• expired

iPhone 5 Existing Vodafone Customers Ready for Upgrade $11 for Phone + $49 Cap (Old Plan)

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Hi All,

Just to let you know that after long contemplation on which carrier to go for the IPhone 5 on my going to expire vodafone contract. I again went with Vodafone because by ringing them up I got the best deal any publicly announced deal in Australia.

Being a data hungry IPhone on 4G, realistically I would say I need at least 1GB of data if not more to experience the full joy of it. Plus I also opted for the 64Gb for higher resell value.

On paper Virgin seems to be the winner where for:

$27 for phone + $29 big plan , you get $450 credit and 250 Mb data


with additional $10 a month for 24 months you get an extra 2GB for mobile internet.


so for all up $66 a month for 24 months you pay $66, with 450 credit and 2.25 GB of mobile data on 4G.

That's minimum spend of $1584 for 24 months.

With my heart set on this deal, I thought, I will just give Vodafone a last try with 5 months left on my contract. I rang them up and the the awesome customer service took all my history with Vodafone into consideration and give me this deal.

$11 for the phone + $49 cap ( my old plan) , I get $500 credit and 1.5GB of data 3G now 4G early 2013.

which comes to $1440 minimum spend for 24 months.

A saving of $144 compared to virgin. Furthermore they gave me this earlier upgrade which means that it waved off my 5 months remaining on my contract and start a fresh 24 months, which is another $245 saving.

On paper vodafone has one of the worse deal for iPhone 5, but I am surprise what's a different it makes if you are willing to give them a call and find out.

Taking all these savings into consideration I am only paying $1195 for a $49 cap plan on Vodafone, which gives me $500 credit and 1.5 GB and unlimited Social network usage (only if you use a browser on your phone and go to m.facebook.com or m.twitter.com ) all on a iPhone 5 64GB.

iPhone 5 64 GB selling for $999, on Apple, with this deal I am only $196 (24 month) or $8.166 a months for my old $49 cap on Vodafone.

I do need to qualify by saying that the deal you get might be different, The new $49 cap plan now might also be different. But I think you definitely get a better deal none the less if you ring them up on 1555 if you are existing vodafone, if you are not and wanting to switch I will say its worth a try.

Good luck!!



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closed Comments

  • +3

    tl;dr please

    • +21

      tL:DR version
      "I called vodaphone and they beat virgins offer based on my customer loyalty, by offering less data and features that dont exist yet on a fail network"

  • +8

    wooo.. 1.5GB of downloads that I can't use and a flimsy promise of 4G in "early 2013"

    where do I sign up!?!?!?

    • if you're stuck with them, this is the best you could get :P

      Telstra? great, but too expensive
      Optus? another Vodafail

      that left you with Vodafail….and your unfinished contract + used phone :P

  • +6

    Belongs in forums, not available to everyone.

    • +1

      Agree, this belongs in the forums, It's vodafone's normal plan, no discounts…

  • +6

    No 4G on Vodafail

    4G early 2013.

    don't hold your breath…

    • +4

      Voda 4G will be like 3G is ment to be :D

      • If you are smart enough to change the APN to the faster one, the Voda 3g network's pretty speedy. Unfortunately you'll probably have 0-1 bars of reception for over 70% of the time so you'll never see it hit that. I've had a Galaxy s2 hit 8mbps consistently in my office at work where reception is brilliant. Only managed about 6.5 on Optus, at best.

        • Which is which? I tried an alternate APN a while ago, but the only difference I noticed was being able to connect to my VPN.

        • +1

          vfinternet.au is the faster one
          The live.vodafone.com one is the slow one (throttled to somewhere in the range of 1-3mbps), as it is ONLY one that you will receive the unmetered/free access to social media sites etc.

  • +17

    Lot of effort in a first post, Restecp.

  • Oo mama
    Anyone tried it as a new customer?
    Have to find a voda users, who knows they dont want to continue their plan

    • +2

      It's not difficult, I don't know any Vodafone customers that are happy.
      But on the plus side their customer service team get complained to so often that they are really good at their jobs.

