at least 75% of the Australian population.
What will stop me from getting my cashback?
Using a discount code or voucher code not posted and approved by TopCashback.
If you return or cancel your order then you will no longer be eligible for cashback and you will see the cashback move to Declined in your account.
What to do and when?
Any Missing Cashback Claims must be lodged within 100 days of your purchase.
Remember 10-15 years ago telechouce were the go to Telstra reseller. What happened?