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There is a large amount of rosemary growing at this location. Rather than buying rosemary you can simply go here and help yourself. The best part is you will know it is fresh.
Moved to Forum: Original Link
There is a large amount of rosemary growing at this location. Rather than buying rosemary you can simply go here and help yourself. The best part is you will know it is fresh.
If you link to my vege garden… i won't be happy!
Ah, old address… :)
Haha bugger. Almost! :P
Yeah… moved about 4 weeks ago. I loved the old place though. Close to shops, cafes, etc.
Just don't try to find it with your iPhone or you might end up in mbroere's garden!
Haha this is amazing.
donga100, you have just invented a new OzB category!
OzScavenge anyone?
Here's hoping for the plants sake it doesn't get ozbargained.
Just went to get some…..its all gone!
well that's it folks, looks like it has been OzBargained! :P
Ha ha. Just kidding mate. But I bet that one or two Brisbane oz bargainers will take a stroll past there tomorrow…!
"Ozbargained" should be a defined term in the Australian Dictionary.
This is hilarious. I'm not sure if pillaging from a council plot is what I'd call a bargain as such…but a little voice inside says 'so what - free 'erbs man!'.
I'm almost tempted to do a new post "free fish in the sea"…but I won't. Lol
Isn't this stealing?
Is it private property?
The OP did not make it clear whether it's their property, and if not whether the owner has given permission.
The OP did not make it clear whether it's their property…
Unless donga100 lives in a tree house in the middle of King Edward Park - I think it's pretty clear it's not their property.
If it's a public park, it's stealing.
Can you please clarify where this is stated as illegal? I can't find any evidence that picking herbs from a public place is illegal.
Its public property, not private property. It is not the property of any one person but of the Commonwealth/Crown. You can't just go into your local park and pick all the flowers, or herbs, or dig out the trees and bring them home, or take a trailer load of gravel from roadworks, BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE LEGAL OWNERSHIP OF THEM.
This might not be complete or totally up to date, and I'm not a lawyer, but on the face of it you might be liable for:
(1) A person who fraudulently takes anything capable of being stolen, or fraudulently converts to his own use or to the use of any other person any property, is said to steal that thing or that property. (2) A person who takes anything capable of being stolen or converts any property is deemed to do so fraudulently if he does so with any of the following intents, that is to say — (a) An intent to permanently deprive the owner of the thing or property of it or any part of it…
(1) A person who is in possession of any thing capable of being stolen that is reasonably suspected to be stolen or otherwise unlawfully obtained is guilty of an offence….
(1) Any person who wilfully and unlawfully destroys or damages any property is guilty of a crime….
Technically picking one flower without the owner's express permission is stealing. Obviously in most cases you're not going to be arrested and thrown in prison for picking a few flowers or nipping a couple of rosemary stalks. But you might be fined if you are, or part of a group who are, doing significant damage eg. in significant quantities or digging plants out.
anyone know a good fishing spot around sydney?
big ones with not many people around, favourably somewhere to park the car close
@mbroere free entry and legal
Quite a few places i can think off… but i wouldn't touch what comes out of the water there (near hunters hill for instance).
How far are you willing to travel?
i would say from manly down to port hacking. i dont want parramatta river or sydney harbour though
you should post it, I can see fish!
Not sure if ozbargain is the place for urban foraging posts, but it's cute to see!
Soon there will be free mangoes nearby too :)
I remember a coconut tree near Cape Tribulation… maybe there's some nuts now :)
Hands off my mangoes !!
Also don't touch the melons that my mrs has.
Shall we start listing all GPS coordinates of all publicly accessible kitchen herbs? WTF?!
Only certain herbs, please.
Rosemary is incredibly easy to grow. Go tho the OP's location, take a cutting home, stick it in the ground, and wait. 6 months time you'll have more rosemary than you'll need for 20 roast lamb dinners…
There's a kitchen factory place in Sumner Park that used to be a food processing place. Lots of various herbs planted in the mini-gardens around the car park.
gets a lot of urine fertilization on weekends at night.
And you can't explain how you know this without incriminating yourself?
I saw a homeless guy watering them the other day.
there is a web site for inner city melb call something like "feralvege" or something like that.
it lists fruit and veg that grows in public spaces or overhangs into public spaces.
I hope they have been sprayed with pesticide…
This is not a deal, there is rosemary everywhere. Also lemons, and sometimes passion fruit.
and macadamias.
I'm from melbourne originally but live in brisbane. Oe day I was walking through clayfield and one particular street was lined with macadamia trees. macadamias were all over the ground. it was (no pun intended) nuts.
but macadamias require expensive, time consuming prep.
no deal.
Uh, no - the processing involved with macadamias is:
If someone is picking them up from a footpath they're probably doing a community service, as they'd be a huge slipping risk.
in school we used to eat them since a mates neighbour had a few trees, after roasting just use a vice
where can i get free passionfruit ?? seriously. If it's everywhere, I want to know. (in Brisbane)
hahaha, thank you for making me laugh.
My fishings never free. Bait, fuel & tackle and still go home empty handed ; )
Unless this rosemary is the the current garden of the OP, then however you look at it, it's stealing.
Nest someone will be giving the GPS location of a rubbish bin and posting 'free cokeunleashed codes'
how much for postage?