  • +2

    4G is the essential feature for the iPhone 5. Unfortunately, Vodafone seem to have dropped the ball here.

    • +2

      that is pretty much the only reason i'd be upgrading from my 3GS, that and the chance to move off Virgin's crappy network onto Tel$tra…

  • +2

    Vodafail has the best deal? Have fun with the best deal that you have found. I don't know what the 3G coverage/speed is like where you are located, but I can tell you they are sh*t in Brisbane. Don't waste your money thinking that you are betting the best deal. Pay a little more and go with Virgin(optus), Optus or Telstra if you want a reliable service.

    • I don't recomment Virgin, although maybe the 4G network is better, 3G is still crap and congested in many areas…

      • +3

        well virgin is just Optus. Optus is about on par with Vodafone for crappiness (based on my experiences across sunshine coast, gold coast, brisbane, ipswich and toowoomba areas). If anything, they are slower (when the reception is at it's best on both).

        Now that Telstra deals have mildly improved I am actually seeing the value in their service. What good is the 2gb of data from Optus when I have no reception to use it when it the most, e.g. a clothes shop with the old lady, and I am bored out of my brains.

        • +4

          Virgin service is crap (customer service), all outsourced to Manila and the people just don't seem to listen.

        • +1

          About a year ago I checked with Virgin and there were some areas that where there was no Virgin network but there was Optus coverage, so Virgin did not use 'all' of Optus's network, not sure if that has changed.

          In terms of customer service, i find them friendly but useless… The different teams do not talk to each other… I got offered various discounts via email when my contract finished. I accepted via clicking the links, but the discount never appeared on my bill. When I called, they knew nothing about the offer. They asked me to forward them the email, which i did. Then they asked me to send them a screen capture of the email, not the actual email, which i did… Next month, same thing, no discount appeared… Had to call them almost every month to get it applied… Very frustating to deal with.

          Not to mention, when there is a network problem, their staff are the last to know. The only info you get about problems is from other users on whirlpool. After a week or two, someone at Virgin finally acknowledges there might be a problem but cannot tell you when it will be fixed…

        • -2

          vodafail fail outsources to india. had mine being over charged at 7GB awhile back. keeps calling them and everytime an indian accent picks up he tells you hes joe, steve, john, anne, mary. REALLY?

        • +1

          …and they say "G'day mate."

        • +13

          Don't you think that is for your benefit. If he says his name is Balasubramanium, Venkatapathy, Mukopadhyay, etc.. you will probably spend 10 mins just to figure that out. Seems like they understand your name in the 1st go and you can't understand it, so they are bending backwards to accommodate your needs. Just moving on with the problem for which you called them would help. Don't you think so. Is it that hard. REALLY?

        • I have optus on my iPhone 4 and Telstra on my iPad 3 and I find that in Brisbane, the coverage is very similar and speeds are very similar as well.

    • I've never had any really big issues with Virgin, service around me is fine.

      • +2

        if you were in Melbourne and were waiting 2 minutes for a page refresh on your browser, even though there are 5 bars of signal strength and 3G, you would change your tune… this happens often, not always, but often…

        I've decided to bite the bullet and fork out an extra $20 or so per month to help out the Tel$tra shareholders (and save my sanity)

  • +14

    Renewing with Vodaphone = Stockholm Syndrome.

    • +3

      Definitely! But sometimes it's necessary. Vodafone was the only provider who included overseas calls in their cap.

      I renewed my contract with them even though I hate their customer service. On the phone for over an hour and a half. Their retention team tried to up sell me to a newer more expensive plan and tried to tell me I couldnt continue on my current plan. Took that long arguing with the woman; she finally went to her team leader and it was done in a couple of minutes - now waiting for delivery tomo :)

  • +9

    I think I'll just stick with my Nokia 3310. Thanks

  • +5

    If you truly swallowed that tripe about 4g in 2013, you should head off to Harvey Norman. The sales people there would love you.

    • +10

      Why? They rolled out the billion dollars worth of new infrastructure pretty well right on schedule, and have now activated HSPA+ with rolling activation for the rest of the year, right on schedule. Do you have any reason to believe that 4G won't be on schedule also?

