• expired

First Month Free Unlimited nbn 50/20, 100/20, 100/40, 250/25 or 1000/50 (New Customers Only) @ Aussie Broadband


Email from Aussie Broadband - free NBN for one month for unlimited nbn50/20, nbn 100/20, nbn 100/40, nbn 250/25 and nbn 1000/50 plans.

We are so sure you'll love us, we'll give you your first month free when you switch to Aussie Broadband today.

You can get your first month free on any of our selected high-speed unlimited plans. Just use code SIGNUPNOW at checkout.

Your home internet is like your own personal super-hero, but when the hero doesn't show up, things get difficult (and make for a terrible super-hero movie). So, like a superhero it's essential your internet is reliable, fast and is back by a team who can help solve any issue.

This is what we strive to bring, at Aussie Broadband we provide high-performance tech grounded in actual Aussie values.

This is the real way to do internet, it's what we call The Actual Aussie Way. So, buckle up and experience superhero internet with Aussie Broadband.

Terms and conditions:
Additional charges may apply for new developments or subsequent line installs. Typical evening speeds and average download speeds (7pm-11pm) based on the ACCC Measuring Broadband Australia Report. Valid as of June 2023. Actual speeds on FTTN/B/C/Fixed Wireless technology type confirmed upon connection. Actual speeds may vary due to external factors, including in-building wiring. Service not available at all premises. 250/25 & 1000/50 plans only available for FTTP and select HFC connection types. All prices subject to change without notice. Promotional offer is only available to new customers who order our unlimited nbn50/20, nbn 100/20, nbn 100/40, nbn 250/25 and nbn 1000/50 plans by using promo code SIGNUPNOW. Offer is available until 10/29/23 at 11:59pm and cannot be applied after you sign up. General T&C's apply, for more info visit our website.

New customer definition from previous deal thanks to @Jay-rad

A ‘new customer’ is defined as an individual who has not had an active broadband service with Aussie Broadband in the last six months or hasn’t been an authorised contact, residing at the same address as the primary contact, on an active broadband service with Aussie Broadband in the last six months.

Referral Links

Referral: random (252)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

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Aussie Broadband

closed Comments

  • +19

    perhaps this is really for USA Broadband? - "Offer is available until 10/29/23"

    • +37

      2023/10/29 is the best format, can easily be sorted alphabetically in a list and still be in correct order.

      • +26

        Once you go yyyymmdd you never go back.

        • +3

          exactly even better and can be stored as int

        • +3

          yes this is the ISO standard

      • +2

        The ISO format is the best!

      • +4

        Personally I prefer 29OCT2023.

        • +3

          Do you work in medical? I think they use it to avoid ambiguity.

      • I'm also a big fan of YYYY-MM-DD formatting. Technically ISO8601 has hyphens not forward or backward slashes. Hyphens are better as they are alloweable characters in filenames, where as '/' and '\' are reserved characters for file paths. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601
        For those that are curious, there are a lot of different date formats out there! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date_format_by_country
        I'm in favour of having an "International 'International Date format' adoption day", set on say 2030-07-13 or something like that, which gives the whole world some time to ease the standard into the education system so it doesn't come as a shock to anyone.

      • f* everyone not using the most logical ISO 8601 format
        like seriously, who the f* in their right mind would invent and force others to use anything else?

      • This clearly will not be a popular opinion but for me the best format is Day, Month, Year. For my work at least the most important bit of information is always the Day, followed by the Month and followed by year.

        I totally get why Year, Month, Day would be heaps better from a sorting and data practice point of view, but just for me Year is the least useful bit of information.

  • Cheers OP! 🍻

  • +4

    The Light Speed tier on Superloop is the best deal going in broadband in Australia atm imho… $99 for 6 months then $109 for 1000/50 and a free Eeero+ router.

    • +1

      You just have to stay connected for 18 months? Or was it 2 years? For the "free" router? For regular churners, getting free months here and there, that's a long time. I agree tho, seems like a very good deal for the speed.

