What Did Boomers Eat for Breakfast Back in The Day?

I was looking at https://www.amazon.com.au/b/node=22019347051 and it all looks like crap. What did the superior boomer generation eat for breakfast back in the good ol' days?


      • I would be given 10 cents which was enough to buy items like sunnyboy’s, space food sticks, twisties, paddlepops, musk sticks, finger bun, poppers, but my goto were wagon wheels which i swear were substantially larger in size and tasted much better that they do today

  • And what do people of your generation have for brekky? They shouldn’t be taking their antidepressants and anxiolytics on an empty stomach. Might get a sore tummy.

    • I take my antidepressants at night (like you're supposed to) so, that's not an issue :)

      • Not all should be taken at night (just so you know).

        • Well, I'm on the fun combination ones so, it's all night tablets to me :)

          But, thank you for the FYI :)

  • +4

    They feasted on the hopes and dreams of future generations, with a side of Torrens titles of desirable land sprinkled with a dash of lifelong favourable taxation conditions, followed up with the chef’s finest defined benefits scheme.

    • +4

      Don't forget free university education for dessert. But young people today are the entitled ones.

  • Curious to read what op eats for breakfast? I used to all sorts of sandwiches or cereal. Now it's oats, nuts fresh fruit, dried fruit a d yogurt 6 days a week.

  • Drippings on mouldy bread, because there was so much hardship.

    • Is this to make up for you not having secure employment or affordable housing? It is a pretty hollow victory isn’t it?

  • Summer Weetbix cold milk then hot for winter with golden syrup Oh and the porridge during Winter .Sometimes cornflakes or rice bubbles just for enclosed toy always followed by white bread toast then Beverage. Weekends cold potatoes fried into chips with Bacon and Black pudding never could handle my fathers favourite of Lambs Fry or Kidneys.

  • french breakfast, long black and ciggies
    more seriously
    usually toast and butter +/- vegemite, pb or homemade jam and a cup of tea
    sometimes porridge, weetbix
    now and then pate or camembert on toast dunk in black coffee

  • steak from meat from an animal they killed that morning.

  • I found an old documentary and it shows Russian engineers ate cornflakes, vodka and beer.


  • Spoon of cod liver oil, bread with lard, bread with chopped raw onion, bread with margarine sprinkled with sugar, oh and lots of potatoes.

  • Weetbix

  • the dude who yells for a living forgot the name some australian rock icon said he used to eat porridge and oats for breakfast everyday

  • my grandparents have egg and rice with sausages pretty much every time i am there

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