      (I have no idea what kind of speed you'll get on 4G, since it's not like my 3G is anywhere close to maxed out most of the time. 4G/LTE is just a technology standard, not a promise of a certain speed.

      • +3

        haha you can feel free to believe whatever you want. I had a pre paid mobile broadband that never worked, many calls to support and get the typical, please check our coverage maps (of which I am well within). Etc etc. Get the whole "sir we have a upgrade planned for completion in your area, it should be in affect within a couple months". Note the should. Note the still hasn't happened 2 and a half years later.

        A colleague has been battling them lately due to a similar situation. Cheaped out and went with them for his contract, and was assured an upgrade was in place at his location and it would be finished within a few months. It's been a year now and still has to stand on the street to make phone calls, which are a static mess that disconnects a couple minutes in.

        So when someone says 4g on Vodafone in early 2013, I think it's a fair understatement to say I'm skeptical.

      • -2

        they were supposed to roll out 4G THIS YEAR ahead of OPTUS. but look. its pushed back to 2013.

        • This (http://blog.vodafone.com.au/blog/vodafone-network-services-u…) is the first official mention of 4G from Vodafone, stating April 2013.

        • -2

          Lol. Never thought I'd see a vodafanboy.

          "Vodafone will confirm the exact timing of its 4G (LTE) roll out, after working through the required tender process and contract negotiations."

          They did not take part in the spectrum auction and are in "panic" mode atm. Most of their infrastructure upgrades are to prevent the continuation of the mass customer exodus. I predict the 4G service will be a paper launch available to a select few.

          Also, if they cannot get 3G right what makes you think their implementation of 4G will not suffer from backhaul bandwidth issues?

      • +1

        Vodafone had a new tower going up in my area scheduled for January 2012, I cancelled my contract with them at the end of August and it had just been completed but didn't boost signal strength because it happened at the same time that 3 ported over to the fail network.

        To compensate for this fail said they were in the planning stages of 3 new towers near me and hopefully things will start to get better in around 6 months.

        I assumed they just thought everyone would have come to their senses and cancelled their contract by then.

  • +1

    iPhone 5 64 GB selling for $999, on Apple, with this deal I am only $196 (24 month) or $8.166 a months for my old $49 cap on Vodafone.

    We can think that you are still paying $999, but over 24 months at around $41.625 per month.
    Since you will need to pay $60 ($49 plan + $11 handset) per month, you are effectively paying $60 - $41.625 = $18.325
    LiveConnected claims that their $11.99 plan is similar to a $49 plan.

    So you are paying $7.326 more per month ($18.325-$11.99=$7.326) to
    1. enjoy the benefit of paying off your iPhone 5 with 24 installments.
    2. get possible waiving of 3-5 month monthly fee at next upgrade
    3. lose the opporturnity to claim TRS

    • +2

      I think paying off your phone over 24 months, plus customer support that you can at least phone is worth it. Plus, assuming you get an early upgrade, you can make back the difference in price in early upgrade fees easily if you elect to renew.

      On the other hand, this only works for iPhones as they don't see much discounting from grey imports, and with LC you get the Optus network, not the Vodafone one.

    • Good point on the TRS, the only other thing with LiveConnected is that we need to wait at least 10 weeks for the nano sim to come in… and possible no 4G at least not sooner than Vodafail (or at least for what we know so far).

    • +2

      Don't forget you get a 2 year warranty when buying it with Vodafone (and most other carriers) - and if you put $999 in the bank over 2 years, you'd net around $100 in interest @ 5%.

      • +1

        you're a truly Ozbargainer! :P

  • +7

    The 64gb handset is normally $19 per month on the $49 plan. You have received a loyalty credit of $8 per month of the handset repayments. This is a fairly standard offer. If you read the thread on whirlpool forums you will see many have received better deals than this. But as long as you are happy with this offer that's all that matters. Enjoy your new phone.

    • what's the best deal you've heard?

      • +2

        Read the whirlpool thread. There are different offers on different plans. Personally, I settled with a 16GB iPhone 5 on their $29 cap including a 2GB data pack. I am paying $29 per month for the plan, $10 for the data pack, and $10 handset instalments, making that a$49 monthly spend, but I think others to better deals.