      • +5

        Think it’s 18 months… I was with TPG for about 13 years before switching so I reckon I’m good for it ;)

        • I was of the understanding that it is a month to month plan wihtout the free router which is what i did early this morning. If you add the "free" router it said you must stay for 18 months. The change over from 500/40 Exetel FTTP $99 to Superloop 1000/50 FTTP $99 took about 6 minutes which was awesome. Both unlimited data.

        • Same, been with Kogan for 5 years. Lazy…

    • +1

      tried to check this offer, was thinking of an upgrade and just realised that superloop 100/40 is usually $89/month, and I have been with them for ages when it was $85/month and then they increased their price to $94.95, i thought it's their standard price. It seems like they are penalising loyal customer by charging me more than what they advertised on their website.

      • +3

        That was always a big problem when ISPs had data caps… you'd sign up for 20GB download and then 3 years later you're paying the same money as somebody with 200GB download… you always had to call up to get them to upgrade you data allowance.

        • +1

          it was on $85 with unlimited. Apparently they increased the price in April (causing all existing customers on that plan to pay $95) then at some point they decreased it again back to $89.

    • +2

      Superloop backhaul especially international peering is horrible in comparison to AussieBB
      They are not the same product IMHO

      • +12

        I'd take 1000/50 on Superloop for $109 over 100/20 pm Aussie BB for $99 a month, any day of the week.

      • Can you elaborate on this? I'm in the market for a new provider

        • -3

          You get what you pay for. If something is cheap it's cheap for a reason.

          AussieBB has better local support and a better network, as such it costs more.

          • +3

            @Bre77: AussieBB also has Shareholders it needs to keep happy with a certain amount of profit.

        • +6

          So basically when you connect to servers that are not based in Australia. You will get higher latency or ping than others on certain providers. For example I used to be with Aussie Broadband and I would get 180ish ping when connected to servers in Los Angeles since thats where the servers for the game that I'm playing. Now that I'm with Superloop, I get 240ish ping. So if you game internationally this will be a worry. That is my understanding of it, anyone with more experience can elaborate more.

          • +1

            @MrChumps: High ping = more lag

            Although all customer get access to the network via NBN, every ISP has different network set up in the backend including peering to international ISP.
            An analogy would be NBN is like a water pipe, and ISP provide you with different quality of water through the pipe

          • +2

            @MrChumps: Thanks, I don't game really at all these days, and when I did the latency between my brain and mouse was always the bottleneck anyway. Am I going to notice anything much different when I'm downloading linux distros with bittorent or usen*t?

          • @MrChumps: I have this exact same experience with Superloop. I play Modern Warfare and Rocket League and I feel connection latency has gotten worse since I moved to Superloop from ABB. Initially I couldn't put my finger on it but realised quickly it was the latency. If multiplayer gaming is important to you, in my personal experience ABB was the best.

    • Eeero router or any ISP supplied router, a hard pass for me.
      But yes, for a BYO plan, superloop for the 1Gbps is unbeatable :)

    • How do you get this price?

    • Except you are with Superloop…
      They had a 2.5 hour outage yesterday evening…

      • -1

        Had one outage in about 6 months… it's not the end of the world… go touch grass mate.

        • Mate - I am paying for a service and having to reboot my modem every couple days…

  • Gigabit is totally worth it, if you can get it. Shit downloads from Microsoft/Apple/Sony servers at full speed, it is pretty amazing after so many years of shitty DSL. And if you've got a private tracker most things will download full speed too.

    • What speed do you get from Microsoft/Apple/Sony servers with yout Gigabit connection?

      • +6

        Gigabit speeds. so like 125 MBps. I don't live there anymore, have Coalition NBN now that maxes out a bit above 50 and get about 6MBps. I'll never forgive the Coalition for this.

        • -2

          Try telstra 5g if available in your area. $1 for first month then $85 a month. Includes modem (to be returned if you cancel within 2 years).

