• expired

Temu: 30% Cashback New / 15% Existing Customers (10am-8pm) + [Westpac] 15% Bonus Cashback ($20 Cap) @ ShopBack


Shopback Standard Cashback (Valid for Orders Placed Between 10am and 8pm AEST) is 20.00%
Also Westpac Card holders 15% bonus (Capped at $20)

Referral Links

Referral: random (3585)

$30 for referrer, $5 for referee after referee qualifies.

Qualifying requirements for referee: 1. Made a minimum $20 online purchase (below exclusions apply), 2. Received a minimum $10 confirmed cashback online, 3. Added banking details to account.

Users will need to fulfil the referral criteria within 180 days from referee's sign-up date to unlock cashback. See all terms

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closed Comments

  • +1

    I wonder if there will be a currency conversion fee?

    Westpac is known to charge a fee (3%) for overseas transactions even if it's in AUD.

    • +1

      There is overseas transaction with them.

      • Got it, thanks for the confirmation.

  • +7

    Nice. Think I'll create a new temu account for errr, my brother.

    • Is that $20 maximum the entire discount or only apply to that westpac extra 15% off?

      • Think it’s just for the westpac extra. But I’m not totally sure.

  • +2

    Temu's delivery is exceptional good, well if not because Australia local delivery need 3 days, almost half of the total delivery time, from Sydney airport deliver to nearby Sydney metro area, it will be insane fast. I wish Temu can sell more bigger brand products, which are more prefered.

    • Yes, and if they are late in delivery, outside the window they stated, there’s a $5 bonus

      • +3

        There's also the bonus bogus charges on your bank account to look forward to.

  • +6

    I got a few things in a previous promo, delivery was super fast. Overall happy with what I got for the price except one item shoved carelessly in the bag and damaged.
    One thing I didn't like is you can't leave reviews on returned products, meaning if absolute junk arrives which is unusable, you cant leave an honest review of poor quality, they simply remove it from your list. The choice of a refund vs warning others is a bit dodgy…

  • +12

    Almost bought from this site a few days ago but bailed. If you go through the reviews they are clearly all generated and fake. Plus the pop ups and app install requests make the site almost unusable.

    • +1

      "clearly all generated and fake"? well, based on your second part of comment, clearly your review is meanless and fake

      • Mark yourself associated bro

  • +13

    Temu is linked to slave labor

    "Temu does not have any system to ensure compliance with the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA). This all but guarantees that shipments from Temu containing products made with forced labor"

      • +6

        Idk man, I feel like suicide nets being installed at a lot of Chinese factories/production buildings is pretty telling

      • +4

        as with most mainstream media from the west.

        Thank you eastern comrade.

      • +1

        When people started opening their eyes and realising that you shouldn't automatically believe everything you're told without evidence I had a slight hope for humanity.



    • -1

      Temu is linked to slave labor

      So is cocoa farming. Specifically child labour, but hey we all cherry pick these kind of things don't we?

      • -1

        I'm sure the children are grateful when people in the first world "take a stand on their behalf" like this. They lose their jobs, no longer get to eat, so they either resort to prostituting themselves for pennies and get riddled with STDs or starve. What a great solution. We get more expensive chocolate, the middle to upper class do-gooders get to pat themselves on the back before moving onto the next complain… I mean campaign… and the children either lose all the excess weight or get to… "meet" lots of "new friends."

        • +2

          Or, you know, pay their parents adequately so the children can afford to go to school…

          If you're going to take a noble stand against one form of abuse, it does somewhat damage your credibility if you continue indirectly supporting other forms of abuse. Or in your bizarre case, make a passionate defence of the child slavery industry.

          • @callum9999: Nope, you didn't read what I said. But the narrow-minded people responsible for creating even more misery for people they claim to "care" so much about, usually don't.

            Do you really think child slaves are thankful when their jobs are deleted removing the food from their mouths?

            I'm not defending it in the slightest. I'm saying middle to upper class whiny brats stamp their feet like spoiled toddlers over "causes", demand a boycott, while providing ZERO real solution. As long as they get to eat their Mars Bar f@#^# those children - who will now either be dragged into the forest and chopped into fertilser now they are useless - or, they will be dumped, wander into the nearest town, turn to prostitution, get some serious STD that rots their body parts off, and eventually die.

