This was posted 1 year 4 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[Price Error] 12x Greenseas Tuna Sun Dried Tomato & Onion 95g $2.60 ($2.34 S&S) + Del ($0 with Prime) (Min Order: 3) @ Amazon AU

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Hi all,

Noticed this error a few months ago and purchased as I wanted to confirm that a pack of 12 would arrive rather than just 1 can. My order arrived today, so I can confirm the error is legitimate and you'll receive a pack of 12 for $2.60 ($2.34 S&S).

There is a minimum order of 3, so you will have to receive 36 cans minimum, but at less than 20c a can with S&S, it's a bargain. You will only be able to purchase a maximum of 6 (72 cans), and even if you try to make a subsequent order for more then you won't be able to checkout, so we can safely avoid the hoarders and resellers on this deal, unless they have multiple prime accounts.

No dates on the cans for expiry, but looking online these will last a few years at least. Testers have been critical of this and say it's not nice, but I personally don't mind it.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Good deal. Mine arrived today.

    • +1

      12 cans ?

      • +8
        • How's the expiry date?

          • @johnkash: Why would canned tuna have an expiry date?

            • +2

              @gamemaster: Because 99% of cans have an expiry. Some are 2 years from canning, the Portuguese sardines I have, expiry was 3-5 years out from canning.

              Or perhaps you'd like to experience botulism - it can kill you.

              I know for a fact through golden circle and spc that, beetroot, pineapple and tomatoes have short lifespans in cans. And I've also seen it too firsthand what happens to the can - ain't smell pretty.

              • +2

                @cobknob: Cans also usually start bulging at top. Never had the courage to open one to examine insides. Can only imagine….

              • @cobknob: That’s incorrect. Many cans of tuna have a canning date and not a expiry date.

      • Hahahahaha

    • +1

      Then I doubt its a price error .

      • +3

        It's a price error because $2.60 is the price for one can.

    • -1

      Bought 120 cans for $23.40. That's Fish of the day!

  • +6

    Didnt need but ordered maybe for neighbours cat

    • +2

      Onions are toxic to cats

      • +46

        He knows

        • +4

          The name suggests they speak the same language anyway. Not much to be concerned about

        • -2

          Trying to safe some birds lives in National Bird Week.

          The less cats, the better it is for wildlife.

          Horrible, vicious creatures.

  • +2

    Ordered. Not a big fan of this version, but good for the bunker.

  • thanks OP.

  • Expiry date ?

  • Thanks OP

  • gone

  • +1

    Says more on the way but RN, it's not a TUNA

  • Thanks OP

  • +1

    Thanks OP, hoping they actually 12x each, if so, brilliant deal and very happy

  • +1

    I pity the successful buyer's work colleagues

    Tuna at work always smells so gross

    • 100

      • the number of cans you've moved into the work fridge? A god among men.

    • Then they use the microwave to warm up said tuna for 2 minutes
      Anyone using it right after has to contend with the smell of death on their food >:(
      Cant use Glen20 for this kind of biohazard.

  • +1

    The review doesn’t make me optimistic…

  • +3

    Jim will be happy

  • +3

    Just a heads up for people. I have actually at times been sent 1 items instead of the Pack / 10 - 12 items in the description. Luckily I actually checked the amount and description of my order as at times its a few weeks later etc so initially i just ticked it off as receiving it and then went back and check a few days later . So make sure for deals from amazon where its a pack / a certain no. of items in the pack, that you receive it all. Twice now in just the past month it has happened to me, once it was 1 item instead of 12!!!

    • +3

      I don't think I'll be forgetting to check this one haha

    • +10

      OP and myself have ordered this multiple times few months apart and can confirm it is a 12 pack each time.

      Edit: Neggers as always. So unappreciative. There's a reason we don't post freebies as often anymore.

      • +2

        We appreciate your efforts and deals.

        Have an +

        • +1

          Love the support from you bunch. Always makes my day when I see the usual comment on the Amazon forums. Thanks :)

      • +1

        How dare you do data testing to make sure the community will receive a 12 pack! You deserve the neg 😂 I gave you one more upvote to get you into the positives 😉

        • +1

          They complain when we post without testing and they receive 1, and they also complain when we test it for months and confirm it’s the correct qty of 12. Lost for words.

      • +1

        Don't worry, and feel free to PM me with any freebies. I always appreciate them ;)

  • +8

    I did this and only got 1 can and I had to fight with them for a refund.

    Ha, it's in my review!

    • +1


    • +5

      I've never had an issue getting refunds for incorrectly advertised items, especially grocery lines. CS always just offer a refund (or replacement) straight away. I got over $800 worth of alcohol for free from the previous errors 😂

      Pro tip: if they offer a replacement, then accept the replacement and then if only 1 arrives again, you'll be able to keep the original and replacement with a full refund

      • Good advice thanks

      • It came from some IGA on the North Coast of NSW, it wasn't Amazon that sent it.

