• expired

Donate Clothing - Collected & Delivered to Red Cross for Free (Saturday 21 October 2023) @ Uber (Booking via App Required)


A convenient way to declutter your wardrobe, support charity and allow your clothes to be reused.

Get ready to donate

On Saturday 21 October, between 9am-4pm, book a FREE Uber Package pickup* (via the Uber app) to collect your quality, pre-loved clothes, direct from your doorstep, for donation to Australian Red Cross Shops. Easy as.

*Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth only. See full T&Cs below.

How to donate

Firstly, give your wardrobe a good Spring clean out! Gather your pre-loved items into a bag or box, no heavier than 20kg, to comfortably sit in the boot of a midsize car. Then:

  1. Open the Uber app > Services

  2. Tap on Package (brown box icon)

  3. Select “Send a package”

  4. Enter “Red Cross Shop” as the recipient, and select your local Australian Red Cross Shop location

  5. The Red Cross Clothing Drive promotion should automatically apply, so check that the trip is showing as a $0 amount

  6. Confirm!

Keep an eye on the app and meet the delivery person picking up your donation at the door, or kerbside if you can. T&Cs apply. See bottom of page.


Referral Links

50% off 2 Uber Reserve Rides: random (215)

Referee and referrer get 50% off first/next 2 Uber Reserve Rides.

50% off 5 Rides for Referee, 1 Ride for Referrer: random (213)

For a limited time, 50% off 5 rides for referee, 50% off 1 ride for referrer. $15 discount cap per ride.

Related Stores

Australian Red Cross
Australian Red Cross

closed Comments

  • +6


    • Awesome

  • +19

    hard to make an honest dollar in the gig economy these days…good to see that Uber is providing free clothing as a perk to its drivers!

    • +6

      TBH, with the prices charged in some Op shops for used clothing, one could be excused for having a look in the package before delivering and maybe swapping out a couple of items.

      • +4

        Rural OP shops are where it's at, at least price wise. Practically new name brand shirts for pocket change, blu-rays for $4, DVDs for $2. $60 kitchen equipment boxed new for $10. Still VERY pre-owned k-mart blank stuff that's $6 new, for $4 though.

        • Whereabouts in rural areas are good places to look for cheap op-shop stuff?

          • @FujinShu: Victoria North west in my experience (starting volunteering at one today in fact). But you don't have to go that rural for Ballarat where there's a heap that are still very reasonably priced. $8 newish leather Chuck Taylors, $6 brand name shirts, rooms full of books & DVDs. Plus, they still run $5 bag sales, colour ticket sales, half price sales etc.

            • @formulated: I saw some chucks in an op shop in Elsternwick for $40… They weren't even in great condition…

  • Does anyone know if there are places that recycle linen?

  • Thank you 😎😁👏!

  • -3

    Just a question for thought. How do I know the Uber driver won't open the box, choose what he/she wants and reseal box?

    • +24

      Would it matter to you?
      If it does, you could always donate via a charity bin of your own choosing, at any time.

    • +38

      You will know because next time you get an Uber or Uber Eats and they will be wearing your clothes.

      • +5

        Imagine its their year 12 graduation jumper

        • +1

          …and you call out your nickname on the back.

    • +6

      U don't. It's a donation so let it go.

    • +11

      They already eat a few of your chips, you have an issue if they wear some of your clothes too now?

    • +1

      seal the box? write a note? boby trap a

    • +7

      I guess at the end of the day, you are still helping those in need.

  • No Canberra!

    • +2

      Can we donate politicians?

      • The Poli’s r too good at recycling shit policies and shit at recycling or anything that would improve the climate disaster.

  • I hope some of these go to the poor bastards in Gaza.

    • -6

      Why should we help people who voted for a terrorist organization? Voting for Hamas is like voting for the Nazi party. They both want to exterminate Jew-els.

      • +3

        I'd love to see who's killed more civilians. The Israelis or Hamas?
        The way the Israelis are indiscriminately bombing the civilians in Gaza makes the Russians look like angels.

      • +1

        The majority of Palestinians did not vote for Hamas. They got the highest number of votes but we’re not voted for by the majority of people. And even those who did vote don’t necessarily agree with all actions of hamas, the same way I don’t necessarily support everything the Labor party does even though I voted for them.

    • +1

      So the actual clothes don’t go overseas. The clothes are sold in the Red Cross op shops and the proceeds fund humanitarian responses and programs. Whilst Red Cross has an international disaster fund, I believe proceeds from the store go to programs within Australia and the Asia Pacific region.

  • +1

    All I’m seeing is innocent people on both sides being slaughtered.

  • -1

    Indeed there is a way to deal with Hamas by not destroying Gaza and killing people. They have billions spent by Mossad, you think they cant eradicate hamas. They keep it ongoing so the financial budget keeps giving and infiltrate hamas to provoke israel and start a war to make more money. Its not Black and white anymore guys ….open your eyes.

  • 404 not working

    Edit: working now

  • Doesnt work anymore, ask for payment method only when you pay $67

  • As mentioned by others, these clothes won't go to people in need. They get marked up and sold in op shops that are run to turn a profit which get eaten up by admin costs. They ride on their brand name to get free donations and volunteer labour.

  • Wife and I just cleaned out both our wardrobes and it’s so much neater.

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