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Cuckoo Rice Cooker 10 Cup IH CRP-CHSS1009F $402.30 + Delivery ($0 to Metro) @ Sello Products via MyDeal

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I think this is the lowest price ever for this model.

There is Silver colour at the same price.

Stack with Cashrewards for $35 cashback, which will bring down the price to

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  • +9

    Damn these must be good

      • +1

        Interesting. Are you willing to elaborate a bit?
        I have a pretty basic rice cooker and the only complaint would be that it isnt the best when cooking 1 cup of rice or less.

        I also use a pressure cooker weekly but it's just a basic one that you use on a gas stove.

        Together they probably cost a little over $100 and I can't think of what would be improved by spending $300 more.

        • +1

          If you want to cook 1 cup of rice I'd recommend getting a 5 cup capacity rice cooker, not a 10 cup like this.

          • @RyanEditor: The one I have is a 5-cup rice cooker.

            It cooks 1 cup okay, just cooks 2-4 cups better.
            I was just pointing out that there is not much to complain about with my $50 rice cooker and wanted to know what spending $350 more would get me.

            • @ellos: Better tasting rice and an appliance that will last longer.

        • The quality of the cooked rice drastically differs. However if you don’t care about a fluffy bowl of perfectly cooked rice as long as it’s cooked, you don’t need this appliance.

          • @Pidapipo: I've seen blind taste tests where people could not tell the difference between a budget rice cooker and a top-of-the-line Zojirushi and no one was able to tell the difference.

            My understanding was that the benefit of a premium rice cooker was more related to the additional features. That said I have not seen a review of this particular make/model.

            • +1

              @ellos: In the first video I saw just now the lady picked her Zojirushi as the best so I guess it depends on who does the tasting.

              We’ve got a cuckoo which is a big step up from the instant pot (as we previously used). It cooks great rice, it’s very convenient to use and easy to clean (especially compared with your anko branded rice cooker). The ‘keep warm’ function works very well.

              • @[Deactivated]: Anko one just goes in the dishwasher, doesn't get much easier.

              • @[Deactivated]: Interesting, I'll check out some more reviews as the one I watched was probably a year or so ago.

                I use mine (I think it's a Breville) quite a lot, probably around 10 cups a week, and it's great. It has a few different settings but I only ever use the rice setting and occasionally the sear for frying garlic/ginger/veggies before throwing the rice in to make pulao.

                There was a little bit of a learning curve to get the best possible rice out of it (soak rice prior to cooking for 20-30mins, use 5% less water than the rice packet suggests, leave for 5mins after cooking is done then fluff and leave on "keep warm") but if I'm in a rush I can still get 2 cups of really good rice in under 15 minutes by skipping these steps.

                I would like to get one of these cuckoos or a Zojirushi down the line, but I'm just not convinced that it's a justifiable expense for me at the moment, especially given the fact that I will often be using my pressure cookers and rice cooker simultaneously, so this would only be replacing a single device.

                • @ellos: Yeah we were gifted it when MIL came to stay with us and wouldn’t have bought it otherwise. I probably still wouldn’t buy it unless we were cooking rice at least every other day.

            • @ellos: We have done numerous blind tests at home for the family and relatives when we first got the rice cooker, and everyone can tell the difference. The rice cooker is THAT GOOD!!!

        • +1

          for one cup of rice I use this.

        • +1

          Pretty subjective - what is worth $300, but I can definitely elaborate. I bought it after meeting my fiancée (who is from Asia). I guess I wanted to impress her by buying a decent quality Asian rice rice cooker and so I spent way too many nights doing research and went down a rabbit hole leading me to a choice between either Zojirushi and Cuckoo, specifically looking for a unit with IH and Pressure. I picked Cuckoo based on voltage and fully expected to be underwhelmed based on the eye watering price, but figured it would be a small price to pay to show my partner I thought about her and also figured it would last us 5-10 years. The thing is, the rice this thing produces is just on another level, at least in my humble opinion. I usually buy quality rice from Asian supermarkets, but even Woolworths brand rice comes out perfect in this cooker. For me, the rice is sweeter, the texture is better, the cooking time is shorter, and I also eat more brown rice on account of how good it tastes from this cooker. Will the differences be worth $300 to you personally, if you are asking the question then I’d hazard a guess the answer is probably a no, but then again, I thought I would feel the same way myself and yet here I am, only you can decide in the end.

  • +5

    I have the CR-0631F and it's amazing. Highly recommend these Korean products

    • +2

      What's the difference between this model that's over $400 and yours that's in the low 100's range?

  • Man… That is a good price!

