I recently booked 3 hotel rooms for 4x nights which cost $2,017 (US$1,369)
Agoda had a 10% Cashrewards promo at the time so I took great care to book through them after activating Cashrewards.
I'm familiar with CR and how it works with over $1,000 in "lifetime rewards" so I made sure I did everything correctly so as not invalidate the cashback. I logged into the CR app and then navigated to Agoda from there. I didn't click away or use another cashback like Honey or Shopback etc. I don't use any ad blocker etc. I paid with credit card, not coupons or vouchers. I made sure to do everything correctly because it was a significant amount.
AFter booking I received the following email saying it had tracked for $196 and would be approved up to 95 days post travel.
I recently returned from my trip and logged into CR to see if it was still pending and see it was declined:
So I contact support and they reply with the following:
Hi Mark,
Thanks for contacting us regarding your declined transaction with Agoda. I hope your day is going well.
I have reviewed your transaction in the store's system and confirmed that cashback has been declined as Cashrewards was not attributed to your purchase. Because of this, we have not received funds from the store to pass on to you.
Below are some of the most common causes of sales not being attributed to Cashrewards.
• Having opened other web pages (including search sites, social media, or other store sites) or web browsers whilst visiting the store;
• Clicking through to another page from a banner or ad on the store's web page whilst shopping;
• AdBlock/Antivirus/cleanup application tasks may remove tracking cookies (which are required to track transactions).
• Use of a coupon code not listed on Cashrewards.
Please accept our apologies for not being able to provide you with better news on this occasion.
Your understanding is appreciated. Have a lovely day ahead.
Member Services Team
I replied saying none of the above apply to me and I abided by all the rules etc so please escalate this case to your supervisor.
I haven't heard back and I'm sure they'll weasel out of it. I just want to rant and warn others about this scam 😠
Edit: I have used the word "scam" to get more attention and so it show up in search engines. I acknowledge it's technically not a scam if there are valid reasons why it was declined however I fail to see why it was rejected if they sent an email saying it was pending and was it just a matter of waiting post travel to receive it.
They always do…