This was posted 1 year 6 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Fresh Whole Australian Barramundi $15/kg (Was $22/kg) @ Woolworths

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Fresh whole Aussie barramundi for $15/kg (Was $22/kg) at Woolworths…

Discounted price available for this whole week.
$7 off is around 32% discount

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Do the staff descale and fillet it on purchase?

    • +1

      I doubt it. It doesn't really make sense to have someone trained to do it. Would need to pay them more, have the relevant insurance etc. How often would they need to descale and fillet a fish.

    • +1

      It is already descaled, at least in my shop. They have not done filleting in years.

    • +2

      No clean/ descale or fillet done in store.Woolworths and Coles have a Knife safety policy. This is why you never see Ham off cut "off the Bone"
      You have to go to real fish mongers for that.

      • +7

        My fishmonger doesn't sell ham.

      • You make a good point. I remember when I used to buy 'Ham off the bone' at coles and it WAS off the bone, but now, it isn't… yet its still called 'off the bone'

        • +2

          My local IGA still does this.

    • +3

      I've always seen Barra cleaned up (descaled and gutted) in the Woolies nearest to me.

  • Slightly off-topic but I saw Woolworths Fresh Cooked Crystal Bay Banana Prawns Medium, 50% off ($16/kg) at Garden City Woolies (QLD) yesterday and saw them 50% off in Springwood today. They aren't marked as such online but had a small sign above the price tag in-store. Didn't really want to do a regular post as I wasn't sure if it was at more stores.

  • +1

    Offering a 32% discount. Something smells fishy.

    • +1

      Better than 25% off

      Worse than ½ price

  • How long between being caught and being ready to eat?

    • +2

      4 years in the chest freezer, as fresh as it can get!

    • They are farmed, and fresh. Imported ones are thawed.

  • +2

    These are farmed Barramundi (aquaculture).

  • Is barramundi a sort of cheap salmon? How does it compare with trout

    • i like the taste and texture or barramundi

      some people really dont like the taste of salmon and its close cousin, the trout

      i'm probably of that ilk

      salmon has a much more subtle taste and its generally cooked different to barramundi

      its almost like comparing an apple to a pear

      • Thanks for that thorough feedback. Will give it a try as I like fresh water fishes

        • Barramundi is salt water, and much more "fishy" than freshwater fish (typically trout). Freshwater is typically a softer flesh and very mildly flavoured.

          • @incipient: Barramundi are both fresh and sea water fish. Most aquaculture for them in Australia is in fresh water ponds.

      • +1

        Barramundi is great when its steamed. Its flavour profile is very light. Just add a little salt, extra virgin olive oil, and a squeeze of lemon. Or a little soy/fish sauce and ginger if you prefer asain style.

        Bonus is that its super low calorie. Its less an a calorie per gram.

    • try chucking it on bbq whole. preferably on charcoal, but gas will do as well.
      just a little bit of oil and some salt and cracked pepper on both sides before putting it on the grill does the trick

      damn it! I want some bbq'ed barra now.

      • I've started avoiding salmon, it's farmed

  • By the time these are filleted, you’ll be lucky to get 350 grams from each 1kg whole fish, so really you are paying around $40/kg, unless you want to eat the head, bones and fins.

    • +2

      Barramundi fillet yield is 45-50% (original whole fish to fillets). Since these are gutted/scaled, yield will be higher (at a guess 55-60%). Additionally, you can cook the fish whole, in which case even less goes to waste.

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