  • +1

    Sweet, I'm on the old $45 Infinite plan that's due to expire early next year!!!
    (Mind you, almost 2 years ago now I'd already been with them for 11 years when I had to haggle a better deal out of them than what Joe Bloe off the street could get!!!)

  • "$1440 minimum spend for 24 months"

    You can have that! I'll stick to my $15pm plan thanks.

  • +1

    heres an idea
    get over the iphone hype and wait 2 or 3 months

    by then if you still want an iphone at least the plans would be cheaper

  • +2

    my plan with vodafail was expiring
    i rang up told them their reception was tripe

    they sent me a (refurbished) galaxy s2

    sweet..have a newer phone to BYO to Telstra with

    • +1

      Seriously? Can you detail what you said/How you managed to do that?

      • +1

        firstly…current contract was ending soon (unsure it this effects the overalls…i believe it does as their intent is to keep me signed on or with new plan)

        i rang up complain the network was shit and i couldn't get any data…(which is true and still is!!) …constant drop outs on the train to work

        they checked up saying my current phone (HTC legend) was not able to access their "new" network
        said try this new phone it should help….

        my other friend did the same thing but he could only get a HTC W (or something crappy like that)

  • +4

    There is/was a class action law suit against Vodafone for a reason:

    Vodafone SUCKS. Badly.

    My wife's coverage (ha ha) and internet/3G drops out all the time, at home, in the middle of the City, in the middle of heavily populated areas all the time. Vodafone just blames in on towers getting repaired, too many people on their network since they bought 3 out, bad sim cards, bad phones. They also over charged her $80 once for data because she "went over her quota" when she didn't, we had to spend around 5 hours over 4 or 5 different times in the store to get it reversed, arguing on the phone etc… Then we had to chace them up for a refund

    My mate joined the class action suit and cancelled his contract with them, my wife was going to do the same but her contract is up soon.


    I hope this post saves at least one person from signing up and wasting their time and money.

    • -1

      My wife's coverage (ha ha)

      You better hope she doesn't read Ozbargain…

    • +1

      If you want out of your contract reguardless of how long is left you can do it.
      Mention how bad it is and tell them that you are going to contact the TIO (telecomunication industry ombudsmen) unless they can deal with you and they will generally ask for you to either return the phone/pay out the remaining handset repayments/just let you leave.

      Don't forget everytime you contact the TIO it costs Vodafone money, they legally cannot tell you not to contact them but they don't like throwing money away either so they will deal with you.

      • Funny you mentioned this. I lodged a complaint with TIO two days ago, got a call from Vodafone just now and I am released from remaining contract

  • +2

    Vodafone should pay me extra $11 to stay with them.. I've already been with them for 4 years and think of moving. Given the level of their service it's over priced.

  • If vodafone gave me a free iphone 5, and paid me $49 per month, I might consider joining them…

  • +1

    They charged me about $100 one month sending me an invoice claiming I went over the cap. I was checking my usage from the Vodafone app it self and for last few days of the billing month I haven't made any calls. I had over $180 credit left in the cap. Last day I made a call to a friend on different carrier (Optus) for about 30 mins.

    Somehow they sent me a bill which is excess of $100 in that month. At that time I didn't have time to waste time on calling them. So I ended up paying without a single call to their customer service. However I lost the trust on them.

    • +4

      So I ended up paying without a single call to their customer service.

      You should be deregistered from Ozbargain!!!

    • Sorry that makes no sense to me at all.
      How long does it take you to make $100?

      Lets imagine your on an average wage and we'll call it $25 an hour so it cost you 4 hours wage to pay for their screw up?

      It would have been sorted out in around or under 30 mins (or $12.50 worth of time).

      Next time you can't be bothered to make a call just think 'I'm not spending the first 4 hours of work tomorrow earning myself money, I'm paying off Vodafone's screw up which I shouldn't have to pay for but cbf.'

