1-2TB portable SSD/HDD?

I'm a noob, so please be kind ;o)

I have seen threads like this before, but they have died out and technology keeps changing, so new products might have come on the market since those old threads were posted.

I am looking for a 1-2TB portable SSD/HDD preferably with USB 3. (Portable meaning USB power only).
Size and thickness are not an issue for me as I am not planning on building it into my laptop as I already have 1TB in it. This drive will mainly be used to store images, documents, music and movies on. I'm planning on backing up my complete movie collection and just plug the drive in the TV when wanting to watch a movie.

Now I know there are some very computer savvy people on here and I am hoping they (you) can help me find the best brand and price out there.
I have always been a big fan of Seagate and have used Seagate since my first PC well over 15 years ago. My old external drive is a Seagate and I have had no issues with it, even though my 2yo has thrown it around quite a lot.
Though unfortunately, reviews of more recent models of Seagate drives, aren't very positive. So maybe I should look for another brand?
Oh and I prefer to buy in Australia for warranty issues and also because I find portable drives to be quite fragile and it might not survive being thrown around by several postal companies.

I'm looking forward to receiving good useful feedback and suggestion on my first ever post on OB.



  • +3

    Hard drive technology is still the same as it was a decade ago.

    You won't find 1TB external SSD's anywhere. External hard drives tend to be HDD's, not SSD's, since SSD's are much more expensive than HDD's they are not frequently used as mass storage.


    1TB USB 3.0 WD Digital pocket drive $98.00 Officeworks

    2TB USB 3.0 WD Digital Passport $179.99 via Amazon. Expired deal, but the price is still fairly reasonable

    • The 1TB looks like a good deal, but I think I might go for maybe a 1.5-2TB instead. This evening, I calculated the amount of data I have that needs to be backed up and I got to 1.2GB :o\

      The 2TB is definitely a great deal, but it's in the US and as I mentioned above I prefer to buy in Australia for warranty reasons, but also for fear of damage being caused in transit :o(

  • -1


    Look at the above deal. This probably would tick all the boxes for you. There is some discussion around use with smart Tv on the thread.

    • Yes but is says power adapter?

    • +1

      That one isn't usb-powered.

      • Yeah that's what I figured as well. Bummer, as it looked like a good deal.

  • So I am back to square 1. Any more suggestions at all???

    • +1


      looks like heaps on staticice around $150

      • Static Ice, doh! Why didn't I think of that one before?! Thanks mate!

        • +1

          or shopbot.com.au ;)

        • Hmmmmm yes, I tried getprice, myshopping, shopbot and all those comparison sites, but static ice usually looks at the small specialized IT retailers who can sometimes be cheaper than the big chain stores.

          I just looked up more reviews of the Seagates and still can't find a lot of positive feedback on the latest models. It's a shame as they seem to be the cheapest at the moment :o(
          So that brings me down to what? WD and Hitachi? Any other decent brands? WD and Hitchi have a heavy price attached to them. Especially the 2TB ones.
          I guess I will have to keep an eye on OB for great deals on either of those brands.

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