Free code for early access to Modern Warfare 3. Normally requires pre-ordering of the game.
Early access starts tomorrow.
Enjoy - or don’t, I don’t mind.
Credit: DiGz
When is the Open Beta period mentioned in the video?
* 7-16 Oct
Free code for early access to Modern Warfare 3. Normally requires pre-ordering of the game.
Early access starts tomorrow.
Enjoy - or don’t, I don’t mind.
Credit: DiGz
When is the Open Beta period mentioned in the video?
* 7-16 Oct
Looks like it has ended for Playstation?
*Early access period 7-8 Oct 2023 on PlayStation
That's the early access dates for PlayStation. Beta ends on 16th Oct
Can't get 2 step authenticator working. Same issue with my Playstation account on Windows. Got a new phone and didn't copy over my authenticator app. Help?
were you using Microsoft or Google Authenticator app for any of your 2FA requirements? Those are backed up to the cloud and easily recoverable via your Microsoft or Google accounts
I only used Microsoft for Microsoft. I'll check the google one thanks. I thought i used a random one off the play store but maybe it was google
im the same mate, new phone and cant access. I raised a ticket with support, can only imagine how bad the customer support for activision is so wont hold my breath
Dam I am on PlayStation no early access
Yes there is.
Yeah was last weekend
Cheers OP.
I generate a 12-character code but I receive an error message when I try to redeem it. From the activation page, it seems a 16-character code is needed.
What's the fix for this? My email is verified, my phone is verified, and my Authenticator is also verified.
Update - code worked on the COD website itself - my bad. This generated a 21-character code which currently isn't processing via the Battlenet app…
Can't preload on steam for tomorrow hey?
Can't find it anywhere in my library
I'm not 100% sure but is it just in the 'Call Of Duty' app?
You're right! Thanks.
Shows how long it's been since I've played a CoD hah!
For other Battle.NET users: on the Call of Duty page, the list of links on the left will have
Both Manage Content and MWIII Beta Available will open up the content installation menu allowing you to check Modern Warfare III Open Beta. Mine was already checked. I'm guessing an update will become available at 4am tomorrow.
They're going to make the lvl cap 30 tomorrow so make sure you get to lvl 30 before the beta ends to get the beta exclusive skin called Tester.
The way I get most betas, is pre order whatever game has a beta with a pre order and order it on Amazon, they send a code then cancel the Amazon order if it's not my type of game.
A great idea but the PC version of this game is only on Bnet/Steam. I guess the same method would work with Steam, pretty sure you can cancel pre-orders there.
Atleast the redeem website works now xD
worked for me on
I'll enjoy getting in early, but won't enjoy it when I'm in.
Mad Thanks OP. Just got a code for PC and a code for Xbox. Thankyou!!!!!!!
Hmm, gives me no option for xbox. Account is linked. Only have ps4 and 5 as an option.
Did you get a seperate early access code for each? Try unlinking and re link in your cod account? It may take a while to refresh. I had no issues with both, I had them linked when I created the account
I think that's my problem. I only had ps linked, not xbox. Linked after the code. So no good. Cheers mate.
Don't feel like watchin the videos. Guys, please just give me the answers. Thanks 🤗
🤣🤣 The answer is obvious… You don't need to watch the video.
It's a 33 second vid
That's a whole youtube short. Too long these days 🤪
It's just your birthday
google for
The Modern Warfare 3 beta is full of cheaters
Modern Warfare 3 beta already plagued by cheaters …
or anything like that.
Beta was only open to PS last week. Yes, there are a few cheaters who have access to a dev kit PS4 which they were able to load hacks on but it’s pretty rare. If you’re getting sh*t on, it’s very most likely it’s a skill issue. “Plagued by cheaters” is a huge exaggeration
The current MW is horrific for hackers lately… amongst other things it appears as though walling is just a normal thing now…
which is why so many people have always asked for the option to select just console games, be it xbx or PS, or PC as well in these games.
Yeah the current game is literally plagued with hacks, and I haven't heard anything that would imply the anti cheat is any better in the new game.
Any game that's this popular, is free to play, and has either no anti cheat or a really mediocre one, is going to be the same.
I'll put money on this new COD being the very same.
If you can get a code this easy for early access why not just make beta open for everyone at same time
Hype train
limit to 3000, not to deal with stress test I guess
Xbox - entered the code, no download starting, is there no pre-download?
I can't get past this:
"To complete your sign in, enter the two-factor authentication code from the authentication app."
I've tried logging into existing accounts and creating a new account on the call of duty website but get stuck here.
I have no idea what to do here? I have the Authenticator app, but how are you supposed to get the code?
You need to remember which authenticator app you used. There are many. If you use Google then download it, signing with Google account you used in past and it will show you all the codes for different websites you used. Look for Activision, COD or something similar you used. If code is not there then probably you used some other Authenticator app or different Google Account in Google Authenticator app. Search online if solution doesn't work. Goodluck
Thanks for the response. Unfortunately even when I create a new account, it asks for the above. So it's basically impossible, because I haven't even done anything yet.
How about creating new account, log into it, activate 2FA and then come back here and when it ask for the code, just enter it. Also, check if your old account might be still logged it that's why it asking code even on new account. Use different browser or private window or clear app data if you on Android.
can i play campaign with this?