          • +4

            @Save 50 Cent: 5G is crap for latency compared with fibre and Telstra home 5G is rubbish if you download more than 1GB per month. Kinda defeats to point of fast speeds.

            • +1

              @SimAus007: Who said anything about fibre? I was replying to someone who was complaining about their FTTN with a speed of 50mbps.
              Also, I know you meant TB not GB but clarifying for others who might be confused.
              1024 gb a month is plenty of data even for heavy users.

              • @Save 50 Cent: Yep, thanks for picking up on that, my bad (*1 TB)
                Many can also upgrade to fibre for free now, it's worth looking at that for speeds 100Mbps and higher.
                My household manages to chew through about 1.5TB per month, mostly with gaming and streaming alone. Everyones usage is different of course.

  • There's a connection fee with Opticomm. Pass. I'll go with Leaptel since there's no connection fee.

    • -4

      Leaptel HAHAHAHAHAHA

      • lol. No good?

        • +1

          leaptel has been good for me. i like their online portal where you can turn enable or disable ipv6 and CGNAT. very transparent in that respect. other ISPs involve a support ticket, or a phone call.

        • +1

          Too many outages. About one a month and they last 3-4 hours. Some planned some unplanned. They use a backhaul provider that has no redundancy. So any break in the OF they are using causes my service to go down. I'm actively looking to move away.

          • +1

            @adam-07: I've been with Leaptel since July and not experienced a single outage. There was some planned works by their backhaul provider GSL, but they didn't affect me at all.

            I get good latency locally and internationally, however I'm not a gamer so don't care about pings.

            I've been really happy with them.

            • @bonezAU: you lucky boy… what do you care about if i may ask? price? speed? downloads?

              • @deanwan: As long as I can chat to my dad, I'm a happy man.

      • +3

        Leaptel is what Aussie used to be in the beginning.

        • Thanks. Is it worth going with AussieBB ?

          • @N21212:

            Is it worth going with AussieBB ?

            They used to proudly advertise their service as NO BS but at the end when there is a problem they behave like any other provider telling you BS!

            • +3

              @billadm: Aussie BB have the best consumer-facing troubleshooting tools in Australia. If there is a problem with Aussie BB then you'll have a problem with any ISP.

              • -2


                the best consumer-facing troubleshooting tools in Australia

                Just another BS statement and I guess Telstra would say the same thing?

              • +2

                @benhersey: I did like the tools Aussie BB provided over every other ISP. Helped me solve issues without needing to waste time logging a ticket.
                They just are pricey now, superloop gives you useless tools and I found quite bad buffering even on 1000 plan in comparison to Aussie BB… more is the most pathetic I’ve dealt with… well not worse than TPG though but close

  • +1

    Are they still any good? Their Google rating was terrible when I last checked a month ago, and I reckon they deleted a lot of the one-star ratings…

    • +1

      Probably depends whether the reviewer had FTTH or DSL/Coalition copper NBN.

  • +1

    thank you, nbn sorted for november

  • -2

    Long time gigabit subscriber on AussieBB, love the service quality

    Superloop, Telstra, TPG all hot garbage by comparison.

    Never got a month free or discounted in my life from AussieBB

    Whats the idea here?
    Penalize loyalty? Who comes up with this stuff?
    Sales people?

    Thanks, will disconnect and get missus to re-connet for free month

    • +9

      Penalize loyalty? Who comes up with this stuff?

      There is no loyalty bonus, only lazy taxes. Always churn.

      • I've been getting $5 off per month as retention from Superloop for a long time now. I do agree with you about the lazy tax because I know I could get a better deal and I'm looking around.

  • +2

    so it is either First month free, or $20 off for 6 months?

    Can't have both???

    Then the SPEED20 $20 off for 6 months if better!

    • +7

      The first month free offer is better if you leave after the free month.

    • I think this is better than op

    • SPEED20 is only for the faster connections.

