• expired

[NSW] Free - Not a Hamburger (Vegan Burger) @ Mr.Charlie's, Redfern


The viral US eatery known as a "vegan version of McDonald’s" will open its first Australian store in Redfern.

FREE Not a Hamburger till 1:11pm

3 Cope St.
Sydney NSW

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Mr.Charlie's Told Me So
Mr.Charlie's Told Me So

closed Comments

  • +9

    a vegan version of mcdonalds, didnt know plants tasted that shithouse

    • -2

      i don't get vegans. if you want to eat plants. eat plants. not some ultra processed food that is unhealthier for you than real food

      • -2

        bang on…i remember when vegetarians & vegans ate healthy.
        no shortcuts, no compromise and no convenience.
        my how times have changed!

      • +15

        You could say the same about any fast food?

        • You could say the same about a lot of things….

        • -2

          You could say the same about any fast food?

          People who eat junk food aren't claiming it's good for them. Do you see the difference here?

          • +9

            @1st-Amendment: Please provide the evidence where people are claiming this burger is good for you.

              • +4

                @1st-Amendment: That comment is not about the food served here. Nor does your rant have relevance.

                Once again:

                Please provide the evidence where people are claiming this burger is good for you.

      • +8

        If you want to eat meat. eat meat. not some deep fried food that is unhealthier for you than real food.

        if you want to eat fruit. eat fruit. not some sugar filled gummy that is unhealthier for you than real food.

        Etc, etc, all sorts of foods and flavours are in different forms that are worse for you.

        • -1

          Time will tell most of these meat replacements are full of synthetics, chemicals and stabilizers. We won't know what affects they will have on the body for years to come…..

      • +12

        Fyi you are mistaken, The vegan burger is not made for vegans. It is made for meat eaters who want to transition into eating more plant based foods. Also this ultra processed plant based food is supposedly less dangerous alternative to an ultra processed ham burger due to it having less bad fats. Choosing lesser of the 2 evils, i guess.

        • -3

          Just buy a nice steak from your butcher.

        • From a business perspective, turning a bunch of farmed slop with nutrition artificially added in and making that palatable is a lot more profitable than raising cattle. Pretty much addresses every challenge with meat: Lower cost per kg / greater longevity / fewer import and export challenges. These places can survive for a lot longer than traditional burger places because their costs are lower.

          • -2

            @nea ozb:

            is a lot more profitable than raising cattle.

            Only if you have customers, which I don't see too many of…

            Pretty much addresses every challenge with meat

            Apart from the most important one, people like to eat it.

      • How many shops have you seen that offer the option to have any items on the menu that dont have meat in them in the first place? Answer hardly any without walking around for kilometres, prime example mac donalds not having a single offering.

        At least with the fad rise of fake meat burgers there is enough mass market appeal that it offers an option to be commercially viable and still offer a meal to those that dont eat meat.

        Thats the reality of it.

      • +7

        this seems like a silly analogy. a lot of people don't wanna eat plants because they're plants or because they're healthier, but because they're not animals.

      • +5

        Vegans don't want to eat meat and stuff from animals - that's it….I think you might be talking about "plant based" people. Vegans usually like the taste of meat but don't want the associated suffering - what's wrong with them trying to find an alternative? If their health suffers as a result (highly processed), so be it.

        • -5

          Dont want the suffering ?

          Vegans : i care about sentient beings.

          Also abuse children making vegan milk in India. Children and women go blind due to vegans demand

      • If I want to eat plants then I do eat plants. If I want to eat a burger however, I eat a burger.

        I know education is pretty bad nowadays, so more and more people struggle to grasp even the simplest concepts, but it's hardly rocket science…

        • +1

          people struggle to grasp even the simplest concepts, but it's hardly rocket science…

          I want to eat a burger but don't want to kill an animal to do so. Try harder.

          • @fantombloo: I'm a vegan responding to a guy saying vegans shouldn't eat burgers, they should just eat plants….. I guess the lack of education applies to you too!

  • +1

    Is this owned by McDonalds? It looks very similar.

    • +6

      Not sure if trolling, but Mr Charlie's is modelled in appearance to McDonalds. It is very much not owned by McD's.

      • How original.

      • +1

        That’s confusing.
        Edit: to clarify no I am not trolling. I would assume they’re owned by McDonalds if allowed to copy the style so closely (colour scheme + golden arches) as a direct competitor within the same industry.

        • It's all on purpose, it's basically their mission statement to take the p!ss out of McD's and offer a vegan alternative to them.

    • +4

      It's a McDowell's subsidiary.

    • +19

      Even a hamburger isn't ham, so your point is kinda invalid. ;-p

        • +11

          hoping this is sarcasm, not severe brain rot

            • +8

              @[Deactivated]: I'm good with my lower risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes, thanks mate.

              • -1

                @Deals For Days:

                I'm good with my lower…

                Is that what you read in the news and instantly believed?

                • +2

                  @1st-Amendment: If you're saying you get your nutritional education from "reading the news", it explains a lot…

          • +3

            @Deals For Days: Maybe they have Mad cow disease

            • -1

              @WeeDeePotato: What's the diff between PMS and BSE?
              One's mad cow disease, the other is a veterinary problem.

      • -3

        Which is absolute hilarious.

        At least Maccas call their stuff Mcplant and so forth.

