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[SUBS, XB1, XSX, PC] Xbox Game Pass Additions: Pay Day 3, Gotham Knights, Cocoon + More @ Microsoft


Available Today

Lies of P (Cloud, Console, and PC)

Available on day one with Game Pass: Lies of P is a thrilling soulslike that takes the story of Pinocchio, turns it on its head, and sets it against the darkly elegant backdrop of the Belle Epoque era. You must adapt yourself and your weapons to face untold horrors, untangle the unfathomable secrets of the city’s elites and choose whether to confront predicaments with the truth or weave lies to overcome them on the journey to find yourself.

Coming Soon

Party Animals (Cloud and Console) – September 20

Available on day one with Game Pass: Fight with or against your friends in Party Animals! Choose your character from a diverse cast of adorable animals as you battle it out across multiple game modes to be the last one left standing in the ultimate competitive brawler. Paw up, grab a plunger, and get ready to party like an animal.

Payday 3 (Cloud, PC, and Xbox Series X|S) – September 21

Available on day one with Game Pass: Payday 3 is the explosive sequel to one of the most popular co-op shooters of the past decade. Since its release, Payday-players have been reveling in the thrill of a perfectly planned and executed heist. That’s what makes Payday a high-octane, co-op FPS experience.

Cocoon (Console and PC) – September 29

Available on day one with Game Pass: From Jeppe Carlsen, the lead gameplay designer of Limbo and Inside – Cocoon takes you on an adventure across worlds within worlds. Master world-leaping mechanics to unravel a cosmic mystery.

Gotham Knights (Cloud, PC, and Xbox Series X|S) – October 3

Batman is dead. A new expansive, criminal underworld has swept the streets of Gotham City. It is now up to the Batman Family – Batgirl, Nightwing, Red Hood, and Robin – to protect Gotham, bring hope to its citizens, discipline to its cops, and fear to its criminals.

The Lamplighter’s League (Cloud, PC, and Xbox Series X|S) – October 3

Available on day one with Game Pass: Sneak, steal, and shoot your way through a world of pulp adventure in The Lamplighters League! Globetrot across a variety of exciting locales around the world and outwit your enemies in strategic turn-based combat and, if you play your cards right, you might just save the world.

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Each referrer can invite up to 5 friends to a free trial. Invites reset on January 1 each year.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Lies of P is interesting but I suck and souls games, why are souls games so damn difficult, perfect guard is impossible to time

    • +3

      Try Wo Long or Sekiro, which I think easier than any other souls game.

      • +5

        Sekiro, are you serious? I found Sekiro super difficult, because it's all about parry timings. At least in other Souls games you can cheese it with strength weapons.

        • Agreed, from the discussions Ive seen Sekiro is regarded as the most difficult

      • +2

        I agree both Wo Long and Sekiro are much gentler introductions to a Souls type game, I'd try those before ramping up to the difficulty of Lies of P, and then eventually the Souls games

    • +2

      from the reviews i've watched, seems LoP is souls for newbs, that is, quite easy once the mechanics are figured out.

      • It's definitely easier than something like demon souls 3

      • Steelrising is souls for newbs.

        The issue with this game is that it gives you a bunch of trash enemies at the start that teach you nothing, then almost immediately throws you into a very tough boss fight. Other souls-like's I've played give you a chance to practice on a range of enemies and maybe level up a bit before your first boss.

        I've died maybe 10 times to that boss now. The game does a really bad job of explaining itself through text screens. There is a special meter system and some charged attacks but so far none of those seem useful. It's a classic case of you don't need them for the ads and they aren't useful for the bosses, so what are they for really?

        Anyway, I really like it.

        EDIT: How to beat the first boss: Grind the level until you fill your fable meter. You might need to die a few times to do this, but when you collect your ergo you'll refill your fable meter. When you get to the boss, don't bother trying to block, just dodge. Use your left arm charged attack (you'll need to practice the timing and distance) and your weapon fable attack (you'll only have this once so make it count). I can't believe how easy this was when I actually did it.

    • +2

      also tried and honestly hate the whole concept. You die and then you have to start all over again. Why is there no manual or autosave on easy mode. I would love to play these games, for story and the combat but wasting my time playing the same sh*** over and over again, nope. 1 star on gamepass, lucky i dint have to spend any money.

    • Well being difficult is kinda the point, otherwise you'd have just another a open world action adventure RPG.

      I mostly find blocks and parries to be completely useless in 99% of games but this game seems to really insist you need to learn to do it. It's still probable best to dodge a lot of the time though.

      You have to embrace the fact that you suck. Having said that, the Surge and Steelrising were easier to get into since you had more low level enemies to practice on that actually gave you some challenge and a chance to learn the mechanics. Also you could do some early game grinding to level up your stats so that if you were having trouble with the boss you could still have fun doing other things. This game does not have that at all, at least not on the first level.

      EDIT: Instead of just mowing through the initial trash enemies, use them as a training ground for how to block.

      • The Surge was fine until you got the bullet sponge boss's.

        Anyway, lies of P, I can perfect guard minion's but bosses it doesn't seem to work the same.

        • I hate boss battles in general, they are almost always bullet sponges in every game. For the Surge I just watched a video of somebody else doing it because I really like the rest of the game. They were not too bad once you knew exactly what to do but yeah, those battles did go on for a long time. Steelrising felt a lot better in that department. One you knew what you were doing and were prepared to use up some of your stash of grenades, they were tough but fair and didn't drag on too long.

          Now that I've played P for a couple of hours I've given up on blocking unless I get blindsided. Always dodge. There is nothing to be gained by trying to block unless it's your only option.