  • +5

    I'm so tempted to get one, but I can't justify paying that much for a rice cooker. Can it be four times better than my Smart Rice Box that I paid $100 for on a Myer sale?

    • +2

      i used to have Cuckoo rice cooker i will said this they are amazing ….the rice will taste much better as its all carefully programs

      • +5

        Undoubtedly, it's much better, but I still baulk at the price. How much rice you eat will be a big part of the decision-making process.

    • +2

      Yes. Cuckoo, zojirushi and tiger rice cookers are a justifiable 30 year investment.

    • +1

      Definitely not 4x better. I find that a pressure rice cooker is a small leap from a normal one, gives you the flexibility of cooking rice faster (especially multigrain). From a pressure rice cooker to an IH pressure rice cooker, honestly I couldn't tell the difference, it may be a few minutes faster but that's it.

    • +1

      I can say it is worth. So Yes

  • +4

    Buy now, any possible regrets come later.

  • +2

    I bought a lower end model of cuckoo rice cookers and they are awesome products. These pressure cookers can do a batch of rice in about 16min!

    • +1

      16 minutes. Impressive, how long to do the stove top method?

    • How many cups of rice? my pretty basic non-pressure rice cooker will do 2 cups in under 15mins

  • +2

    Is the interior of the pot stainless steel? Or coated?

    • +2

      Stainless steel with a proprietary non stick coating

    • I thought it was gold plated for the price….

  • +1

    Excellent price

  • I cannot work out if these have stainless steel 'drums' instead of teflon coated.

    • +3

      CO-FRIENDLY INNER POT : Featuring an eco-friendly stainless steel inner pot with X-Wall nonstick coating


      • +1

        The composition of X(formerly known as Twitter)-Wall isn't listed anywhere so it's probably some juicy teflon relative.

        Anyone know if you can get all stainless pots for these things? I'd rather the extra cleaning over the peeling PhD in chemical engineering stuff.

        • +4

          Stainless means you can also take your pic of Nickel and or Chromium leaching too, so we’re all stuffed one way or another.

          Advice on here in another rice cooker post was to make sure you do NOT wash the rice in the cooking bowl, as the hard raw rice will cause scratches to the bowl over the long term.
          Get yourself a specific rice washing bowl with strainer such as this - https://www.amazon.com.au/gp/product/B004K6SAOS? And the bowl will remain near new for years.

          • @snuke: If you are worried about nickel and chromium leeching, you best starve yourself to death. Vegetables have far more of both in them, especially legumes.
            That is unless, for some reason, you're beating the crap out of the steel and allowing it to rust prior to use… but then you have your own issues far further up the list.
            Teflon in normal usage of a non-stick can chip and be ingested, but your body won't absorb it. The issue with Teflon coatings was that chemicals used in its manufacture were sometimes left behind - those were toxic, but AFAIK nobody actually was poisoned by using the cookware, cases of poisoning were from environmental exposure (people living nearby factories etc). Usage of some of the more dangerous chemicals have stopped, so you should be fine with newer non-sticks.

            • @smalltime0: My entire point was that there's no need to worry about all of it really unless you want to micro manage every aspect of your life.
              As you say, there's far more things that maybe consumed with a greater issue.

              • @snuke: "Stainless means you can also take your pic of Nickel and or Chromium leaching too, so we’re all stuffed one way or another."no reason not to think otherwise.
                "Advice on here in another rice cooker post was to make sure you do NOT wash the rice in the cooking bowl, as the hard raw rice will cause scratches to the bowl over the long term. "basically what i said

    • Yeah theres a ninstick coating. Not teflon, but eventually does come off - just from googling, not experience.

      • Mine looks like new after ten years but I never wash the rice inside the bowl.

  • +3

    What is good about this rice cooker compared to the regular $20-$50 rice cookers? The only rice I cook is brown rice with quinoa (cook it very often) and the regular rice cooker works fine.

    • For brown rice I would say speed and probably a nicer texture. Although you could get this with a much cheaper pressure rice cooker

      • +3

        Watched a video on it since i commented. The dude pretty much said there is a slight difference… A slight difference for 4x the price doesn't seem worth it.

        • Significantly better texture, you don't need to be nearly as exact with water ratio, as the machine can adjust for that. It can cook other types of rice better, from short and long to glutinous using specialised settings. You can also do multi ingredient rice dishes like Mexican rice or chicken rice nicely.

          If you're mainly eating brown rice though, I'm guessing taste is low down on the list of priorities for you, so it's probably not worth it.

  • +8

    Godly rice cooker.

    Note that it sucks for cooking dryer grains if you want to make fried rice, tomato rice, etc. in a Wok after.