        ‘Oh I’m a vegan I don’t want to kill a duck, but do what you can to make my food taste like a duck’

        • +19

          Yes, you almost got it! It's like admitting you like the flavour of meat, but don't want to kill/harm said animal. So something that simulates that flavour is a great compromise.

          Kinda like Turkey Bacon in the US for those who don't eat pork, or eating something gluten free because people with celiac still want to eat bread.

          • @davowan: If doing something is wrong then actively fantasising about engaging in it is also wrong.

            • +3

              @[Deactivated]: Do you also think playing violent video games means you support real world violence?

              • @Gehirn: I think fantasising about causing violence is wrong if that’s what you’re asking.

                • +3

                  @[Deactivated]: So simulating a flavour is wrong, but simulating violence is not?

            • +2

              @[Deactivated]: The leaps and bounds you just did… did you stretch before? Are you ok?

              No one (I didn't) said killing animals to eat was wrong. We're talking about nuance and even something called harm reduction…

              I like sugar, but I try not overdo it in my diet. Doesn't mean I won't use artificial sweetener or that I said eating cake every day is wrong.

    • +4

      because no one would eat it if they called it mass produced factory fungus patties

      • +6

        Bro I love mushrooms, what are you talking about?

      • +1

        My man, don't Australians eat yeast on toast every day? Sign me up for mass produced fungus patties!

  • -6

    are these ze bug-burgers i have been hearing about so much lately???
    or is it just ze fake 'meat' fungus-patty burgers??
    ….actual meat is so last century!!!

    • are these ze bug-burgers

      Tell me you know nothing about veganism without telling me you know nothing about veganism.

  • -6

    wtf they use a frown as theyre brand logo/mascot….???
    they must really serve up some shit food!!

    • +2


      clearly your vegan diet is failing and you lack critical protein x for your brain

      • -1

        zero (profanity) given

    • Turn That Frown Upside Down
      Because Mr.Charlie's Told Me So.

  • -3

    Do we really need this US shithorsery here

  • Would rather starve

    • +4


      • +4

        His brain rot, spreading, will eventually kill him. Would rather a quick death from starvation I imagine.

    • -5

      would rather eat toe-nails

      • +18

        Give it a rest ffs, how is this affecting you in any way?

  • +27

    The 'vegans pushing their choices on everyone else' stereotype seems to have reversed in the past 10 years or so; make any suggestion that you don't have a typical western diet and immediately every meat eater gives you their opinion on what food you eat…

    • +8

      For real, lot of the comments saying to eat meat. I guess its their choice but earth was not designed for animal agriculture on this scale. Even 200 years back, people would eat more plants than meat.

      • -2

        earth was not designed for animal agriculture on this scale

        Says who?

        • +5

          I am making this point in good faith and not attacking you. Do you seriously think there are enough grasslands if everyone in the world started eating meat? Look up water usage per gallon by cows. Also the animal conditions are horrific. Just doing basic math here. Until say lab grown meat is available this is not a viable option with population explosion

      • -2

        Tell that to the children making vegan milk in India.

    • +14

      Yeah that franco guy has made 10 replies in this thread bagging this deal/vegans lmao

      • +3

        Ozbargain has a handy block user feature. Can't recommend it enough.

    • -2

      make any suggestion that you don't have a typical western diet

      You just gave an example of how you start by telling everyone you are Vegan. Do you have examples which don't involve the Vegan kicking off the conversation?

      • So your argument is criticizing my dietary preference is fine if I communicate in any form that I have it?

        How is the mythical brigade of vegans that spend their lives attacking you for eating meat finding out that you eat meat?

    • +4

      Pretty much any deal for food labelled as vegan brings the outspoken meaty snowflakes out of the woodwork. Honestly it’s hilarious how precious they are

  • -2

    Vegans mixing 13 carcinogens with sawdust just to try and mimic that they want to avoid (HAMburgers, you know) never ceases to entertain.

    • +1

      Hamburgers are named as such because they utilise hamburg steaks, i.e. a patty of ground beef.

  • -2

    "A vegan and a vegetarian are jumping off a cliff to see who will hit the bottom first. Who wins?"


  • https://mrcharlies.co/locations

    What the f is a “soft opeing hours”?

    • Subject to change, store hasn't officially fully opened yet I would guess

  • +1

    damn, its free and hardly anyone there….I wouldnt eat it either

  • Anyone got a pic of how the Not A Hamburger looks like?

    • Identifies as a hamburger be sure to use it's correct pronouns.

  • wont be there for long i bet

    • Probably set one up in Newy.

  • +2

    A giant sad face for their logo seems about right

  • +1

    What are we gonna do with all these cows?

  • given lord of the fries' recent downsizing across sydney (is it only the newtown store left?) im curious to see how this venture will go..

  • -1

    price still to high!!

  • +1

    Isn't McDonald's made of cardboard anyway?

  • -5

    Vegans : i care about sentient beings.

    Also abuse children making vegan milk in India. Children and women go blind due to vegans demand

  • very niche so interesting how long they will last unless great value for money. specialized restaurants is t a new concept , there are kosher restaurants, halal restaurants this one happens to be vegan. price is differentiator for me, is it cheaper than mcdonald’s, if so happy to eat vegan, if it costs more would be a problem for me.

  • +1

    I'm vegan

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