        • Oh that's why Amazon didn't want to refund lol. But clearly incorrect description so annoying that they wouldn't sort it for you without arguing

      • Tell me more about the alcohol 🤣🍻

  • +2

    Saw a similar price error in April but I received one can back then unfortunately. Mine wasn't shipped by Amazon, not sure if this one was?

    • "Greenseas Tuna Sun Dried Tomato & Onion 95g (Pack of 12)
      Sold and shipped by: Amazon Commercial Services Pty Ltd " per my order

  • +1
  • +1

    got the normal cans a few months ago think i paid $1.20 for 12

  • Oh missed out:(

  • -1

    I got the last one thanks so much.

  • +1

    Wish they would bring back the basil and sundried tomato

  • Did anyone here even bother to read the review???

    "Clearly shows and states pack of 12
    Reviewed in Australia on 10 May 2023
    Ordered this expecting 12 cans of tuna, only received one and refusing to refund"

    • That was nosyt's review. 😂 see a few comments above

    • +1

      Yep I was skeptical when I ordered a few months back, fully expecting to only receive 1 can and then just get a full refund. However, both times that I have ordered, I received the 12 pack

  • +1

    OP was too nice. I would have kept this to myself for years.

    • +3

      Hahaha I've already got more cans than I know what to do with 😂

  • Can’t stand the added stuff in tuna but this is a wicked find, and you posted results. Biggest +1 ever.

  • I ordered this 12/08/2020 for $2 for 12 pack. Wasn't much stock at the time, so didn't share deal back then. Funny how long they mess up the listing (3+ years later).

    • +3

      I think they'll fix it this time around considering the influx of orders for this item today - I'd say there is a flag that will be raised due to the popularity. But we shall see, I ordered once and then received and went OOS, and then it came back in stock a few months later and I was able to buy again. Let's see if they catch on!

  • Testers have been critical of this and say it's not nice, but I personally don't mind it.

    I’m famous 😂😂 Yes, it tastes like crap (imo)

  • +1

    Nice one OP

  • -3

    Glad I missed out

  • There's a message saying:

    Temporarily OzBargain'd.
    We are working hard to be back in stock as soon as possible.

    • underneath, on the you might also like gallery:
      - cat food
      - deworming tablets

  • -1

    sundried tomato taste like strange chocolate?

  • Not sure if price error or it's just greenseas (worst brand and worst flavour)..

  • Does anyone know why Coles don't sell Greenseas?

    • This was ages ago, back when I worked at woolies. I believe that they would have got a better deal from John West for ditching greenseas

  • +3

    Received order 1 of 3, can confirm that it is a 12 pack, thanks OP!

  • +2

    To confirm, I just received this morning 4 packs of 12 cans here in Brisbane, thanks OP :)

  • +1

    mine is shipped with CP. gonna take a while.. thanks OP.

    • Yeh they've been sending lots of my orders via CP lately.. :(
      (what do they even keep in the WA warehouse? of my last 20 orders only 4 have come from WA, and those were all random stuff that wouldn't be ordered often. Anything I'd normally order regularly is coming from the east.)

      Mine still not shipped and GC activity still showing as pending. I sense a cancellation coming but I'll wait and see. Jumped on it as soon as posted too, while we could still S&S.

  • +1

    Also received 3 x 12 packs here today. Thanks OP!

  • Can anyone help decipher the expiry date on the cans I received?


  • Have other people received theirs yet? Mine was meant to come today (expedited delivery) but now it’s saying it hasn’t even shipped yet. What happens if you have prime and it’s meant to arrive by a certain date and it doesn’t?

    • Only received 1 of 3 orders, other 2 was not shipped and livechat cancelled them (1 pack of 12 was enough for me so wasn't too fussed for them to cancel).

      • +1

        Damn thats so frustrating as I jumped on the deal as soon as it was posted.

        • Same here - I ordered within seconds and nothing… just sitting in yet to be dispatched…

    • Same issue here - presumably mine will get cancelled :(

      • +1

        If it's not yet shipped, just hold it. It will eventually get shipped once they get stock from Greenseas in a month or so.

        • Thanks for the heads up - I nearly cancelled it (still waiting on an order from June…)

          • @Idjit: If you're paying by credit card then no harm to leave it sitting there as they wont charge the card until it ships. Only when paying by gift card the funds will be allocated as pending to the order and would need to cancel to release them.

            • @bamzero: I used gift card but no problem letting it sit :)
              Thanks for the info!

              • @Idjit: On the balance page you can see once it has a date next to it you know it's good to go, if it's still Pending then no stock is allocated to your order yet.

  • I received only a single can in my delivery today lol

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