    The rice comes out way too fluffy and soft for that. Perfect for glistening, high-quality korean style rice that melts in your mouth and makes your balls tingle.

    • +16

      In my experience, all cooked rice needs a day in the fridge to reach the optimum hydration level to make top-notch fried rice.

      • +5

        This, fried rice needs to be dried out in the fridge overnight at least.

      • +6

        Thats what the recipes call for every time.
        Who the hell is making fried rice with fresh cooked?

      • You can actually use the rice cooker, use a bit less water than you normally would, and add a dash of avocado oil. Proceed to cook normally with the machine. When it finishes cooking, open the lid immediately and stir, leaving the lid open to prevent further softening of the rice. (With this method it is best to use a long grain rice)

        I found that this is a good balance of stickiness and softness, not 100% cooked, and just right for fried rice (as it would cook a bit more once you have it in the wok)

        Disclaimer: I do somewhat see myself as a fried rice expert, have tossed over 1000+ woks of fried rice ;D

    • To be fair, Koreans don't make fried rice in a rice cooker… and don't know about 'tomato rice' or wok - those are Sino / Chinese cuisine.

  • +1

    good lord that's one of the priced rice cookers of all time

  • +3

    Does it sound "Cuckoo" when the rice is cooked fully?

  • Does this take a long time to cook rice? The Tefal that I bought last year took more than 1 hour to cook white rice and about 1.5 hours to cook brown rice. Ridiculously slow!

    • We use the 44 minute glutinous rice setting. There is a 21 minute setting too but we didn't like the rice as much.

    • Brown rice is best done on the 3 hour setting, yes 3hrs. There is a setting to get it done in 46 mins I think.

  • +8

    Bought this model 4 years ago for $574. Best kitchen investment for a household that cooks rice almost everyday. We were Tiger fans before but the rice that comes out of this (jasmine, sushi, brown, mixed grain) is fantastic.

    The bowl insert is great. Rice never sticks to the bowl, tastes great the day after on the keep warm setting. Reheating cold rice is pretty quick, add refrigerated cold rice, a little water and ten minutes later it's pretty fluffy.

    I have done congee which was pretty good but I find it easier on the stove.

    • Reheating cold rice is pretty quick, add refrigerated cold rice, a little water and ten minutes later it's pretty fluffy.

      Is there a standard re-heart setting to do this?

      • Yes there's a reheat button.

        • Reheating cold rice is pretty quick, add refrigerated cold rice, a little water and ten minutes later it's pretty fluffy.

          Mine got delivered the other day, did my first cook of 2.5 cups of Jasmine on Glutinous setting, came out great.
          Looking at the Reheat instructions and it says 3hrs…

          "It takes three hours before it's fully warmed up: Please use the function at least three hours before you enjoy your meal."

  • So this is induction and pressure and 10 cup. Been looking at replacing our Panasonic that the bowl is starting to peel.

    For this 10 cup, what is the minimum amount of rice that it will still cook well? Find my current one goes ok at 2 but still not amazing.

    So induction sounds like a worthwhile upgrade for the surrounding heat etc, but the pressure is a bit of a weird one. Normally pressure cooking would decrease cooking time but none of the reviews seem to use this as the selling point.

    Should I really be looking for an induction but not pressure to save a bit of money?

    • +1

      Nutritious mode finishes in about 10-15 depending on the amount.
      This can keep warm very well, the rice tastes good after a few days. You can cook 3 cups to be used the next day

    • Normally pressure cooking would decrease cooking time but none of the reviews seem to use this as the selling point.

      You need to allow time for pressure to build though, this model has an atm rating of 2.0, I believe most other pressure cookers are 1.2-1.8.

    • +1

      Minimum amount is 2 cups.
      It does decreases cook time if you use the turbo mode (15min) but if you have time I find the longer setting gives a better texture.
      If you want to save look for pressure without induction. I didn't find much difference coming from a cuckoo pressure rice cooker.

      • Ahh thanks. You feel the pressure is a bigger upgrade than the induction?

        • +1

          Yes, especially if you cook brown rice or add other grains.
          It also gives you the option of faster rice when you forgot about it, usually within 25mins or less on turbo, but if you have the time choose the longer setting.

  • I am using one, Not sure what model, but this is good quality. As good as our commercial rice cooker at the restaurant
    Very fast, taste very good, and heat seems to be equal. There is no sign of unevenly cooked rice.

    The UI says 33 mins, but it's usually done in 10-15.
    Ratio is 1 water 1 rice and adjust from there.

