• expired

50% off Next Uber Ride (up to $30 off), 25% off Next 3 Uber Rides (up to $25 off) @ Uber


Been a few updates so highlighting this to ensure everyone sees. You can add both AUS101 and AUS112 for 50% off one ride each ($30 cap), and then also add AUS103 for 25% off 3 rides ($25 cap). Credit to Sunnyoz for AUS112 code

Hey all,

Received an email for 50% off next uber ride. I believe it is targetted but worked on all of my accounts and a few friends that I shared it with to test. Please let me know if it doesn't work as then we can confirm it is targetted.

You can redeem the promo code via this link or go onto your uber app, then wallet, then scroll to the bottom under promotions and press "add promo code", and type AUS101

You can also try AUS103 for 25% off 3 trips (max $25 off per trip)

Codes expire 31 October 2023

Referral Links

50% off 2 Uber Reserve Rides: random (213)

Referee and referrer get 50% off first/next 2 Uber Reserve Rides.

50% off 5 Rides for Referee, 1 Ride for Referrer: random (219)

For a limited time, 50% off 5 rides for referee, 50% off 1 ride for referrer. $15 discount cap per ride.

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • works brilliantly! thanks

  • works OP thanks

  • Worked on my Uber account, thanks OP!

  • Added successfully.

  • It does get added, but when you actually go to book, it doesnt come up

    • It might take a minute to register. Does it come up under your promotions tab?

      • Yeah it’s showing now. Cheers!

    • It’s showing for me

  • I did not do anything, but can see it automatically added to my "promotions"

  • -2


    • +1

      Read description. You tell me

      • -7

        I believe it is targetted but worked on all of my accounts and a few friends that I shared it with to test


        So is it?

        • And if you keep reading

          Please let me know if it doesn't work as then we can confirm it is targetted

          So far no one has said it hasn't worked, so using the information provided I assume it isn't targeted. If it didn't work for you then we can mark it as targeted

        • +2

          Read the successful comments too ;)

  • Works for me, thanks

  • Worked!

  • Thanks!

  • Both worked for me cheers!

  • Not working for me.

    • Thank you, will get mods to update as targeted. Very high success rate for a targeted offer which is strange

      • +6

        Actually, my mistake. I entered the code in vouchers rather than promotions which resulted in an error. derp.

        • Oh lol, maybe not targeted then

    • +1

      Make sure you're adding it as a Promo code. I first tried to add it as a Voucher code which didn't work.

  • Thanks, it's working for me

  • +3

    'AUS101' worked as described, and 'AUS103' gave me 25% off 3 trips (max $25 off per trip). Thanks!

    • Nope, you're right. I looked at the wrong promo. It should be 25% off 3 trips. I'll update post. Thanks!

  • Works for me, thank you

  • Thanks OP
    Added to my account

  • Both worked, cheers!

  • +11

    AUS112 also give you 50% off Next Uber Ride (up to $30 off).

    • +6

      Lmao I did this testing and stopped at AUS109. Thanks for your perseverance 😂

  • Worked! Thanks 🙏

  • Only worked on long trips not 5min trips some reason

  • Sweet. Working

  • works #1 thanks :)

  • Where were you when I was catching an Uber from the airport this morning

    • +1

      Sleeping 😂

  • thanks boss

  • aus101 worked for me. TY!!

    • +1

      All 3 should work, try and add the others too :)

      • applied them on my computer and they worked! thank you legend :D

  • Can you this overseas?

    • Don't think so :( But it'll work to the airport if you're not driving!

  • -2

    Is it possible to save these codes in the uber app so they can automatically be used/applied the next time i get an uber?
    All these ppl saying it works - are you testing/using it or are you storing in the app?

    • +1

      It'll be stored in your app if you add the promo to your wallet, and the best promo available will used for each trip

      • thanks, i didn't realise they let you store in the app and best available will be used - i wish other apps did this instead of having to apply them manually

    • +1

      Go to wallet in Uber app, scroll down to promotions and add the promo code.