      • Available to new and existing customers purchasing or upgrading to a 250/25Mbps or 1000/50Mbps nbn® or Opticomm plan. Offer ends 11:59pm AEST 31 October 2023.
  • +2

    Is it true their support is moving/moved offshore?

    I have asked them for comment a few times on Twitter, but have never got an answer.

    • +3

      Yes, they’re all on an extended overseas holiday. This deal will help keep things churning over whilst they relax and unwind

  • It's funny that you can only get up to 600 Mbps for NBN1000

    • +5

      Nah 600Mbps would be like minimum speeds you could expect… I easily get 980Mbps down on HFC.

  • Oh man, signed up last night. What are the chances

    • +8

      100%, evidently

  • +1

    Can I use this and leave within the month? So I don't have to disconnect from my current ISP? lol.

    • +1

      Yup .. If with FTTP then should be able to connect with one of the remaining 3 Uni-D channels

  • +1

    What are the chances of getting 100Mbps on a new FTTN connection with a 100/40 plan @ Superloop?

    • I'm currently with Exetel and I heard Superloop is the same. Is that right?

      • +2

        Pretty sure Exetel was bought out by Superloop.

    • Im with superloop on fttn. The node is out front of my house and i get about 96mbps on 100/20.

  • Does the 6 month rule still apply?

    • Yes

      • As in you are allowed to cycle back only after 6 months?

        • I believe that's what they mean. New customer definition.

  • Do they run credit check? And is it a pain in the arse to cancel?

    • I tried to sign up for Optus to get the flybuys offer and they wanted to do a credit check. I'm like "It's a month to month plan and I've given you my credit card. Why do you need to do a credit check." And they said without out a credit check they won't give me the service.

      So now that's the first thing I will ask BEFORE starting the churn process.

  • ‘STARS’ coupon code also works, used a month ago when I moved to ABB. Don’t know if you can use both?

  • +1

    How do you dictate what port they connect you on if ordering online? Would rather not have to call them up

  • +2

    Today I signed up for leaptel 500/50 package. I basically upgraded from their 100/20.

    Paying 109$ for 12 months

  • ABB no longer worth it any more. Move on to Superloop, Exetel, Leaptel, Launtel all better than ABB

    Don't really care they move call centre overseas. And they thought they can go to share market. Soon shares will collapse its probably already downhill

    • Even spintel is cheaper than this.

  • Newbie here. Want to change my nbn from foxtel as I'm not happy with it. Do i buy my own modem so i can chop and change between companies offering good deals, or do i sign up and go with whatever modem is available as part of the deal? So confusing for me.

    • There should be no reason why you can't just keep using the Foxtel modem with any other provider you churn to.

      I don't know if Foxtel uses PPPoE (username/password required to auth) or IPoE (no username/pass) but maybe someone else here might know.

      If you know how to log into your current modem, check if the WAN set to use PPPoE or Dynamic / DHCP.

      Most providers use a dynamic/IPoE and it means that once your churn has gone through, the most you should have to do is reboot your modem. You might not even need to do that.

      • +1

        Thanks for that. I will see if i can log in and check the WAN.

    • Per bonzeAU, your foxtel modem should work, it’s a matter of being able to log in and fiddle with the settings. In the case it doesn’t, get a Telstra Smart Modem gen 2 on fb marketplace or gumtree, they usually go for $20. Works with every nbn, and if you are lucky, the SIM still works, you have basic free internet.

      • Hi, thanks for that. Would a wifi extender or wifi mesh router be better? I have a few internet blackspots in my house. Thought a new modem and internet provider would fix that but from my limited research thats not the case…?

        • Mesh is generally better because they blend in with your house decor better and you can add/remove nodes when your requirements change (move into a smaller or bigger house for example).

  • +3

    When are we going to see speeds better than 1000/50 for residential connections? My parents in a relatively hick town in NZ can get 4000/4000 at the same price for 1000/50 here….

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