          I'm stuck on the second boss. When I played the Surge and Steelrising I didn't mind grinding levels because the story and the world was interesting and there were always new areas of the map to explore and the possibility of finding a cool item. Lies of P has none of this. The maps are small, the trash enemies are boring, there is no story at all (not even environmental), there are no hidden chests or upgrades to find and bosses are tedious. It's like the whole game hangs on the fact that it's a souls-like starring Pinocchio because reasons. It feels more like a really cool demo than a game; almost like it was made by an AI. A souls-like with no soul.

          Well I'm glad I only paid $11 for game pass and didn't actually buy it for PlayStation.

    • I find souls games to be fun because they are hard. The point isn't to run through it like most games. A pro can beat a souls game with very little time. The point is to essentially groundhog day it: Learn how each bad guy moves and where they are. I'm sick of games where you just run and shoot or whatever and not have to learn game mechanics and use all the tools available.

  • +8

    I was hoping Cocoon was based on the movie.

    • Same

    • +4

      Turns out the Lamplighter game is not a Vought Interactive production either 🤣

  • +1

    Party Animals should be out sometime today. :D

  • +3

    Nice to see Party Animals finally getting released, hopefully they can add it to PC soon.

  • Lowkey pretty hyped for Lamplighter's League, definitely going to be overlooked and fly under the radar in this insanely busy release period though.

  • +2

    Any game pass deals?

  • Nice, been looking forward to Lamplighters league, need a good turn based game but seriously terrible time to release a game with BG3 and Starfield still fresh out of the oven.

  • I think there was a leaked document stating that Microsoft is paying through the nose for big titles on the game pass - GTA 5 is $150 mil USD per month

    • +5

      Er no.
      "Estimated the expected cost of putting GTA5 on Game Pass at $12-15 million a month. […] but terms of the deal have not been disclosed".

      • Correct. Even Gotham Knights is likely less than the $30 million that was floated for a deal closer to release, more likely around $10-20 for the whole deal.

        • +1

          I know it's correct, I was just correcting the previous person who stated $150 million per month.

        • Gotham knights is about $50m.

          And other games even more.

      • But it's a 10 year old 360 game…

  • +1

    Xbox need some exclusives.

    • +3


    • +1

      Starfield 🤪

      • -5

        Meh. Something more innovating.

        • I meant it with sarcasm

        • +3

          Yes MS need to innovate like Sony and make Ubisoft open would clones.

      • +2

        As a PS person, I have to say it is quite enjoyable. Playing on PC atm.

    • +1


      gears of war

      • Not console sellers anymore.

        • +2

          Gears was kind of a product of its time but Halo has been driven into the ground by Microsoft , should have been taken off 343 and given to ID Software as soon as they were acquired

          • -1

            @piston3461: Given to ID software? They don't do narrative focused games, wouldn't feel like Halo at all. Maybe Raven Software would be a better choice, they do a good job with Wolfenstein. Once the Activision merger goes through Microsoft will own Raven too.

            • +1

              @Agret: Surely can’t do a worse narrative than what 343 has delivered in their last two games

          • @piston3461: Do ID even make games anymore? Carmack left and does VR or something now. Plus he wasn't a good game designer.

        • +2

          I do agree Xbox exclusives are no match to ps5
          Tlou 1 and specially 2 are some of the best games made, 1 you can now play on PC
          God of war
          All worthy buying ps5 for

          • +3

            @botchie: Totally depends on your gaming habits / preferences. Starfield + Stalker 2 + Cities Skylines 2 will keep me busy for at least a year or two, whereas I wouldn't touch the ones you mentioned.

            • +2

              @a22andrew: have you tried?
              I never used to but once I started with the last of us….its unmissable I feel

              • @botchie: Yep. Tlou felt like a boring drama movie to me (although the actual TV show was fine!). God of war - also not my thing. Bloodbourne - I don't think I tried that one, but I think you'll agree it's not a match based on feedback on the others :) We embrace diversity :) Was a PS Plus member for probably 10 years (I think) and left for xbox because of this alignment with my preferences.

                • +2

                  @a22andrew: Fair enough, I mostly play PC anyway with
                  shooters and eSports titles but sometimes the lazy couch game night is needed and ps5 has better games for that I feel , anything Xbox has I play on PC as it's a better experience

  • +1

    Good way to see if Payday 3 is any good or a cashgrab like 2

    • +16

      I think the point of the game is to grab cash mate.

      • +1

        The comment of the year, Just play FIFA Ultimate team it is 100% not about the gameplay haha

        • +2

          It's not even FIFA anymore
          Save on lisence increase base price
          Nice on ea

        • +2

          The joke is that Payday is a game about literally grabbing cash.

  • +1

    Yes. Lies of Pi is what all the cool kids are playing right now. Nah, only joking. All the kuhl kids are too busy Roblox-ing.

  • +1

    I thought Lamplighter was a game based of the Boyz

  • +1

    Some leaks for upcoming games and consoles from Game Pass Tracker on Twitter/ X

    • +1

      Yeah! A remake/remaster of Oblivion is exciting for me. Somehow that remains my favourite BGS game - even though it's kooky, silly and a bit generic.

      • Shivering Isles and the painted world are amazing.

  • Party party animals

  • +2

    Turkey game pass paying for itself over again for the fifth time

    • exactly. till 2025

  • +1

    lies of p is goated. accessible for those new to soulslikes but still feels very much like an authentic, difficult fromsoft experience. the visuals, atmosphere, and environmental storytelling are top tier. and it actually runs well on pc!

  • Why am I getting screen tearing? Does Gamepass still block freesync? Seriosly????

  • -1

    Lame list, no surprise coming from greedy corrupt monopolistic/anti-competitive/anti-consumer/tax evasion corp

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