Kelvinator KSE53HRC 3.5Kw Reverse Cycle Air conditioner $499 with coupon ode DEAL1. Strictly limited stock.
The active carbon / electrostatic filters eliminate odours and neutralise harmful gases as well as trapping microscopic allergens, small dust particles, smoke and pet fur
The combination of 7 fan speeds, 3 sleep modes and low noise levels allows you to pick the best air conditioning setting in any circumstance.
Nominal horsepower: 1.5
Capacity cool watts: 3500
Capacity cool Btu/h: 11900
Capacity Heat watts: 3600
Capacity Heat Btu/h: 12300
Mod: Added shipping & location to title
Current rating amps: 10 amps
Kelvinator KSE53HRC 5.3Kw Reverse Cycle Air conditioner $699 using coupon code DEAL2…
Nominal horsepower : 2
Capacity cool watts : 5300
Capacity cool Btu/h : 18100
Capacity Heat watts : 5400
Capacity Heat Btu/h : 18400
Current rating amps : 15 amps
We have limited stock on these two units so jump in quickly.
I wish I'd spotted this deal last year….paid $500 for a used 15A Yum Cha brand from Ebay….it shakes because the fan is unbalanced :(
This appears to be a good deal at face value, however I wasn't able to generate a shipping price for Melbourne, it's saying, "This shipping method is currently unavailable…."
Additionally, it has a new energy star rating of 2 for both heating and cooling. It's therefore most probably not an inverter model, and will cost quite a bit to run in summer. 15A = 3600W x 12 hours a day (11am till 11pm in the peak of summer) x 25c per KWH = $10.80 per day to run.