  • +1

    Best price on worst reception = a good deal? I mean, come on, what we have here is already Iphone FIVE while Vodafail still cannot deliver proper phone call service nevertheless its rubbish 3G network. For me, no thanks. I will go with Telstra.

    • +1

      lol yeah exactly, "I have a new iPhone 5… but I can't use it :("

      • +2

        "I have a new iPhone 5… but I can't use it :("

        here you go…


        • What I actually meant was because of the poor network coverage on Vodafone.

  • Pretty sure Vodafone won't be able to get 4G up and running without the help of Optus.

    So until they have a decent network (not in theory or planning) vodaphone is a bad option.

    • Why would Optus help them? They are competitors…

      • https://www.google.com.au/search?q=optus+vodaphone+joint+ven…

        Pretty sure vodafone will be sharing optus towers.

        • So we can expect even more congestion for Optus/Virgin then… :S

        • Looks like it!

          Doh I'm with Virgin :D

        • +1

          They are only sharing towers to boast coverage. Each operator will still have separate equipment in the towers.

  • -2

    This is the ad equivalent of twilight.

  • +1

    Be warned again…..unless you are happy to put up with hopeless or no coverage data then go ahead with vodafail.
    I had been with 2 years with telsta and before was with Optus and never had any complaints. But stupid me recently changed from Telstra to Vodafone because if was a good deal on paper anyway $$ and I'd been warned many times reading Ozbargain but chose to ignore thinking really just how bad can it be as they kept saying they are getting better and building a better network…..what a load of horse SH$T.
    FYI, I am still trying to get out of my contract with them, maybe I had been spoil by Telstra's coverage, but NO SIGNAL 3G in places like Walker St North Sydney and I am using S3 so no excuses for the hardware(major St in North Sydney CBD near the SAP building) and being told we are doing network upgrade in the area; except when you check their coverage area online on their website all I see is upgrade has been completed, so WTF is with all the lies.
    Don't say you have not been warned, if I knew it was this bad I would have been happy to just pay the premium and stay with Telstra ( and NO, I don't work for any Telco related company) and we are not talking in one isolated case, as there are many times where my wife gets full coverage and I get either very slow 3G or none!

    • luckily I have other phone/sim to spare when I really need the reception
      honestly, Vodafone really need to get their network upgrade, or lose ALL the customers!

  • If u already have a IP4S, the only point of moving to IP5 is the enjoy the 4G network which only Telstra and Optus current has.

    If I have to wait for 3-6 months or even more (OP said Voda 4G will launch in 2013) I will hold on to my IP4S and maybe wait for IP5S.

    Paying extra for using IP5 with 3G is a bit silly in my option.

  • +1

    I have optus and voda and for some reason I must be one of the few lucky ones that has never had a problem with voda. Knock on wood, hope I dont jinx it but when my optus bars are low or gone i have dragged out the iphone with voda and service is not a problem. Its weird because I see the complaints about voda all the time, it was one of the reasons I hesitated in going with them, but it so far has worked well for me. Will wait for a better iphone5 deal though ;-)

    • It's not just the number of bars. Regularly when I was on Optus I could have full bars but either have calls drop out or no data throughput.

  • Quest to the original poster: How long you have been with Vodafone to score this deal and waive off for 5 months?

    • I was with Three, and did the switch over when they merged (about 2 years ago?) but was with Three since 5 years ago. I am not sure if they take the 5 years in three into account.

      The funny thing is because I am extending my old plan so I maintain my 2GB data plan that I have on my plan. so instead of the normal 1.5GB i am actually getting 2GB so not too bad.. :D

  • Hey I called. Said the same thing. But all i got was a 32GB iPhone5 on the $49 plan for the same $11 extra. Oh, and I've been with Vodafone since 1995…

    • yeah I still don't understand how they work, I am only with them for 2 years ? but was with Three for about 5 years then they merge? Maybe it depends on their system on what handset they want to clear out? or depends on which handset is more popular?