            But as long as there's a "responsible" sticker on that Mars Bar, everything else was magically fixed by their boycott so they can feel good about themselves. Onto the next social justice wOrrier cause (group of people to destroy).

            i.e. All such people actually do is make things more expensive and make those peoples' lives ten times worse. (If they get to continue living at all.)

            • @[Deactivated]: I did read what you said - it's stupid.

              If you pay the parent adequately so the child can go to school instead (not some kind of unrealistic radical proposal - it's being done already in various schemes) then yes, they'll be happy.

              Did you seriously just throw a tantrum about people not providing solutions, when I did exactly that but you refuse to allow it to be discussed - instead insisting that the ONLY option is to rescue the children then dump them in the trash to starve to death or become prostitutes? It's not like my solution was some kind of unrealistic fantasy - it's already being done… Often by the schemes represented with those responsible stickers you are whining about.

              I would LOVE to see the evidence you have for the various Fairtrade schemes making people's lives ten times worse.

              • @callum9999: Whine and stamp your feet like an ill-mannered toddler all you like, but the fact remains (if your whining actually worked) the IMMEDIATE RESULT would be you're REMOVING FOOD FROM THE CHILD'S MOUTH. And no food = starvation, or prostitution. I'm sure those parents will gladly send their child to school instead of… uhm… STILL sending them to work because now they get more money and can buy an iphone. So… What improved exactly!?

                Your liberal/leftist fantasy land where people in the first world moan and growers in the third world jump to attention in shock, and go, "Oh, gee… I didn't realise what I was doing hwurt your pwoor widdle fweelings. Sure, I'd love to pay 4x times more for the same work, production, and income. Where do I sign!" The middle to upper class liberal utopia where unicorns prance across the sky farting Smarties into peoples' mouths is just not going to happen.

                i.e. If you were even mildly informed, you'd know they find a way around it, so now companies can't prove whether growers are, or are not, complying. So the whole whine-fest was POINTLESS. All the same things continue, but the companies have to put all these "monitoring practices" into place - even though they have no hope of finding wrongdoing now it's hidden. But we do have one result - we now pay more. Growers just shrug, say, "Weak-minded western dogs!" and make it APPEAR to be complying so the screeching howler monkey do-gooders move onto the next "cause" (like blocking roads, pouring milk on the ground in supermarkets, abusing people for eating meat in restaurants, etc).

                As for evidence of Freetrade agreements making things worse… lol. How determined to start an argument must you be to ignore your own eyes. Or do you just not engage with the outside world, still live with mummy and daddy in your 30s, who cook your meals and wash your clothes, etc? Look no further than what you must consider the ill-informed hack of a show, 60 Minutes…

                After this FTA nonsense had been in for a time, they had an entire segment on farmers, but particularly orange orchards showing: a) They couldn't find a buyer for their oranges now because Howard's FTAs meant it was cheaper to ship Californian oranges around the planet, refrigerated, for months in a ship… than to drive fresh ones a few hundred km the same day. b) Howard, at the same time provided TEMPORARY financial assistance via Centrelink to farmers who would immediately suffer (thus proving he KNEW the entire thing was a foolish idea), presumably until they found some other way to produce income.

                But when the farmers applied they didn't even qualify for assistance because Centrelink counted their orchard as a "potential income producing asset" - thus the only way they could qualify was to "get rid of" the "asset" by bulldozing their trees. But it doesn't end there because fruit trees don't grow in 3 months like lettuce does. They take YEARS to fruit. So by destroying their orchard they also destroyed (or at least limited) Australia's ability to FEED ITSELF.

                Because: a) Who's going to plant those fruit trees again with government ready to do something dumb that actively destroys your livelihood, and b) What happens when say, fires tear through Californian orchards. Maybe we can just cross-breed a flying unicorn that vomits oranges?

