NBN and the ISP have been arguing for a couple of years about what the next lot of NBN prices increases will look like. The ACCC was the referee. NBN wants one thing, everyone else another. As time has passed and scheduled increases have begun piling up without agreement, the ISPs have given up and given in.
NBN price changes by Christmas are now all but certain
So what's going to happen is that there'll be a restructure of prices later this year, followed by an indexation increase about 6 months later. The restructure of prices will give NBN what it wants, to push consumers up to higher speeds at higher prices so it gets more revenue. Wholesale pricing will be increased for lower speeds and the prices ISPs made more uncertain so there is a commercial incentive for them to stop offering them, or at least do so at barely lower prices than higher speeds.
NBN Co's commercial model has meant it has just become another Qantas, even before it is sold off. With its monopoly on fixed line telecomms services, it's scary what it's going to be like when it is.
viva la nbn govt nbn rebates.