I was curious if anyone knows where to get one of the latest XBB1.5 monovalent vaccines in Sydney?
We are about to head overseas and want to get the latest vaccine for protection.
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I was curious if anyone knows where to get one of the latest XBB1.5 monovalent vaccines in Sydney?
We are about to head overseas and want to get the latest vaccine for protection.
Please delete if this post should not be here. Thanks.
Is XBB1.5 = Omicron?
I don't think anyone offers it (yet) https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/2023-10/covid-…
It is a sub-strain. More infectious.
Anyone know why it is so bad in NSW right now? Still 600 in hospital, and flat. Around 80 deaths since end Aug, but zero in WA.
Anyone know why it is so bad in NSW right now?
Climate change.
Thanks for the info.
youll be fine mate
Their body, their choice?
It's so prevalent i wouldn't worry, just get whatever Australia is offering.
It's mutated so many times it's pretty much just like the flu now. (Early strains not so much)
Surprised you'd want to risk leaving the country or even your home with Covid still being so dangerous
Would you like myocarditis or a pericardial effusion with that?
inb4 5G