                I've seen other documentaries where the same thing happens in other countries too. So now every country is not just "sharing" - they're actually become DEPENDENT on each other. Because in one country not enough of ABC gets made, so they have to import it. And in another country not enough (or none of) XYZ is made, so they have to import too. But it doesn't stop there. The ones providing are happy at first, until they get dictated to, told they will get dumped, if they try to increase their price when THEIR costs increase. So not only does it wipe out someone over here, THEY get poorer over there over time too. And each country now NEEDS other countries because they can't produce enough of their own blah anymore. So a natural disaster comes along, and broccoli hits $15/kg AS WE'VE RECENTLY SEEN.

                Oh and when farmers ARE forced to increase their price due to higher fuel, fertilzer, water allocation, etc prices… We can't go back to our farmers now their product is cheaper - they've GONE. So prices go up, and up at an accelerated rate.

                If that's not enough facts and commonsense for you, I don't maintain the 60 Minutes archive… Go find whatever will satisfy you instead of just being the first knee-jerk reaction which solves nothing and only causes different but even worse problems.

                • @[Deactivated]: I just wanted to let you know that the first line (and a couple of equally stupid claims that jumped out while scrolling to the end) proves you're not learning from your stupidity, so you've completely wasted your time and I haven't read the rest. Bye!

                  • @callum9999: Yep, it's good alright. Good riddance!

      • -1

        The neg votes have proven we cherry pick when slavery is ok and not ok. Evidently the neggers believe child slavery for chocolate production is ok. But slavery for an online e-commerce store? Not ok.

    • However, the director revealed that the word "parasite" has a double meaning. Aside from describing the poor leeching money off the rich, the Park family is also a parasite. Without the ability to wash dishes or tidy their house, they use their money to exploit poor families with their cheap labour.



    • you can believe what you were told, but I belive my working brain and my eyes.Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, haha, is that a joke?

    • Nike, Adidas and Shein are also being investigated.

  • +24

    I would advise against installing the temu app.


    • +1

      Glad someone posted it.

      Their sister company, Pinduoduo, was banned from google play for malware.

      If something is free, or super cheap, then you are the product.

    • -2

      what a joke, app store and play store both aprove it before, now and near furture. yes it did has some bad code and forced redo it. comparing with apple and google's approval, your link just a trash, typical political trash.

  • +6

    Two shady companies in one deal… this is a bargain! /s

  • +1

    Great, I can get that 15% cash back on my $0.23 purchase!

  • Not a reflection on OP but considering the slave labour connections this has to get a neg

    • Nike, Adidas and Shein are also being investigated. Do you neg all deals from them too?

  • +2

    PSA if you get items that are not great (or tell them you did) you can request a refund and they will automatically approve a return without having to post the items back. Refunded about $30 of $100 worth of orders as I wasn't sold on the quality. Use wisely.

    • Do they refund in credits or back to the original payment method?

      • Either - I did back to payment method.

    • They did this for one order. On another order they've generated an Auspost label for return.

      • YMMV. Already did it on two orders, might depend on the frequency/timing.

  • +4

    How have the mods not banned Temu yet. Extraordinarily scammy store. Zero after purchase support. Numerous reports of slave labour. I won't be purchasing from this store and I implore my fellow ozbargainers to follow suit

    • +1

      I have had really great after purchase support, similar to another member above.

      Some phone cases i purchase does not fit, the complain function was pretty seemless and handy, refund takes place really quickly too

  • +9

    Those commenting on slave labour what device are you typing on? Because man do I have some news for you.

    • -3

      Who is to say they didn't buy a second-hand (or even third-hand) phone?

  • Temu, is that an online store with 3rd party seller, based in China like Alibaba?
    Or is Temu the major seller like Amazon?

  • +2

    "I like it, yep, it's mine
    The prices blow my mind
    I feel so rich
    I feel like a billionaire"

    Annoying, every single time

    • I seriously can't believe that ad has been watched 800 million times.

  • Is there a minimum spend for free delivery?

    • Min spend $20 to complete an order. All orders come with free delivery, for now anyways

      • Thanks

  • +2

    What kind of stuff are people ordering from temu that has been half decent?

    • -4

      if your lucky you'll find a note from a slave asking for your help to free them.