Any thoughts on the beta?
Pc starts on the 13th. At least it says on mine so don’t really have access. Unless other platforms started earlier or this is somehow unique to me.
PlayStation beta started last weekend.
do i need a account ? can;t just use steam ?
Just claimed mine on Steam.
i redeemed on steam but had to make COD account anyway. still can't see in the steam game library to download :/
It will be part of the 'Call of Duty' app rather than a separate beta client.
Will anyone buy?
I'd only want it to level up Warzone, but I barely play that these days.
Does the beta include zombies?
Thanks OP!
somebody please help this old fella out
I finally reached the page where it says congratulations your steam code…..
where/ how do I redeem this?
thanks mate
So I got a steam key, installed, and went into Call of Duty to have a look around.
It says I “own” MW3! Even the vault edition is only $50 because it would be an “upgrade” from the standard edition I apparently own. I certainly have not purchased it.
This happen to anyone else?
I owned MW2 on XBOX but this is the first time I’ve even used COD on Steam.
Interesting, it occurred for me as well. I wonder what would happen if you "upgrade", would you get the vault edition for much cheaper?
Also it unlocked the pre-order operators/skins (Soap Operator Pack) for me as well.
Same. I was wondering if I should upgrade for $50 in case it removes the “free” standard edition - maybe that will let us hold onto it. I image they’ll take it off us though. Fingers crossed
Free early access? Are they not getting enough numbers
Testing the servers before launch i presume like diablo 4 etc
I'm confused.. is this a remaster of the original Modern Warfare 3, or a brand new MW3 and we're pretending the original never existed?
A 'brand new' MW3, but all the launch maps are actually from MW2 2009's launch maps.
So can we still play after 16 October?
Can't see where to download on blizzard app on pc?
You have to find the "Call of Duty" app on the Battle.Net app. Click "install for free" and it will ask to download Warzone and/or MW III Beta. I chose Beta only.
bless you sildo!
couldn't see these simple instructions written anywhere else. I reckon they want confused people to end up pre-purchasing the game when they see no other option.
(profanity) Activision! Never supporting those traitors again!
(profanity) Activision! Never supporting those traitors again!
F**k Activision! Never supporting those traitors again!
What did they do to you?
They sold out to microsoft
Whats the problem with that. Gamepass subscribers will get cod and all other games for free with subscription. Everyone else will need to buy it full price.
Either get a pc or xbox with gamepass or just keep buying it full price on playstation.
@Jklaro: But I won't be able to keep buying them on PlayStation as microsoft will make them exclusive to trashbox like they did with bugthesda
@mmcgr97: Do you also boycott Sony because they also bought studios and made their games exclusive ?
Oh wait, you bought a PlayStation.
WTF 🤷🏼♂️
@Nom: What AAA publishers have Sony bought?
And what multi-platform games did the developers Sony purchased make?
@mmcgr97: Well we know for sure you can still buy cod for at least the next 10 years on playstation.
But truthfully if you just buy an xbox or a pc gamepass is the greatest gaming deal on offer.
Not only you get all xbox first party day one you will now get Bethesda and activision all for the same cost as 3 games a year.
For me im so happy and over the moon i dont ever have to buy a cod again. And i own 2 gamepass subscriptions that give me access to 4x each game on gamepass when setting xbox as home console. So now me my wife and 2 boys can all play with eachother for alot less money.
@mmcgr97: Over rated lol. Guess what lies of p free day one not even xbox exclusive. To go along with that starfield and forza motorsport thats only 2 months of the year.
Your a pony that cant handle how great xbox is getting and to get back at xbox your not going to buy modern warfare 3 lmao. You might cause microsoft to collapse.
@mmcgr97: Bloodborne the ps4 game that still runs like a ps4 game on a ps5.
Most of Xbox older generation games have a 4k and 60 fps boost making them feel better to play on next gen console.
Sorry sony loose again
@mmcgr97: 2 to 1 is pretty good considering ps4 out sold xbox 3 to 1.
Guess what xbox is on pc. So you dont need an xbox to play xbox. Xbox is microsoft and has the biggest pc market.
Only a matter of time before you relise you want gamepass too.
@Jklaro: Buying a console with no exclusives and an outdated controller is the definition of being ripped off
@mmcgr97: Controller yes didnt change much but what did you get from sony? A mic to blow into lol resistance triggers that drain battery or dont use at all. Harptics is the only benifit but still shit battery life compared to xbox.
And guess what ps5 put their games to $130 when if first released and put consoles up an extra $50 for a 10.2tflop machine thats so oversized i cant put it anywhere nice, compared to 12tflop xbox compact machine.
It also hasnt been a full on year but xbox gamepass gets day one exclusives.
2023 playstation
2023 xbox
Hi fi rush
Warhammer darktide
Age of empires 4
Planet of lana
@Jklaro: Lol imagine calling the trashbox series x compact. It's barely shorter but considerably wider than the PS5 making it just as difficult to store in most setups compared to last gen.
@mmcgr97: I have both xbox x s and ps5. I can fit both my x nicely but ps5 had to go in another room fukn thing is massive.
It works early access here we come!