  • +2

    After 45mins wait, I finally got someone to speak to. I inquired about the 12 month plan(Due to the remaining time of my visa). I'm paying $59Cap+$47 for my 64G iphone 4s now. To get the iPhone 5, I was told I can keep the old plan and pay $55 for the handset which will be $59+$55 for 64G iphone5 or $59+$45 for 32G version. I asked the sale person why the price go up, he said to me "I can give you sometime to think about, when you are ready, give us a call back. Bye-bye!"
    Good on you, Vodafone. I will say bye-bye to you!

    • +1

      I have to say that I called Voda sales hotline twice before. First time, call dropped out when I just got through; second time the call dropped out during the waiting music. VodaFail, what a joke!

      • that happens a lot, sometime even in the Indian call center, I got cut off purposely by the Customer Service.

    • that must be the same guy(Australian call center) I spoke to! really pissing me off! these CS have no intention to retain the customer, no negotiation AT ALL! how would that make customer happy?

  • I bought ip4 on release 2 years ago in october and ended up getting it on the $49 plan on 24 months with 3 months thrown in for free, no handset repayments. So this deal is rubbish.

  • I would love for people to mention what area / suburb they're having problems with Vodafone!!!
    I'm in S/E Melb - M/ton Peninsula and know of only a handful of places the reception drops, and these are mostly in gullys!!! Other than that, they've been fine!!!
    I agree Telstra's coverage is definitely better as I had a Telstra work phone for 8 years (while I still kept my old Vodaphone 'No Plams' contract), but the plans they are offering are bordering on exorbitant!!!

    • when you says reception drops, you mean you see 0(zero) reception bar on your phone?

      if yes, then you are wrong, the reception actually dropped(ie. people can't call in)
      but on your phone it still shows you the 1~2 bars of reception which is FAKE!
      this happens a lot with me current on the THREE network, which Vodafone have pulled!

    • I may have all signal bars and the 3G symbol and yet have excruciating data connectivity and intermittent call disconnections. The issue does not solely lie with the signal strength, but also the capability of the infrastructure to adapt and deal call and data traffic.

      Issues are experienced in the following places:
      1) Sydney: CBD and inner west.
      2) Perth: CBD and surrounding suburbs.

      Still have almost a bleedin' year on my iphone 4s. :(

  • you people should have switched the dodgy $49 plan to the $45 Unlimited plan a long time ago
    I got my $45 infinite plan extended for 2 years and 64GB iphone 5 for $11 a month
    So i get 2 years unlimited calling for only $344 over the retail cost of the iphone
    boost/amaysim is $980 for 2 years unlimited and is not worth the extra $636 compared to vodafail
    either way you cut it unless vodafail is totally useless where you use your phone this is the
    best deal in Australia.

    Oh and vodafail is starting to improve and if you have bad reception/net speeds you can get another
    $200-$500 off the bill on a 2 year contract which in effect can potentially mean 2 years FREE unlimited calls

    • +1

      $45 is fine if you want national call only.
      $49 give u international as well.

  • +1

    thanks, I have called a few times to the THREE mobile priority care call centre(in India), also called the Australian upgrade department few times, all told me there is NO migrate of old plan on iPhone5, they keep INSISTING and refused ALL THE WAY!!

    they keep offering me a plan that is what Vodafone online offering(which is shit plans)! I said no thank you & hang up without telling them anymore! (when you tell them you saw it online(forums/ozbargain) people are getting old $49 plan on iPhone 5, they said these people are LYING!!! and they just won't offer you to migrate no matter how hard you tried!! just don't waste your time on them!)

    the third call I got with a lovely lady who offered me with the old $49 plan straight away! I am a happy customer now, at least with what the lady offered.

    thanks OP for letting us all know it is possible to get the old $49 plan(with 1.5GB data/$500 calls)!

    DO NOT GO TO THE NEW PLAN which have less data & more expensive!
    you better off to Virgin Mobile if these people offer you ONLY the new plan!

    • +1

      Thanks! Good to know you finally got a deal!

      Totally with ya, the new plan sucks, don't really understand why they advertise it for …

      • if I were to choose the new Vodafone plans, I rather go to Telstra even it is a little more expensive, I get the highest quality & best reception!

        staying in Vodafone because they can offer good deal, that's it!
        no good deal = leave!

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