This post is similar to this
But the parking spot is on the corner of both incoming one way lanes.
Sunday 08 October 2023 in Chadstone Shopping Centre carpark.
This post is similar to this
But the parking spot is on the corner of both incoming one way lanes.
Sunday 08 October 2023 in Chadstone Shopping Centre carpark.
And added to that, it’s 45 mins long, ffs.
Is that what you meant when you said you lasted 45mins in the bedroom, it was really 2mins?
Damn you, poo poo head, I was editing my post with the "action starts here" link to cut out the first 1m35s of pain…
It is not I am trying to make it 2 minutes long, I just wanted to give more details of how I got to that parking spot.
For the angle of the dahscam, I did not know it has moved.
According to the police, there is only one rule.
First in best dressed
Doesnt matter how you get there or who was there first.
But usually if there is a car obviously waiting right next to a departing car then its a given.
Waiting away down the same lane doesnt matter. Totally irrelevent.
So Black car got into the parking space first so its thiers.
You just stuffed around going back and forth.
I dont think anyone here could work out what you were doing let alone the driver of the grey car.
No arguement about it.
Tough cookies as they say.
Nothing you can do about it.
They where possibly (also) waiting around the corner.
But unlike you they didnt stuff around
"The quick and the dead" as they say
What a horrible dashcam placement!
It was dashcam driver's spot, and other car should think themselves lucky we're not in the US
At the end of the day, it came down to a game of chicken, and you lost
More like "out manouvered"
It’s a shopping centre car park, it doesn’t really matter. Just find another one.
Thats what I did. Just wanted Ozbargain community thoughts on this situation.
It was your car park, the small car was an arse.
What are you going to do?
Past these comments on his windscreen?
Or pull out a 9 iron?
Obviously plenty of people here see this as a waste of time
Whoever installed that dashcam should be drawn and quartered, and whoever edited that video should be sentenced to 5 years of hard labour. Should have been about a 10 second video.
Could only watch little bits, guy probably took the spot because it looked like it was going to take you about half an hour to get into it.
Did not notice dashcam has moved, until I took the sd card out.
Quick 10 minutes edit.
10 Seconds will not tell the whole story unless I speed it up.
The whole story is that you took ages doing anything related to getting into that spot, and the other guy probably thought you were having a stroke, so took the parking spot, and did it in about 5 seconds.
You could have sped it up and put Benny Hill music over it perhaps?
What are you talking about? The grey car he's waiting on leaves at 1:34 in the clip and the OP moves straight away???
Sure he'd been waiting there since about 0:30 but that's beside the point. You can also clearly hear his blinker when he moves up to get ready to move into the bay a bit later.
But as soon as the bay is clear he's moving to jump in…until the GTI literally blocks his path trying to get in by going the wrong way in a one way marked lane.
Wait a minute…. You the guy in the GTI??? LoL
@Ramrunner: I suspect the OP was waiting at start of the aisle to increase the chance of anyone leaving and them being able to get a spot.
@John Kimble: It's not a bad tactic either IMO, especially in busy car parks. I see it all the time and generally have no issue with it, as long as the driver keeps left to allow for traffic to flow. Probably a bit safer than having to reverse if they drive pass someone exiting their spot as well.
@Ghost47: It's been proven to work, but don't stay more than 6 minutes apparently. I do it and usually get one within a minute or two.…
@Ghost47: For reference there was no car behind me for the entire time.
Whoever installed that dashcam should be drawn and quartered,
Someone was trying to mimic the view of driving with a ballsac dangling over their face!
You kinda just stood there. For all the black car knew you were trying to leave the carpark. You learned the Hardaway that if you snooze you lose.
I did signal to turn into the parking spot.
And moved as soon as the grey car left. I see you waiting a long timme for the grey car to get out but when he does you're actually moving straight away.
That was a one way lane so no one should enter the other way to take a car park, therefore the dash cam driver had right to the car park.
Sadly though we live in a world full of selfish people.
Sadly though we live in a world full of ginormousgiraffes
Got a chuckle out of me there.
Once again…
~7.3% of people have an IQ < 80
Do people not worry that their car will be keyed when they come back?
Do people honestly commit an actual crime because they lost a parking spot?
They might if the bloke gives you a look like that while stealing your spot.
That was a shameful smile from a guy that not fit to wear that mustache
Hate to be the person behind you.. it took you 10 minutes to park! You snooze you lose.
There was no car behind me entire time long before the video started.
My grandma uses a walker, has a broken hip, and has been dead for 10 years and she still could have walked into the spot faster than Tom.
This. I even sure that black car see the spot first than you.
Uploaded rear dashcam view for reference, there was no car behind for the entire time.
This is unbearable to watch
It was your spot but the butthead that took it is obviously quite arrogant, eventually Kama will catch up with him.
We know what ginormousgiraffe looks like now!
Black car dude was almost begging for his car to get keyed.
Rolling down the window and sternly saying to him "You know this is one way only right? You shouldn't have come in that way, I was waiting for that spot." to put him in his place is enough, no need to vandalise people's property. Melburnians are known for being friendly and it should stay that way.
Yeah you're right. Someone who drives the wrong way in a carpark to steal a spot with a sh** eating grin on their face is likely a well adjusted human being who would appreciate having their driving criticised by a complete stranger. Missed opportunity for OP.
Do you generally wait 10 car lengths from a parking spot waiting for a person to leave, or was this just a special occasion?
Because there was no car behind me.
As soon as the grey car started to move out, i started to get closer.
The AH looks like David Warner so what did you expect?
Was expecting the black car to see my car and move along to find another parking spot.
Nah, you saw Davo's cheesy grin when he spotted you. You can just tell that he shortens every possible word he can so that he doesn't waste any time having to pronounce all the syllables. No way was he going to waste his time trying to locate another parking bay.
OT but what accent has everyone got? Sounds so sweet and wholesome.
Given the car leaving is facing forward and its a one way round, why the hell did you stop so far back? You don't need to give/leave that much space. You've put yourself in a disadvantaged position.
I started to move closer as soon as I saw the parked car started to move out.
Yeh, so did the black car, except he was closer first.
Took you about half an hour to move. I almost fell asleep waiting for you to start moving towards the space that was about 100m away.
Better luck next time, Tom.
Found a parking spot in the next lane.
Why the F would anyone point the dash cam so that 1/3 of the view (left side) is lost then have the rain sensor block 1/4 of the remaining 2/3?
The Cam car has the right of way but its the law of the jungle in shopping centre car parks especially around Christmas where even normal courtesy is out the window.
Did not know how or when the dash cam has moved.
It's the SlavOz of parking…
Black car guy was lucky I wasn't behind the wheel of the dashcam car. I would have been tempted to flaw it and end him as a red mural on the carpark wall… especially with that smug smile.
Floor it
Are you saying there's a flaw in his argument?
Good pick up guys. What I get for typing messages half a awake.
What they did is not as bad as blocking the carpark waiting for someone to vacate their spot.
For real. Car parks would be so much more efficient if people could realise the simple fact that "waiting" for spots clogs up the system for everyone. If it's empty, it's yours. If someone is still leaving, it's not yours.
But people are too selfish to benefit from this kind of communal thinking.
There was no car behind, and even while I was exiting that lane as shown in this rear dash cam footage.
He could have been blocking the car park waiting for him to vacate that spot from out of frame
Typical (cheap) Audi driver.
No one should ever go against the directional arrows on the floor to take a parking spot.
Very mature of you.
I would've punched that guy in the teeth, looks like he needed a new set anyway.
Get a bullbar.
Worst. Dashcam. Angle. Ever…
And added to that, it’s 45 mins long, ffs.