Now that that better deal is expired, is this the next best thing? Or is it too weak even for washing cars and windows?
Ferrex High Pressure Washer 1100W $49.99 @ ALDI

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• Maximum pressure: 1160psi
• Maximum flow rate: 5L/minSeems a bit weak, no?
This is what you buy if you have low water pressure in general.
Its aimed at washing the car so that pressure is fine imo, guess it depends how dirty your car gets.
2k for carewash
Depends why you want it. Most people buy a pressure washer for $200 and never use it, so by buying this one instead (and never using it) you save $150
This is the normal sale price .
Yes. Comes around about this time every year.
I have a much older Aldi version, don't use it much - 3m pressure hose is useless, forever needing to move the unit
Missus' mom has one of these. In a word, hopeless. In two words, (profanity) hopeless.
Saw this in store. Surprised how small & lightweight it is
Don't think this will be powerful enough for most cleaning tasks.The Ryobi might go back on sale in response to this, bunnings usually does something to compete.
FYI the ryobi one is actually quite good for what it's designed to do. Ample pressure for washing the car (and the house). The Aldi one will be fine if you want one for light cleaning (car, house, cat etc.)
Agree - I've used a much older Aldi model and it was fine for the car and washing down the weatherboards. I've never tried it on the cat. It's a bit weak for concrete and decking if they have stuck on grime but I don't think you can ask much more for 50 bucks.
It's perfectly adequate for the cat. Maybe even a small dog.
Am I missing something here? This listing is from 4 weeks ago, surely all product will have been turned over by now.
I’ve seen this still in stock in two aldis. These are probably not worth purchasing
Lots of stock all stores, soon will be selling $39.90
Used one of these today. Havent used many pressure washers, but thought it was a pretty decent little unit for the money.
need 2k w/psi for car