  • Didn't work for me - but I did use a similar voucher on the 1st of this month - so that may be the reason

    • +4

      Just checking you added it under promos and not as a voucher?

      • LOL - thanks

  • Perfect timing. I have to go away for a so doing home -> airport, airport -> destination, destination -> airport, airport -> home ubers. 4 trips! Will save me quite a bit over the next few days.

    • What about trips within the destination?

      • I'm not going where whilst i'm there :)

  • Thanks OP! Finally worked for me

  • All three worked cheers

  • Legend OP thanks!

  • Works, thanks OP!

  • +1

    I got it as well, was making mistake to put in vouchers instead of promotion.

    In the Home tab, scroll down a bit until you saw promo tab then click on it to input the promo.

  • Legend

  • awesome!!

  • Worked for me, thanks.

  • Once added, do I have to redeem by the expiry date 31 October?

    • +1


    • Make sure you enter into the promo code section, not vouchers

    • +1

      Being almost 3 hours late and missing the deal doesn't necessitate a neg

      • -2

        I saw it 2h ago but nowhere it was mentioned I need to add it to my account

        • +4

          Description pretty clearly showed the instructions to redeem the promo. 371+ people were able to follow it

        • but nowhere it was mentioned I need to add it to my account

          Poor excuse. Common sense is you need to add the promo to be able to use the promo. Most promotions have a quota limit, they don't last forever.

          In response to your original comment, your neg is more invalid than the deal, as the deal was working perfectly find. You can't neg because a deal expired.

  • +1

    Not working for me now.

  • +3

    All 3 saying

    Promotion code is not valid


    • Must've ended the promo early. Try the code again later tonight or maybe tomorrow as older uber promos have stopped working and then worked again

      • -2

        (Profanity) Uber.. had no idea I could add the promo before using it. Useless

    • +2

      Yes same for me

  • So good. Thanks OP! Saved me $40 on a return trip I took today.

  • +1

    All 3 showed as not valid for me when entering into the promo code section

  • not vaid for me

  • hmm not valid :/

    • +1

      Yeh I think that they pulled it early! Check back later today or tomorrow and see if you can add it to your account then!

      • hopefully 😁

  • -1


  • +1

    did they revoke the promos that had already been added to acc? they’re not applying to my trip anymore

    • They shouldn't, I just did a dummy trip and it worked on my end. Check that it is still listed under your promotions tab on uber

      • yeah it is still listed under my promo tab but can’t get it to apply to the trip.. strange

        • I clicked on the promo and pressed "apply to trip", not sure if that makes a difference?

          • @nicholasv: on web or app? cant find an option to manually apply in app - it says it’ll auto apply and I’ve clicked through the book now button under the promo tab. promo was working before on the same acc btw

            • @skido: Oh sorry it was the "book now" button. Uber may have realised their mistake and nuked it

  • Didn't work for me, tried app and web browser same error "Promotion code is not valid"

  • Great deal! Thanks OP, saved some money this morning

  • +3

    Codes worked before and now gone. Nil discount applied. I hope some people managed to use them in this short period !!

    • +2

      Weird that they're still saved but I'm having trouble getting them to work now as well.

  • Yep disappeared from acocunt

  • Has anyone had these successfully applied?

    Mine keeps applying the 20% discount with a max of $10 instead of the 50% max $30

  • i don’t even get the 20% :(

  • +1

    No discount applied on recent trip :( even through the promotion still in my account.

  • Took a trip. Discount not applied. Support says it's targeted and wants a screenshot of promo from my email before assessing.
    If anyone has this and could share it would be much appreciated!

    • Support also requested the same.

    • I pushed back and told them it was handed out on a flyer at an event and just provided a screenshot of the promos in my wallet they applied the discount for me, albeit the promos are still in my wallet

      • What event was this? I also attached the screenshots showing the promos in my wallet and that's what they replied with (asking for proof that i received email)

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