    • +1

      Crappy bouncy balls for kids, party bag fillers …
      Micro fibre clothes were okay, non stick scourer was awful.
      Basketball net was good
      Basically all landfill sadly

    • It's all the same stuff as Aliexpress/Alibaba. And I mean literally. They just clean up the titles and descriptions a little to make them more clear. As I said in the other recent Temu thread, I go to the Temu site and cut & paste their titles over into Aliexpress to find the same product - usually cheaper. (Then find a seller with a high number of sales of that item.) There's so many reasons to avoid this company. Many are mentioned in this thread.

    • Shaving accessories, card games, kitchen tools, car accessories, garden miscellaneous

  • +2

    Just a warning for anyone concerned about their personal details being sold. I ordered a jacket for $5 using their promo I got from their Facebook advert. While the order was delivered so fast and the jacket's definitely of decent quality (definitely not worth their rrp) I noticed that I started getting scam Australia post tracking texts from the day my order was shipped. It's too hard to believe that was just a coincidence as the texts started and stopped within that few days period.

    I know we signup for a lot of free stuff and don't care about our personal info being sold but Temu has a lot more details about you once you place your order than just email and phone number you use for those promotions.

    • -1

      yeah right, this kind of scammer use random number, don't need to pay for your info. you think they pay for your info and just send some obviously scam txt to you? that only exit in your mind. beside, when you placed order with mobile number, couple relative parties eg courier, all got your number, how do you know it must be Temu?

  • +3

    Compared to Aliexpress expecially 3 items at $3.14 each delivered seems expensive ie same $3.14 torches at $8-$9 on Temu. Also check link in comments regarding data sent out and scam emails after signing up. Just told a buddy at an over 50ies complex he said many people complain about Temu. Like my Ozbargains but not really bargains here

  • +1

    i find that their prices are much higher than identical items on aliexpress/ebay unless it happens to be included in some special promotion event? Or the targeted customer retention e-mail with very limited selection of items?

  • Just received my first Temu order. Only a small one, but very fast delivery and the quality is as to be expected, ok for the price.

  • +1

    Don't encourage this shady site… it's like if you bought Wish off Wish, but even worse.

  • Last time I checked Temu, it had similar stuff to Aliexpress, but just less of it and less variety.
    Prices seemed more or less the same, give or take.

    The app and website were absolute crap.
    There was heaps of anecdotal evidence of them on-selling your info.

    I don't get it… what is the allure to Temu over Aliexpress?
    Apart from the fact they must be spending millions on marketing campaigns.

    I heard they ship fairly quick, but you can regularly get Ali stuff fast as well if you cherry pick the seller (seeing as each thing is sold by dozens of sellers).

    • The only reason is prolific advertising. I had to do a high-pressure sales course years ago and I thought it was a load of rot, that people were smarter than this, but apparently not.

  • +3

    Shopback should be ashamed of themselves promoting this awful business.

  • I bought a plastic water bottle from temu, placed it on my white table and it ended up leaving a large blue, very difficult to remove, mark for some reason lol (it wasnt a warm day either). Ended up throwing it away and uninstalling the app.

  • I just placed an order through shopback. Not for temu another store that's also upsized. It was 30% upsized and cap was $35. My order was $123 (free shipping) but the cashback tracking came back as $29…shouldn't it be more than that?

    • +1

      Could it be ex GST?

      • I was thinking that but the cashback is what I would get for less than $100, it doesn't make sense even if it was less GST since the price I paid with GST is 123$

  • Is this $20 cap per transaction?

  • +1

    Quite a few sock puppets and shills in the comments here, old accounts too.
    Australian English just not quite right, a little bit too defensive, punctuation inconsistent, similar vibe to the hundreds of reviews on various items on the site.

  • Has anyone's cashback tracked yet?

    • Not tracked.

    • +1

      Temu tracked but westpac not tracked

      • Same here. Temu tracked pretty quickly, but it's been a week now, still no Bonus Westpac tracked.

  • Have had both the Shopback and Westpac bonus rejected. Used the same clean browser with no ad-blocking etc that I always use. Seems SB are back to their old tricks again. Any chance you can look into this @gotyourback ?

    • Hi Mate,

      Sure thing. Please send me a DM.


      SB Team.

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