Cheaper than the recent Prime day deal
Remember to buy discounted eBay gift card from ShopBack for further saving
135 stock remaining at time of posting
Cheaper than the recent Prime day deal
Remember to buy discounted eBay gift card from ShopBack for further saving
135 stock remaining at time of posting
The $110 on Amazon is the same seller on this deal, but the spend and save coupon offered by eBay makes it cheaper :)
Great mouse, usb c recharge, quick charge, lasts ages, can use while charging. Still need to learn to use side buttons, haha.
side buttons are a game changer
great mouse - once you go mx master you never go back
Good mouse but please be aware of the thumb button getting stuck.
hasnt happened to me and the only reason i have the mx master 3S is because my MX master 1 from 2015 finally died last year and by died I mean it still works but doesnt hold charge (and the wheel went all grimey) I still havent thrown it though because it fits me best - Im tempted to clean it up and replace the battery ($20)
I recently had the stuck thumb button issue with my mx2 which disabled the ir sensor. It didn't take too long to fix by opening up the mouse and loosening the thumb button screws.
This might be a good time to upgrade though.
I had the same issue, but I failed to open the mouse. The screws are so small that I managed to screw the screws.
Also, the rubber which sits under the thumb broke… Which was a blessing in disguise I think. I could see the button and clicked it a few times, so it became a bit loose. The mouse started to work after that. I put some gorilla tape to compensate for the broken rubber covering the button.
The mouse is working again.
But it has a 125hz polling rate, which feels pretty slugish don't you think?
I've never noticed any sluggish but for me it's a work/every day mouse, I wouldn't be gaming with it.
MX master mouse series is one of the best mice you can buy.
Yes, vs the standard 500Hz or 1000Hz on gaming mice. But this is mainly for desktop use or gamers who need to blame their mouse for their lack of skills.
I do agree bro - the 125hz polling rate feels TERRIBLE to me. Even for basic windows usage I hate it. I need 1Khz at a minimum - 2K or 4K even better. Plebs on OZB downvoted me the other day for saying that 60hz monitors feel terrible now - even for just basic windows usage - and that 120Hz is the minimum I need for a good computing experience. But each to their own. But you're right - 125hz is too sluggish for me - by a looooong way.
I used to have this mouse as well and yeah it was very sluggish for me as well. Making the switch to a 1000Hz made a huge difference. But I think some people's eyes can't notice the difference, or it's just they haven't had the opportunity to try one out.
A must buy if you need a good mouse! I always went for budget keyboards and mouses but the price of the mx keys and mx master are absolutely justified by their quality and customisability, just feels premium
amazing mouse
have 3 and still not enough lol
Why do you need 3?
2 home office set ups + 1 at work
1 for extra curricular activities?
2 hands and one foot
I'll 2nd the notion that this mouse is the shiz. I will never go back to a standard mouse!
I also have the MX keys - equally amazing!
Anyone know if it has onboard memory so i can set the settings at home and then take to work. Cant install software on work pc
Should do. My 2s has a button on the bottom that can connect up to three devices.
No onboard memory which is a huge oversight on this mouse. Probably the only bad thing about it, particularly given it is supposed to be for corporate work.
I use autohotkey instance running to map controls as a work around (plus for text expansion etc)
But don’t expect mouse sensitivity beyond windows default settings or any remapping if the Logitech software isn’t installed.
so basically this will become dumb mouse at work laptops?
Yes, buttons work but only as a standard mapping. No custom key binds/ macros/ dpi settings etc. The horizontal scroll is kinda useless without the software.
To be clear, I have still used the 1s and 2s as my main work mouse since the Master had existed. Still a great mouse from feel etc.
@jbj123: Will work if you could get approval to install Logitech Options(+). Admittedly requiring huge efforts….
Hello ChiMot! We previously chatted on this (my name then was HeyJes). Today I’ve finally been able to install Logitech Options + on my work laptop!! It took me huge efforts (IT ticket, temporarily bypassing fireworks, troubleshooting driver issues etc) and was totally worth it. Now I happily see all my mice and keyboard on the software and am able to customise all available keys 😆😆😆
@HeyJes: Ah lucky you. For me its impossible to install but okay i will try one more time tomorrow to lodge a ticket.
@McMaferMur: I feel the tricky part is getting it downloaded within the installer (unfortunately not an offline installer). Need to then disconnect VPN/bypass firewall temporarily.
(IT ticket, temporarily bypassing fireworks, troubleshooting driver issues etc)
There is an offline installer - I was able to find it after having typical issues with corporate fireworks.
@HeyJes: Sorry, didn't see the message.
Here it is:…
I need this feature too. Setup at home then use at work without installing software at work laptop
I bought it yesterday on Amazon for $107. Hopefully the 16% cashback will work. 😒
I didn't think computer was one of the categories that get the 16% cashback.
I got only $ 0.75 back… anyway, $6.25 is not that much more.
The office keyboards feel so rubbish and spongy now that I use MX keys at home.
correct. Touching mx keyboard feels soft and sexy
How does MX keys compare to a good mechanical keyboard? I believe that MX Keys isn't mechanical keyboard. Logitech also has MX Mechanical Keyboard.
We use the Cherry mechanical keyboards at work. Feel great also! (I use the MX keys at home and absolutely love it too)
How is the scroll wheel on these?
I picked up one over a year ago that my partner was using.. the scroll wheel was wildly inconsistent.. would try to scroll like by line, and it would sometimes jump.
Thinking of buying another and hoping this was just a faulty mouse
Did you try installing the software, and changing the SmartShift settings/sensitivity?
I had this exact issue on my Mac, I thought it was a hardware issue… I got in touch with support in the hope of getting a replacement. They redirected me to this page which I initially thought to be useless… but actually solved my issue. All I did was a clean install of Logitech Options+ and for some reason that fixed it for me.
98 left, OzB sold 37 in an hour of listing. Not bad.
Thanks OP, bought 1!
Thanks OP!!
Wish they didn’t change to bolt.
has anyone tried the DELUX m913 and can compare?
Thanks op! Got one :D
Alright you've worn me down time to band wagon
Does this have a tendency to double click? My MX Anywhere 2S double clicks now and I'm considering if I should get something with optical switches like the Basilisk V3X
Sold out, that was quick!
Still showing 8 available :)
Sold out
I miss Eddie from Fluidtek.
Or at least the stories of the great interactions people would have with him.
I haven't heard any of the same coming out of logitechshop so I assume he's out of the game now.
Amazing mouse. I have a few cheaper logitechs that are just miles behind in quality and usability.
Is there a MX keys and MX master combo that will run off one usb dongle? Preferably the more up-to-date dongle Logi Bolt?
MX Keys S keyboard is compatible with the Bolt receiver
Awesome thanks!
You can get MX key and MX master - each comes with a Bolt receiver.
Then you can sync then to the first receiver under "1" and to the second receiver under "2" and use them with two devices.
Master Master 3S and the MX Keys Mini for Mac are a stellar combination
Grabbed this. Kept it in the box. Just wish the bolt receiver would work with the K780 keyboard. That's my work combo. No BT available.
May have been better with a M720 Trio I reckon.
$99.17 on Amazon on 12th July 2023.
So this is a good price. Amazon still listed as $110.