  • Tempted but 2 cup minimum is a lot of rice

    • Is that 2 cups in (dry rice) or 2 cups out (cooked rice)?

      • 2 cups dry

        • Wow that’s a lot of rice. I use less than 1.5 cups dry for 4 people.

          • +4

            @boffman: make Egg Fried Rice on the 2nd Day Haiiyaa!!
            Dont use chilli jam
            Add extra MSG for flavour Foiyooo

          • +11

            @boffman: When it says "2 cups", it means 2 rice measuring cups, not metric cups. The measuring cup is 180mL, so two of those equate to 1.4 metric cups. That doesn't seem like a huge amount of rice to me.

    • +1

      I've cooked 1 cup of rice in it many times.. But the markings for the water level start at 2 cups, so you need to guess the water level when cooking 1 cup, that's the only problem.

      I've never cooked 10 cups of rice in it but have used it as a pressure cooker for some stew/casserole type things using the 'chicken soup' setting on the machine. The 10 cup size is useful for that.

      • Does cooking 1 cup of rice come out good and fluffy as well?

        • +1

          I honestly can't tell any difference in quality between cooking 1 cup and cooking 2+ cups. So I would say yes.

  • +2

    As a asian that eating rice for years
    I can tell IH rice cooker does make a difference
    since heat is equally distributed it cook faster
    and it wont have the "dryness" or overcooked rice at the bottom of the pot

    However, I still feel pressure cooking is more of a gimmick
    didnt really feel too much difference of the rice being pressure cooked or not

    Given said that, Cuckoo Rice Cooker is a good brand, even their non-IH and non-pressure model cooks rice pretty well

  • +2

    Just a warning to others, I bought one of these and ended up selling it 2 weeks later. It was heavy and cumbersome to move around, we couldn't get the correct rice cooking setting for jasmine rice (it always came out very mushy), and it took 40 minutes to cook 2 cups. For all the praise these IH units get on OzB, I think it's reserved for only the top rice connoisseurs.

    We got the Panasonic CN188 instead and have been very happy with it.

    • +2

      Agreed it would be annoying to move back and forth. Ours stays out on the counter so if you don't eat rice often then I wouldn't recommend it.

      For Jasmine and sushi rice, we use the mixed grain markings inside the pot and the glutinous rice setting to cook with 45 minutes. For brown rice, the GABA setting (soaks and cooks) is great.

      It really is a set and forget kinda cooker. I can put on a pot of rice in the morning and have it for lunch or dinner.

      But again if you don't eat rice often then it's not really worth it. Just nail down the stove method…

    • +1

      If it is mushy then there was too much water. These ones I have found do not need that much water.

  • +1


  • +1

    Here's the User Manual as a PDF download - https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0747/1294/0835/files/CRP-C…

  • +3

    Hmmm, surely it is better than my $14 kmart cooker, surely…

    • +2

      Would be night and day with that style. That said, there's only an incremental improvement over the $100 rice box variants.

  • -2

    $400, does it give blowies or have gold plating??

  • Do you think this will not be under electronics on mydeal so only get 4% cashback?

    Edit: ahh ok, i see they actually have an electronics category and this comes under Appliances/Kitchen Appliances

  • -4

    I literally cook jasmine rice on the stove perfectly in under 15 minutes and it comes out perfect every time. What is the benefit of this?

    • +3

      It will let you experience a new definition of Perfect. And you wont go back to using the stove.

  • $23 Delivery to Perth Metro kills the deal for me.

  • Can an experienced owner explain what "auto-clean to effortlessly deep clean your cooker." Means?

  • I have an Aldi one which has been very good, even for Sushi rice, been tempted to get one of the higher end models however the Aldi one has held me back.

  • +1

    As one who used several rice cooker from Japan, Korea and China ranging from $50 to $1300 in my life, I'd rate Japanese > Chinese > Korean

    I have bought this model from Costco when it's on sale last time, very upset on the quality of cooked rice, feel like overcooked most of the time (normally go with 3-4 cups of rice) and the rice is just very average, a branded Chinese one for less than $100 can deliver the same if not much better. Imo.

    • +1

      There are several factors involved in cooking good rice, including the quality of the rice itself, the proper ratio of rice to water, and the cooking method employed. I believe that using a Cuckoo pressure cooker enhances the stickiness of a certain type of rice, resulting in a desirable texture. However, it's important to note that the choice of cooking style ultimately depends on individual preferences for rice texture and consistency.

      If you desire to enhance the taste of your rice, it may be more effective to consider changing the type or quality of rice rather than focusing solely on the cooker. IMO.

      • quality of the rice itself


  • Fuiyoh

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