This was posted 1 year 5 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS5, XSX] Street Fighter 6 $69 (RRP $99) + Delivery ($0 C&C/in-Store) @ JB Hi-Fi


Deal is mostly about the Steelbook edition, but FWIW regular editions are same price (down from RRP $99), which isn't too bad either - lowest price for Aus retail since launch:

Steelbook [OOS]


Amazon: NO YUO!


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JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • +1

    is this a good game ?

    • +6


    • +3

      It is. mortal Kombat 1 gets released
      Tomorrow so that probably explains this price drop

    • +4

      yes until tekken 8 comes out HAHA

    • +10

      There's a few ways to answer this question:

      -Non-fighting gamer looking for a party game to play in the room with friends: YES, fantastic game

      -Non-fighting gamer playing alone online and not really wanting to dedicate time to improving: Probably not

      -Non-fighting gamer looking to learn FGs: Quite good
      ^-I fall into this category, for me personally, it was "ehh kinda okay" for the first 100 hours. After 100 hours, I think this game is BRILLIANT!

      -Existing FGer: You might have an opinion already

      • +1

        This is def the way to break it down. ⬆️

    • i bought a xbox one series s just to play it…no regrets

    • +1


  • Thanks, purchased

  • Very good game.

    Bad in fighting game, don't usually touch this type of games. Bought the game purely for the childhood memory.

    But the modern control made it much easier to enjoy the game

  • +1

    As tempting as it is… I’ll wait for the final SF6 version with all the bells and whistles of the DLC.

    • +8

      Lol you'll be waiting a while think the full roster edition for Street fighter 5 only came out after the announcements of Street fighter 6

      • +6

        Yeah, for me… happy to wait. Just not interested buying this version then having to pay for all the DLC as well. Capcom cash grab.

        • +1

          You have no idea what you're talking about. The game is packed with great content. World tour is a blast, over a hundred hours in & I haven't even gotten to the other modes yet. Capcom have learnt from SFV & done right this time around.

        • +1

          If you only play locally thats fair, but if you want to play online, shortly after release is the best time. Later when the player count drops you probably won't have a great time with matchmaking or finding an opponent in the same region

        • Agreed. Upcoming SF6: Ultimate Edition with all DLC, fighters, venues, costumes, etc*

          *SF6 vanilla disc with codes for all the DLC.

          Capcom loves to milk their franchises. :/

  • +4

    yeah I am happy with playing street fighter 2 turbo

    • +1

      Cries in Street Fighter 2 with Guile’s magic throws

    • yeah i am happy playing Solitaire…waiting for rock bottom before i jump on and start Street Fighter 1

    • +1

      Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo**

    • Is SF2 CE some kind of joke to you?

  • +2

    how is online play? I played sf5 8-9 years ago and there weren't many domestic players which meant I'd often be matched with players overseas (high ping). I really cbf if the player base is still abysmal in AU.

    • +1

      Sydney player here. 5Ghz Wifi to HFC.
      Platinum league. (there are 5 leagues below and 2 leagues above)

      Ranked matchmaking is very fast and always <50ms ping, feels perfect.
      Lobby gaming usually lumps us in with Japan (100-150ms ping) and feels pretty good.
      or with China (300+ ping) which feels rubbish.
      Sometimes it lumps us in with USA (150-200ms ping) and feels quite okay.

      Rollback netcode is pretty dang good
      I'm top 300 in the world at DDR so trust me on this about latency even if the raw numbers look high

      Of course if you are an SF3/4 professional player then maybe trust yourself rather than my words

    • you can play asia with ~120-150 ping and ~2f rollback and it's totally playable at high levels, oceania is very smooth, high playerbase, good game, come play!

      netcode is about 50000000000000000x better than sf5

    • play ranked for a couple hours a couple nights a week since launch…hooked up via PoE… easy to get games and no real lag issues - you can omit the laggiest players from matchmaking (think its on a scale of 1-5)

    • Play often with SEA players with 100ms and 2f delay. Works very well. Plenty of players to play with on Ranked.

      Overall the netcode is actually the best of the series.

    • +2


  • PS5 steelbook just disappeared from JBHIFI online! Pretty frustrating. I saw it was available for delivery. Thanks OP anyway.

    • Bummer. Thanks for letting me know anyway, have updated OP.

  • -3


  • which character is on the cover?

  • I have this on my PS4Pro9.0 and only played for about an hour. Maybe I wasn't excited as when SF5 was released on the OG PS4. I played SF5 for about 3 years..

  • Got into the newer street fighters due to nostalgia and really enjoying the latest few versions including SF6.

    Generally the game develops over time with additional characters/stages/balance updates so it's still a bit early into the game's release as towards the end of the cycles there are usually substantially more elements (potentially DLC) in the game.

    It does take a bit of time, practise and repetition to get good as well though.

    Notably the online and offline community in this region are fantastic if you find the wp or local discord servers, would highly recommend them if your looking to be competitive/improve.

  • Needs the CvS2 announcer and OST DLC

  • SF6 >>> SF5 100%

  • KOF98 or this one?

    • This.

    • +1

      The 90s were truly the golden age of gaming.

  • Great game, but considering the price increase for PS Plus, which you need for a lot of the functionality, it’s not something I’d buy for PlayStation anymore

  • -1

    So how much do you need to pay to unlock <insert character>?

  • $64 at Harvey Norman

  • I would assume PS5 is the way to go for longevity and easier ranked

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