nbn HFC Connection


I got a HFC connection with Dodo. They sent over the black NBN box and I get all four solid lights on it. The NBN website says I am connected (said the opposite before).

When I connect my wireless router to the black box (ethernet to WAN port), I do not get internet.
I plugged the NBN box direct to my computer - also no internet.

My questions are:

  1. Do I need a special modem router to get internet, which is what Dodo is saying I require.
  2. Can I just plug my NBN box directly to my computer and get internet? Dodo are also saying I cannot do that and that I must have a compatible modem router inbetween. I am trying this to see if the internet is even working at all.



  • +3

    Dodo seems to use PPPoE for HFC authentication.

    Have you followed their setup guide to set up your wireless router with dodo PPPoE settings?

    I think automagic configuration would only work if you use a router they provide.

  • Remember to vote against the Coalition. If enough of us did that in the past then OP would have FTTH by now.

  • +4

    Your router is not setup properly.

    1. nbn HFC = nbn NTD + a router. In the router settings menu select PPPoE for authentication and enter your Dodo username and password.
    2. You can temporarily plug in a computer to the nbn NTD. This is to rule out router speed problems.
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